Mean while back in court (15 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
It would be great to know who are the investors? is Joy one of them.


Well-Known Member
The courts have already done that. Ultimately i hope their investors start wanting their cash back.

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The courts have just said the council didn't do anything wrong with the
Loan. Actually I suppose you are right the first judge took them to task. However they will only really be dealt with by the investment market they are the only people SISU will listen to.
Just hope the only option that eventually becomes the aim is the original plan. Premiership sell for a profit and go.


Well-Known Member
It would be great to know who are the investors? is Joy one of them.

Now I think about it didn't TF say sometime ago that AVRO are now the investor in CCFC? Probably not true then ;) unless I can think of an argument where it suits it to be true ;)

Edit: Here you go. It's in this LR article looks like it was Les who told the council not to deal with SISU over the Ricoh is the first place ;) the football finance expert was scarily accurate to. The writing really was on the wall.
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Well-Known Member
The courts have just said the council didn't do anything wrong with the
Loan. Actually I suppose you are right the first judge took them to task. However they will only really be dealt with by the investment market they are the only people SISU will listen to.
Just hope the only option that eventually becomes the aim is the original plan. Premiership sell for a profit and go.
In law no CCC haven't done anything wrong. Morally? That's a different story.

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Well-Known Member
In law no CCC haven't done anything wrong. Morally? That's a different story.

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Yup. Hamstrung their local football team, beloved by thousands of Coventry citizens, for decades to come, maybe permanently.


Well-Known Member
So if we moved 80 miles away because we saw an opportunity to be successful and better the club, you would be ok with that? it's attitudes like that which are part of the problem.
Some would be happy with that. We will never know how many would've been because it has only thus far led to doom gloom & much argument & debate

...onwards & upwards PUSB


Well-Known Member
So if we moved 80 miles away because we saw an opportunity to be successful and better the club, you would be ok with that? it's attitudes like that which are part of the problem.

The fundamental flaw with trying to compare what Wasps management have done; moving from High Wycombe to Coventry, with what SISU have done; moving to Northampton. Is that rugby clubs in the UK are not founded and grounded along social class lines and very rarely stemmed from a local factory or something deeply rooted in the society.

Moving a team that has represented people that were boarders at a public school or were more mobile is very different than moving a team that represents the "working class" (whatever that means in today's society!), generally less mobile group.

What SISU did is far worse than what Wasps did.


Well-Known Member
It would be great to know who are the investors? is Joy one of them.

Don't be ridiculous, why would she invest in such a lame arse as SISU......... If she did I would probably imagine she also had shares in Woolworths and BHS.


Well-Known Member
Grendel's line of getting off on a technicality is rubbish. That's him try to wipe egg off his own face. Chris West who is well trained in finance and the regulations around local government always said it was not legal aid.

Today's judgement is not about technicalities it is about judges trying to explain the law to SISU.

As for skulduggary that has been on both sides....but that goes hand in hand with big business. Especially with a group like SISU who try to distress to maximise profit. SISU gambled and played date they have lost. But when they win the profit margins are high, their business often is high risk for big rewards.

From what I have heard ACL did try to build bridges and work with SISU and it was SISU who kept collapsing the scrum.

Grendel's take on success of an individual is measured by the wealth of an individual. This is a flawed theory. He obviously underestimates Ann Lucas just as Joy Sepalla did. A woman who learnt from fighting for people through union representation. I am not championing one above the other just pointing out successful people can have different goals and motivations.

In the middle is the football club and us fans. Let's hope we can stick together and help the club move forward, whether that is with SISU or someone else. As far as us fans are concerned, it doesn't matter which pony you thought was right, there are no winners today. There is our club where it is and us fans stood at its side.
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Well-Known Member
Because the anchor Tennant went on rent strike, into administration and then abandoned the site in that order. Did you really miss that?

Do you really want to go to the polls everytime a decision needs making by a local council because that's what you seem to be suggesting? At the end of the day there's no indication that that had to happen at any stage regardless of whether you think it should have or not so why would it even be mentioned in JR2?

Because this is the real world not a fantasy land where everyone has to pander to the needs of SISU. The simple fact is that there was a confidentiality clause between Wasps and CCC as I suspect there would have been between SISU and CCC if SISU had have chosen to enter into serious negotiations for ACL. I hate to utter the words but its standard business practice. Which brings me back to my question. Why didn't SISU bid when invited to?

Properly exposing council decisions regarding £14.4m of public money to scrutiny has nothing to do with going to the polls - so that's a pretty easy straw man to demolish. What the council seemingly did here is pressurise the CET to the point of costing a decent journalist his job, just so they could make the bailout in secret.

