Memories of Playing footie in the streets. (1 Viewer)


New Member
Did you ever play against a rival street. It used to be us Guys in Wren St and Brittania St Vs King Richard street. One of our player was from king Richard street and he decided to play for us as he fell out with his own King Richard street scum.;)

Always a high powered game.. with the the odd fight.

No, all of our lads came from the south end of Radford circa 1946--1960.


New Member
I remember my first studing period in Ireland, in summer 1997. I was hosted in a family in a town not far from Dublin, and we played football every evening against boys in the street. They won often, almost all the times. But was the problem? They were about 10 years old, I was 14... So, I understand that I was not a good player (I this I was better like supporter):claping hands:


Well-Known Member
I too played on the Radford Rec at that time it had really good tennis courts and a immaculate Bowling green till the Gypos came and stole all the fencing.
I also remember coming out of the Dive on a Sunday and having a knockabout on Gosford Green sometimes we would have 16 plus a side all comers were welcome.

Used to play on the wreck at the top of Middlemarch Road, after moving to Allesley there was a decent sized grassed area by some flats near Allesley junior school, used to play there or on the Jag's playing fields.


Well-Known Member
They used to clear the pews and play footy insideYork Minster back in the day. I always liked having a kick about inside the corridors at skule, and games of 'forcing back' in the quad.


Well-Known Member
Quinton Pool , War-memorial park and Manor park School fields until the Caretaker used to chase us off, easily 10-15 aside and some quality players on view.
We also found a porno at Quinton Pool, which by pure chance had a local girl (readers wives ) incidently a firm favourite of mine, posing in numerous parts of Coventry, one of which was at the top of a slide at the War memorial Park, I never looked at the slide in quite the same way after that.


Well-Known Member
Mentioned in the other thread, but used to play down Bridgeman Road, Radford (right by the entrance to Naul's Mill Park)
Had garages on the other side of the road to the houses and we 'chalked' a goal on the wall.
Some of the stuff played was incredible considering the cars parked all around. Lost count of the dents we put in the them!!.:claping hands:
Also played 'squash' with the ball, so you only had one touch to hit it against the wall in the goal.. if you left it close to the wall you could kind of hit it sideways so it went all the way down\up the street to make if difficult for the next player...sometimes had 20 players playing and when you missed with your touch\shot you were out!!!!

Still playing the greatest game on earth now here in Florida, at 41 I'm the oldest in the team, and last year we went a full season undefeated, won the county championship AND the Florida State Championship....:cool:

It's starting to hurt on Mondays now though... I hate getting old!!:(

Oh and surely it's Kirby?...

Edit: Thinking about it.. it is Curby isn't it.. :facepalm:
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Well-Known Member
Kids Brookside Avenue Glendower Ave and Oldfield Rd used to play by the brook at the back of St Christopher's School. 9.00 am till dark. 3 and in until enough turned up.

Sky Blue Dal

Well-Known Member
Can someone explain to me, what is Kirby???

Don't remember that during my time as a kid. Maybe we played it but had another name for it.

Anyone used to play world cup, with one goalkeeper playing the whole way through and a Single player or team playing in a knock out stage type of setup. If you or your team scored a goal you go through to the next round along with the other player/team who also scored. The team or player who lost and were knocked out of that round were the last team standing without a goal.
The final was always a two goal affair between the last two player or team left after going through a few knock out stages..

Used to be fun because it was so unpredictable that the crapest player on the pitch with no skills at all but having a good shot would fluke it to the final and win.

Miss it!!


Kirby was kicking the ball from the pavement to the otherside trying to hit the kirb and you kept a points tally, if you managed to hit the top of the kirb then you got a chance to throw the ball from the middle to gain more points, thats how I remember it anyway


Well-Known Member
Can someone explain to me, what is Kirby???

Don't remember that during my time as a kid. Maybe we played it but had another name for it.

Anyone used to play world cup, with one goalkeeper playing the whole way through and a Single player or team playing in a knock out stage type of setup. If you or your team scored a goal you go through to the next round along with the other player/team who also scored. The team or player who lost and were knocked out of that round were the last team standing without a goal.
The final was always a two goal affair between the last two player or team left after going through a few knock out stages..

Used to be fun because it was so unpredictable that the crapest player on the pitch with no skills at all but having a good shot would fluke it to the final and win.

Miss it!!

yeh but it was all throwing in my area, no kicking

kicking game was wall-e


Well-Known Member
An extra rule we had was if you hit a kerb and then caught the ball straight back, bonus point. Those were rare.

Yeah, it was throwing for us too.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, as you and CC4L have said. Throwing only and an extra point for catching. Probably not recommended these days but in the 70s it was a pretty safe game to play with only the odd Princess or Horizon to spoil the game.

An extra rule we had was if you hit a kerb and then caught the ball straight back, bonus point. Those were rare.

Yeah, it was throwing for us too.


Well-Known Member
kicking game was wall-e

I assume that's the same one we played. Little wall was the target, picked a random order of players and you had one touch allowed in order to hit the wall and ideally screw over the next player with the rebound. Three lives each, last man standing.

They should play that in football training, all my haphazard long-range accuracy today is thanks to that game.

