McSheffrey in the Oak Sunday night/Monday morning (4 Viewers)

CUS Wyken

New Member
Ah, classic responses - I hear he was drinking.

''I'm not a footballer''.

I don't care whether footballers smoke or not. As others have points out, a lot of them do. Its a non story, just another stick to beat the club with.

So your happy if a player isn't 100% fit because it was clear for all to see Saturday that McSheffrey wasn't.

When Fat Fred a pikey drinks he's a bad apple, when a cov kid does it, its ok.

Fickle Cov fans at its best.

If you seriously think that smoking won't affect his fitness then you are deluded.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
So your happy if a player isn't 100% fit because it was clear for all to see Saturday that McSheffrey wasn't.

When Fat Fred a pikey drinks he's a bad apple, when a cov kid does it, its ok.

Fickle Cov fans at its best.

If you seriously think that smoking won't affect his fitness then you are deluded.

Agree 100%.

If this was Eastwood or Bell, I am not so sure they would be let off so easily.

CUS Wyken

New Member
These lot make it up as they go along. Apparently fitness is no longer the issue with the squad, it is funny how things change so quickly.

I am sure that millions will now rejoice worldwide now that we have found out smoking has a minimal effect on the body.

Makes you laugh don’t it.

I bet all the gyms now will be replacing the Lucozades fridges with cans of carling and be putting fag machines in because it’s great for fitness.


Ah, classic responses - I hear he was drinking.

''I'm not a footballer''.

I don't care whether footballers smoke or not. As others have points out, a lot of them do. Its a non story, just another stick to beat the club with.

It is if the players are unfit surely? People blamed the club for no fitness coach, Easteood deserved sacking for being unfit.

I have nothing against players going out, they are people too. Just the timing surely?


Well-Known Member
I never said ''smoking is great'', we should all do it. I'm sayings lots of players smoke and i haven't read many ''McSheff is obviously a smoker'' threads on here before. Didn't seem to affect him for the Leeds game, did it? Saturday was a poor TEAM performance, are you saying they are ALL smokers?


Well-Known Member
Ha, ha. LOL, etc. That is exactly word for word what I and others have said, isn't it? You got me there.

Makes you laugh don’t it.

I bet all the gyms now will be replacing the Lucozades fridges with cans of carling and be putting fag machines in because it’s great for fitness.

CUS Wyken

New Member
I never said ''smoking is great'', we should all do it. I'm sayings lots of players smoke and i haven't read many ''McSheff is obviously a smoker'' threads on here before. Didn't seem to affect him for the Leeds game, did it? Saturday was a poor TEAM performance, are you saying they are ALL smokers?

McSheffrey was bolloxed mid way through the 2nd half. A player is only as good as his last game. Obviously his fitness levels are low if he can't play a full 90 mins.

If he had a great game i wouldn't be as bothered but he didn't. So thats irrelvant.

I can't believe Thorn didn't bring them in for Monday training to be honest as well after like you said a bad team performance..


The night AFTER the game?

The game we lost to a poor poor team. It is not about it being the night, but surely he would have them in training on Monday as well as maybe Friday afternoon to do a bit of tactical training for the next day?

Does smoking really affect your ability to score from the penalty spot?

People were ranting that we were unfit at the end of games because there was no fitness coach.

When Freddy Eastwood was unfit because of off the pitch things like drinking, was that ok?

Like I said, no problem at all with players having their own lives. If we had won then yeah Thorn could say "You played great lads, have Monday off as a treat" but when we lose to a shocking team surely as we were so poor we should be doing extra training?

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
The game we lost to a poor poor team. It is not about it being the night, but surely he would have them in training on Monday as well as maybe Friday afternoon to do a bit of tactical training for the next day?

Does smoking really affect your ability to score from the penalty spot?

People were ranting that we were unfit at the end of games because there was no fitness coach.

When Freddy Eastwood was unfit because of off the pitch things like drinking, was that ok?

Like I said, no problem at all with players having their own lives. If we had won then yeah Thorn could say "You played great lads, have Monday off as a treat" but when we lose to a shocking team surely as we were so poor we should be doing extra training?