It most certainly is not standard business practice to go to the press saying that you want to take time to build trust with someone, whilst behind their back doing a deal with someone else. That unless you're in a particularly shitty, lying kind of business, and you don't give a bollocks about your reputation. That isn't (or at least shouldn't be) the same as the business as running local government.

When Tony, when exactly did SISU get the opportunity to bid for the Ricoh on the same terms as Wasps? On a 250-year lease, and at a similar price?

That question I'll answer for you, because I'm heartily sick of the bullshit here. Never, is when.

Anyone who thinks that this I'm saying this in defence of SISU is a dribbling idiot frankly, but I'm amazed that there are still so many in denial about what the council have done here. SISU will be gone one day, and I'll have a bottle of Champagne ready for when they go. However unless Wasps fail, they'll own the arena for the next 250 years.

SISU might have battered the club, but by doing what they've done the council have pretty much killed it.


Well-Known Member
The new leader is just saying what everyone thinks. The legal action is a waste of money that could be put to good use on the team

Indeed but for things to move forward someone has to make the first move. As he's new in the role he is in the ideal position to offer the olive branch. Just say can we get together and see if there's a way to resolve things.


Well-Known Member
The new leader is just saying what everyone thinks. The legal action is a waste of money that could be put to good use on the team

He's not saying what I think mate. If the council gave a shit about the club they'd have done what they promised and given it some time to build trust rather than jumping straight into bed with Wasps. I'd rather he just shut up about the club and quit pretending to care - it's crocodile tears.

If the Council want to draw a line under it maybe they could help by trying to find somewhere in or near the city for a new ground.


Well-Known Member
He's not saying what I think mate. If the council gave a shit about the club they'd have done what they promised and given it some time to build trust rather than jumping straight into bed with Wasps. I'd rather he just shut up about the club and quit pretending to care - it's crocodile tears.

If the Council want to draw a line under it maybe they could help by trying to find somewhere in or near the city for a new ground.

I think you underestimate how much effort they put in and how driven SISU were on shifting the goal posts. CCC were unanimous across all parties.

Deleted member 5849

If the Council want to draw a line under it maybe they could help by trying to find somewhere in or near the city for a new ground.

Yup. I have to say I don't really care about SISU going after Wasps. If they crush Wasps into the ground, and die trying then it's all good. Just give us the husk of a football club back and an actual stadium, and I'd take the collatoral damage.

All this vain and nonsensical attempt to justify one move away but not the other is absolute gibberish tbh. I'm tired of arguing why as it appears the myopic spectacles of self-interest are all over that in certain instances.

Anyway, back to the original point of this thread(!) not surprised CCC have 'won' this. Have said all along, I'd be surprised if a council didn't follow due process. There may be many things councils are, but what they tend to be is inherantly risk-averse, and making a big decision such as this without covering their backs would be ineptitude of the highest order.

Deleted member 5849

The fundamental flaw with trying to compare what Wasps management have done; moving from High Wycombe to Coventry, with what SISU have done; moving to Northampton. Is that rugby clubs in the UK are not founded and grounded along social class lines and very rarely stemmed from a local factory or something deeply rooted in the society.

Moving a team that has represented people that were boarders at a public school or were more mobile is very different than moving a team that represents the "working class" (whatever that means in today's society!), generally less mobile group.

What SISU did is far worse than what Wasps did.

This is one of the posts of greatest bollocks I've ever had the misfortune to read.


Well-Known Member
I am not so sure morally they have much of an issue, to be fair I think they stuck up for themselves and a charity.
Really? Stating Sports Clubs (not just football clubs) shouldn't be moved from their communities yet sell to Wasps.

Publically stating ownership would be discussed but trust needs to be built up first despite having already done a deal with Wasps?

I'm sure if that was SISU your attitude would be v totally different.

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Well-Known Member
The trouble with the charity line is charities are big business. They can claim up to 40 percent of their income to spend on running costs. I don't trust most charities as far as I can throw them.


Well-Known Member
Is the charity line coming out again all the time now?
Weird no one complained when they got less as a result of the Wasps deal.

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Well-Known Member
This is one of the posts of greatest bollocks I've ever had the misfortune to read.

So you believe that most professional football teams in England have the same meaning to the local as a professional rugby team?

They may mean a lot to local people. But what they mean and what they represent it totally different.

Moving a football team is much more powerful than moving a rugby team.

With such an articulate 'come back' I'm surprised you can read.
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Well-Known Member
In law no CCC haven't done anything wrong. Morally? That's a different story.