Sky Blue Dal

Well-Known Member
yeh but it was all throwing in my area, no kicking

kicking game was wall-e

We used to play Wall-e ...., we called it "one kick" It didn't half create bust up's, as always you get some sly players sneakily working together to set you up, then act innocent when they were rumbled. So it was not a big surprise to see both of my sly mates becoming a lawyer and the other one a Barrister. Bloody two peas in a pod they were.
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Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
I used to live at the bottom end of Allesley Old Rd., opposite what is now the pitch and put golf course. Despite the undulating surface, in the mid to late sixties during school summer holidays, games of football would go on for what seems like days on end, starting in the morning and continuing until dusk. I remember going home for a quick sandwich and then reincorporating myself back into the game afterwards. What wonderful times.

Used to live in Whoberley and all my mates and me used to go up there for footy. Think we even played some Sunday league games up there too but the old grey matter isn't what it used to be.

Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
I also remember one very wet Sunday morning playing for Springfield Rovers (can't remember what was behind the name but we weren't a bad little unit),

I'd already fluked two goals and the score was 2-2 and time was running out. Our keeper picked up the ball in the area and gave it one helluva Hail Mary kick towards the centre circle. The wind caught it and it went beyond half way and bounced between the half way line and the opponents penalty box. Just before it bounced, their keeper came rushing out to clear the ball and I went in the opposite direction trying to get the ball. The keeper got there first but I wasn't going to give up and as he went to kick it, he totally missed the ball and it slipped under his foot and I carried on past him to collect the ball and plonk it in the back of the net for a 3-2 victory.

If I stretch my imagination way back, I can still see my goal celebration and feel how soaked I was at the end of the game. That was about 40 years ago so it must have stuck pretty much in my head all these years.

Happy Days.


Well-Known Member
I assume that's the same one we played. Little wall was the target, picked a random order of players and you had one touch allowed in order to hit the wall and ideally screw over the next player with the rebound. Three lives each, last man standing.

They should play that in football training, all my haphazard long-range accuracy today is thanks to that game.

yeah thats the one!

as i wasnt great as a youngster i was jsut happy to hit the wall,people loved taking the shot after me!


Well-Known Member
I played every day come sun, rain or snow at Craven Avenue park in Binley Woods until I was 11. I then made a record transfer (bag of Pom Bears and a Freddo) to Plott Lane park in Stretton-on-Dunsmore. Neither's had a better 'park keeper' since!

Things were so much simpler then. No worries and my mate's old dear would bring us out refreshments at regular intervals.


Well-Known Member
once played a cup match for tile hill turned up with eight men lost 16 -1 i scored four goals got into trouble over that

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Can we agree to spell "KERBY" the correct way?
Kerb: The edge of a pavement
Curb: To restrain, hold back (or at the very least, the US spelling of Kerb!)
Kirby?: Possibly Monks Kirby near Rugby? (or could it possibly be Kerby played with a "Rugby" ball! :D :D :D :D )

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
@ Hobo......I remember a fete down by the brook. Tug "o" war with the brook as the "Halfway mark". "Big George Curtis"(He only lived up the hill by the Minstrel pub) was guest of honour that day, and was on my team....Needless to say we won the pull and about 7/8 guys were pulled into the brook. lol Happy days. ;)


Well-Known Member
Used to live in Whoberley and all my mates and me used to go up there for footy. Think we even played some Sunday league games up there too but the old grey matter isn't what it used to be.

There used to be some proper pitches over towards the Manor House and on towards the A45; and I´m pretty sure that some Sunday league games were played there. A bit after my time though. I do remember however playing for Whitley Colts on the pitch directly in front of Allesley Hall and blazing a penalty over the bar. There was an awful downward slope to the goalposts....well that was my excuse at the time. Must have been around 1975/76.

You'll Never Beat McPake

Well-Known Member
Remember playing at Allesley park and lake view park in games of 20 to 30 a side in the 70s. All ages from 5 to 18. Crazy scorelines. Recall playing in thunderstorm where everyones hair stood on end during lightning strike. Great memories.


Well-Known Member
The ad- hock games that I remember took place at Whoberley primary school (after hours) and behind the Phoenix pub before they surfaced it with bloody tarmac. Great memories. These games would often go well into the night with stupid scores. This would be about 1964/65/66.
In my day there wasn't so much traffic about so any back street and bit of green was fair game for a kickabout. Footie was a great way to spend endless hours with your mates unlike many of the youth of today tucked away on their own in their bedrooms on their x box or whatever.
Strange how the subject of porn has sprung up in so many posts, oh how innocent were we in those halcyon days.:eek:


Well-Known Member
In my day there wasn't so much traffic about so any back street and bit of green was fair game for a kickabout. Footie was a great way to spend endless hours with your mates unlike many of the youth of today tucked away on their own in their bedrooms on their x box or whatever.
Strange how the subject of porn has sprung up in so many posts, oh how innocent were we in those halcyon days.:eek:
Listening to Je t´aime by Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin was about as good as it got !!
Listening to Je t´aime by Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin was about as good as it got !!

Seem to remember Je t'aime was banned by the BBC at the time for being too risqué. How times have changed........some for the better and some for the worse IMHO. Kids nowadays lose their innocence far too early.
Theres no community spirit anymore. Theres no space to kick a ball due to roads, paths and every damn bit of land in this city having houses built on them. Sometimes I wish I could grow up in the 1970's, see REAL men playing football rather than the pansies in the premier league we have today, where you made your own entertainment, spent real quality time with people you cared about and so I could see Highfield Raod in its hayday. Damn my youngness. I envy you older fans. You've seen so much

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