Mason Greenwood (7 Viewers)


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Greenwood to leave Man Utd after abuse allegations

Obviously, nobody condones his behaviour, but - given criminal charges were dropped etc - surely a short-term deal for Greenwood would be worth considering for any team at our level?

Would you relinquish the moral high ground to get him in? Or do we think it would undermine the team spirit and moral standards of the club?


Well-Known Member
No thanks.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely not. He will he be playing his football well away from here. Don’t think anyone in Europe will take him.


Well-Known Member
No matter how good he is at football he is not the sort of character that Robins would want in the squad. He’s a scumbag basically


Facebook User
If you've seen the videos and heard the recordings there is no way you'd have him at your club. He's obviously just paid the girl off, and he's never shown any remorse to his actions. I bet he feels annoyed she made a "big deal" out of it. The guys a proper scum bag.


Well-Known Member
If you've seen the videos and heard the is no way you'd have him at your club. He's obviously just paid the girl off, and he's never shown any remorse to his actions. I bet he feels annoyed she made a "big deal" out of it. The guys a proper scum bag.
Its not even that he's paid her off, she's a victim of domestic abuse. The duality and complexity of those feelings and emotions can't be understated, she wasn't/isn't ready to break free of that relationship.

Whether that's because of her family, because of her feelings, money etc etc - we won't know.

What we can do though, as a society, is say she might not be ready to press charges - but we have seen enough evidence to know that what he did is morally wrong, and for that their are repercussions.

I've just read the United statement and it's appalling - he is still maintaining that he is innocent. United in their statement say 'we haven't seen all the evidence but we think he is innocent'.

The whole situation has been wildly mismanaged, to the point they drip feed out that he is coming back to assess reaction, before realising the damage that does to their brand and rolling back the decision.


Well-Known Member
Just listened to the audio tape, Jees what a scumbag, definitely NO from me.
Should never play professional football again.


Well-Known Member
I was happy when Marlon king signed and rmemeber that season well if I'm honest

But I was alot younger and at my age now I wouldn't want to see it. Ccfc needs to remain pure and a beacon of light for all fans. No matter his talent.

I get the OP asking the question though


Well-Known Member
The whole 'evidence that he is innocent' shit confuses me. The only thing I can imagine is that they've claimed it was some kind of repulsive sex game / fantasy and the comments were taken out of context, but based on other media reports it seems fairly clear that he's not exactly a bastion of morality. We're building a team based on character, and he appears far more trouble than he's worth.


Well-Known Member
Greenwood to leave Man Utd after abuse allegations

Obviously, nobody condones his behaviour, but - given criminal charges were dropped etc - surely a short-term deal for Greenwood would be worth considering for any team at our level?

Would you relinquish the moral high ground to get him in? Or do we think it would undermine the team spirit and moral standards of the club?
You will invoke the council Witch to come out of her covern if we did that🤣


Well-Known Member
CV is perfect for the Saudi League.

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