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Morally because you support Coventry City Football Club. I see where you are coming from and I am as frustrated as you are; but plenty of non fans see it differently. CCC don't just represent the football fans.


Well-Known Member
This is one of the posts of greatest bollocks I've ever had the misfortune to read.

Morally because you support Coventry City Football Club. I see where you are coming from and I am as frustrated as you are; but plenty of non fans see it differently. CCC don't just represent the football fans.

And based on average attendances it's a tiny minority!

Like I keep saying. SISU need to move on to move forward!


Well-Known Member
And based on average attendances it's a tiny minority!

Like I keep saying. SISU need to move on to move forward!

And that is what I have been saying. The fans now need to stand together as one and forget the past. We need to say to SISU enough is enough lets move the club forward.


Well-Known Member
Not strictly true...Hedgefund 2 went on to bigger & better things & better deals. Hedgefund 1 went to Sickfields and back again, succeeding only in pissing off an awful lot of people along the way.

...onwards & upwards PUSB

so to confirm, you would be happy if our new "club owned" stadium was in Watford ?


Well-Known Member
Weird no one complained when they got less as a result of the Wasps deal.

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Wished it was the exact amount they should have got. Would have been a nice touch if the Council gave a million of theirs to them. However I am sure many a tax payer would have been in up roar if that happened.
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Well-Known Member
The fundamental flaw with trying to compare what Wasps management have done; moving from High Wycombe to Coventry, with what SISU have done; moving to Northampton. Is that rugby clubs in the UK are not founded and grounded along social class lines and very rarely stemmed from a local factory or something deeply rooted in the society.

Moving a team that has represented people that were boarders at a public school or were more mobile is very different than moving a team that represents the "working class" (whatever that means in today's society!), generally less mobile group.

What SISU did is far worse than what Wasps did.

As a working class man, who watches football and Rugby (Northampton Saints) and has many working class mates who I also know at both sports (The Saints are embedded in their community a working class area) I would say your comment above is utter crap.

There is no difference between SISU and Wasps owners, both utter shits for moving their clubs and I dont want either near my football team.


Well-Known Member
So you believe that most professional football teams in England have the same meaning to the local as a professional rugby team?

They may mean a lot to local people. But what they mean and what they represent it totally different.

Moving a football team is much more powerful than moving a rugby team.

With such an articulate 'come back' I'm surprised you can read.

I know quite a few People from across the midlands who are now regularly attending the Ricoh as Wasps fans. I also know quite a few ex saints fans now going to the Ricoh. It's all a bit weird for me but the loyalty in Rugby certainly is of a different nature.
Still don't agree that the RFC allows clubs to move. The FA were right to ban it after Wimbledon for foitball. Must be a reason why it's not banned in the rules of rugby?


Well-Known Member
I know quite a few People from across the midlands who are now regularly attending the Ricoh as Wasps fans. I also know quite a few ex saints fans now going to the Ricoh. It's all a bit weird for me but the loyalty in Rugby certainly is of a different nature.
Still don't agree that the RFC allows clubs to move. The FA were right to ban it after Wimbledon for foitball. Must be a reason why it's not banned in the rules of rugby?

Do you think if Manchester United or Chelsea moved to coventry they would attract any support from the local community?

As for ex saints fans they are as passionate as football fans so that my friend is a lie.


Well-Known Member
Wished it was the exact amount they should have got. Would have been a nice touch if the Council gave a million of theirs to them. However I am sure many a tax payer would have been in up roar if that happened.

True fans don't care if the charity got a single penny back. They made the investment the same as sisu.


Well-Known Member
Do you think if Manchester United or Chelsea moved to coventry they would attract any support from the local community?

As for ex saints fans they are as passionate as football fans so that my friend is a lie.

Yes and would still draw a crowd from elsewhere because Glory hunters will travel. Plenty of people in the local community support those teams. Manchester United could move anywhere and be supported but that is not the point. The point is is they/ are MANCHESTER UNITED.

Does your Saints fan live in Northampton, are they from Northampton. I have an avid and passionate one next door to me with no connection to Northampton. So how is he part of the Northampton community.


Well-Known Member
Yes and would still draw a crowd from elsewhere because Glory hunters will travel. Plenty of people in the local community support those teams. Manchester United could move anywhere and be supported but that is not the point. The point is is they/ are MANCHESTER UNITED.

Does your Saints fan live in Northampton, are they from Northampton. I have an avid and passionate one next door to me with no connection to Northampton. So how is he part of the Northampton community.

I am referring to an allegation a saints fan changed allegiance when wasps arrived. I don't believe that to be the case. Do you?

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