Lost season ticket card - help (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Has anyone lost their season ticket card and had to get a replacement? If so was it easy to get sorted?

No idea where I've put my card, tried the ticket line but its closed (despite website saying its open until 8pm).


Well-Known Member
As I understand it it you go to the ticket office/cabin by entrance 6 tell them what’s happened. You will have to pay for your ticket tomorrow then claim the money back off them. They will order you another card which the charge £10 for. It will help you if you can take an email or something proving you had bought the season ticket or if you registered on the club website which will prove who you are and what your seat is. Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
Packed away with the Christmas decorations?
If you can't find it then it probably isn't in plain sight


Well-Known Member
There’s a strange little white portable office there - the staff are in my experience very helpful and will sort you out


Well-Known Member
My favourite is frantically running around the house blaming everyone for losing my car keys before I find them in my pocket. My wife likes that one too. ;)

Get a Tile.

I swear I used to spend a good ten minutes a day looking for my keys, now I just ask google and follow the beep. Brilliant.


Well-Known Member
Lost my wallet last season with my ST in it went to the ticket office for a replacement to be told you dont have a season ticket!
I had used it all season only 3 games to go police phoned me the next day it had been found used it for the rest of the season.
Still not sure if I had paid for it or not!
NOPM Season Ticket Holder. :)

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