There doesn't appear to be any discipline around the squad at all. Can you imagine many managers being happy for their players to behave in that manner? To give them Monday off after Saturday is unforgivable.


Euro 2016 Prediction League Champion!!
I'd expect the players to do their best for the club. IMO that doesn't involve drinking, smoking and eating cr@p.

When I've worked with a hangover, I made mistakes and risked my job. The penny dropped, so I don't drink on school nights any more.

This might sound sanctimonious but Sheff probably needs to look himself in the eye and ask if he's doing the best for his employers and is the best player he can be for the club he 'loves'? Or does he want to be a Thornton?

Managers can't make players behave, they're all adults (apart from the kids...)!


Well-Known Member
Yes, of course it does.

However, that doesn’t seem to be the crux of your argument. You have a go at McSheffrey for his fitness levels and blame smoking, but you didn’t even know he did until you “heard” that he was smoking the night AFTER the match. If it had been the night before then I would have agreed with you

I don’t think anyone has particularly had a go at this lack of fitness before so unless he only started smoking the night before the Forest game then it’s simply not a factor in his performance as it has never been raised as an issue before. You’re just twisting the circumstances to suit your argument
Answer a simple question then.

Do you believe smoking affects a players fitness?


Super Moderator
Smoking is bad for you in so many ways, one being it decreases your lung capacity, and therefore fitness. When I stopped smoking I could do so much more. It must affect him towards the end of games, even someone relatively fit.

I suppose it depends how much he smokes (if we are concentrating solely on his ability to play football). One every so often not so bad. 10 a day, very bad.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Some of the lengths people are doing to make up excuses is laughable, why should our players be bothered to make an effort or care about their performance when we have people making up all sorts of excuses for them.


Yes, of course it does.

However, that doesn’t seem to be the crux of your argument. You have a go at McSheffrey for his fitness levels and blame smoking, but you didn’t even know he did until you “heard” that he was smoking the night AFTER the match. If it had been the night before then I would have agreed with you

I don’t think anyone has particularly had a go at this lack of fitness before so unless he only started smoking the night before the Forest game then it’s simply not a factor in his performance as it has never been raised as an issue before. You’re just twisting the circumstances to suit your argument

We have been going on about lack of fitness all season from all of the players? I am pretty sure smoking doesn't affect you for just the day after...we have a game this Saturday too.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
We have been going on about lack of fitness all season from all of the players? I am pretty sure smoking doesn't affect you for just the day after...we have a game this Saturday too.

At the end of the day, his lung capacity and functionality will be decreased from smoking, that will have an effect this weekend as well on his performance.


Well-Known Member
But have we been having a go at McSheff in particular? Did we have a go at his lack of fitness after the Leeds match? Or is CUS just making up stuff to slag off the players/the manager/the club/the owners* again?

*Delete as appropriate.

We have been going on about lack of fitness all season from all of the players? I am pretty sure smoking doesn't affect you for just the day after...we have a game this Saturday too.

CUS Wyken

New Member
Yes, of course it does.

However, that doesn’t seem to be the crux of your argument. You have a go at McSheffrey for his fitness levels and blame smoking, but you didn’t even know he did until you “heard” that he was smoking the night AFTER the match. If it had been the night before then I would have agreed with you

I don’t think anyone has particularly had a go at this lack of fitness before so unless he only started smoking the night before the Forest game then it’s simply not a factor in his performance as it has never been raised as an issue before. You’re just twisting the circumstances to suit your argument

Hang on, so you agree smoking affects fitness levels but you find it ok for him to be smoking? We've said players looked tired near end of games for months and that was blamed on not having a fitness coach so it has been questioned before.

McSheffrey looked knackered Saturday and anyone there would agree.

Secondly, i personally feel it’s wrong that the players weren’t called in for training on Monday especially after Saturday’s debacle.

I can’t get my head round why its ok for McSheffrey to be unfit but not Eastwood.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
But have we been having a go at McSheff in particular? Did we have a go at his lack of fitness after the Leeds match? Or is CUS just making up stuff to slag off the players/the manager/the club/the owners* again?

*Delete as appropriate.

You are laughable.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Hang on, so you agree smoking affects fitness levels but you find it ok for him to be smoking? We've said players looked tired near end of games for months and that was blamed on not having a fitness coach so it has been questioned before.

McSheffrey looked knackered Saturday and anyone there would agree.

Secondly, i personally feel it’s wrong that the players weren’t called in for training on Monday especially after Saturday’s debacle.

I can’t get my head round why its ok for McSheffrey to be unfit but not Eastwood.

If we were a team who was letting in last minute goals on a consistent basis then you may have a point but......errrr errrrrr.....

CUS Wyken

New Member
But have we been having a go at McSheff in particular? Did we have a go at his lack of fitness after the Leeds match? Or is CUS just making up stuff to slag off the players/the manager/the club/the owners* again?

*Delete as appropriate.

Making stuff up??? hahaha yeah i sit here thinking what rubbish rumours can i put on SBT today to cuase the team unrest. Behave eh.

One of my best mate's seen him in there and conicides with another poster seeing them in Wetherspoons on Sunday.

Unlike yourself i don't make things up to start threads.

I spend my hard earned money following the city up and down the country and expect players to be on there game not smoking and drinking till 6 in the morning.


Well-Known Member
Firstly, you're not the manager thankfully. Secondly, while there have been about a trillion threads on Eastwood's lack of fitness, I struggle to think of one regarding McSheffrey's. I haven't heard Thorn come out and stay that he is unfit and playing poorly. The opposite is true, if anything.

Secondly, i personally feel it’s wrong that the players weren’t called in for training on Monday especially after Saturday’s debacle.

I can’t get my head round why its ok for McSheffrey to be unfit but not Eastwood.


But have we been having a go at McSheff in particular? Did we have a go at his lack of fitness after the Leeds match? Or is CUS just making up stuff to slag off the players/the manager/the club/the owners* again?

*Delete as appropriate.

I think it is more at the club and the discipline than McSheff in particular, if he can get away with it then why not? If I could turn up to work 5 hours late every day for example I would....

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
I think it is more at the club and the discipline than McSheff in particular, if he can get away with it then why not? If I could turn up to work 5 hours late every day for example I would....

At least we know why the players love Thorn now!


Firstly, you're not the manager thankfully. Secondly, while there have been about a trillion threads on Eastwood's lack of fitness, I struggle to think of one regarding McSheffrey's. I haven't heard Thorn come out and stay that he is unfit and playing poorly. The opposite is true, if anything.

How many threads about fitness in GENERAL? Maybe if he didn't smoke he would have been fit enough to track back for our 1st after he gave the ball away?


Well-Known Member
But how can it be indiscipline, Nick? It wasn't the night before a game or even the night of a game. I really can't see why everyone is getting so hysterical about it. I doubt AT or any other manager states their players can't go out AT ALL at ANY time? This seems to be the attitude of the OP on here.


New Member
George Best smoked like a chimney and drank and ate whatever he wanted, it might have killed him in the end, but I don't seem to remember it affecting his football.


Well-Known Member
Maybe. But what about the times when he's had good games, won us games, scored goals, beaten defenders? What's you're excuse for that. As usual, it's really easy to attack rather than praise.

How many threads about fitness in GENERAL? Maybe if he didn't smoke he would have been fit enough to track back for our 1st after he gave the ball away?

CUS Wyken

New Member
Firstly, you're not the manager thankfully. Secondly, while there have been about a trillion threads on Eastwood's lack of fitness, I struggle to think of one regarding McSheffrey's. I haven't heard Thorn come out and stay that he is unfit and playing poorly. The opposite is true, if anything.

Are you for real?

Did you go Saturday?

McSheffrey was knackered with a third of the game to go? and failed to trek back when he lost the ball for the goal. That ok in your eyes is it? Plus all season we’ve been saying the fitness has been poor by players but we used not having a fitness coach for that.

Good job you’re not manager eh, it’ll be fine for players to smoke and train as little as they want. Jesus wept.

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