Mondays meeting with Fisher (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Are you sure Dave? According to this recent article they don't even own the ground let alone any of the land around it
They did some sort of sale and lease back like Walsall. To the South West and South East are the stadium car parks and to the East is the clubs training ground.


Well-Known Member
Just got in, any good?
I wouldn't bother... I can sum it up in a gif.



Well-Known Member
What more do people want ?

The Butts is the new ground and it appears that CRC are in on it.
CRC will own the ground and CCFC will rent it. However the club will get substantial revenue from it 365 days a year.
It will start at 12,000 and be expandable to 25,000.
The smoothing talks revolve around CCC being receptive to the planning and putting the club back in the community first.
Mark Robins will get a top third budget next season.
The academy will be accommodated over 2 sites and will be cat 2.

Problems are at last over. Phew


Well-Known Member
The Trust should have set it up like Question Time.

Get everyone to submit questions before the event. Trust then pick out say the best 10 questions and then after and only after that should the questions then be opened up to the floor.
Totally agree. A seriously embarrassing event which does most supporters a great disservice. Nobody able to pose a simple, succinct questions, just 3-4 minute monologues and diatribes. Fisher was struggling to understand what the actual questions were, then when he tried to reply he was just interrupted.

Very, very sad


Well-Known Member
What good questions did he skip?
There weren't good questions. Just people rambling on. He was asked about administration by that chap who kept banging on about forcing the club into admin so the fans could takeover. Fisher started to explain why that wouldn't work and what the process would be but got shouted over, in part by the same chap denying he was in favour of admin!


Well-Known Member
What more do people want ?

The Butts is the new ground and it appears that CRC are in on it.
CRC will own the ground and CCFC will rent it. However the club will get substantial revenue from it 365 days a year.
It will start at 12,000 and be expandable to 25,000.
The smoothing talks revolve around CCC being receptive to the planning and putting the club back in the community first.
Mark Robins will get a top third budget next season.
The academy will be accommodated over 2 sites and will be cat 2.

Problems are at last over. Phew

Just cannot see planning permission at BPA. Residents will go mental.


Well-Known Member
It sounds this meeting has gone exactly as I said it would when it was set up.I go to all of them but no ticket for this one. This is in my opinion a geek army, fucking yogurt knitters. What an opportunity spurned. Vital questions not asked, where do we play season after next, what is his future plan for our academy. These trust guys mean well and work hard but seemed miles out of their depths on how to ask the vital questions and extract an answer, I suspect Fisher knew their limitations sounds he had a field will be interesting where the trust go from here and have they the balls to up the ante protest wise.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like an opportunity missed to press him. He'll squirm out of a lot of stuff, but any kind of elongated diatribe makes it too easy for him. Agree about the submitted question format, it'd allow a plan of attack beforehand.


Well-Known Member
Can someone at the meeting look at the questions on here and try and ask some of those instead of just yelling and bawling and talking nonsense.

It sounds this meeting has gone exactly as I said it would when it was set up.I go to all of them but no ticket for this one. This is in my opinion a geek army, fucking yogurt knitters. What an opportunity spurned. Vital questions not asked, where do we play season after next, what is his future plan for our academy. These trust guys mean well and work hard but seemed miles out of their depths on how to ask the vital questions and extract an answer, I suspect Fisher knew their limitations sounds he had a feel will be interesting where the trust go from here and have they the balls to up the ante protest wise.

You know what, never mind the Trust (nothing against them but as a few have said, it needed a stronger chairperson), I'd venture that this forum is a fair representation of the whole spectrum of CCFC supporters. You have plenty of people who hate what's happening, but are reasonable enough to view both sides of the coin. It would be show how much Fisher wants to "engage" with the community for SBT to invite him to participate in some kind of debate/Q&A session - perhaps over a pint with a handful of the more recognised posters? Dare say it could be recorded, or played live over the net.

Failing that, how about Nick sets him up with sub forum. All questions and comments have to be approved before they appear and he decides if he wants to answer them?

Maybe a bit ambitious, but if he really wants to tick a few boxes, why not?


Well-Known Member
What more do people want ?

The Butts is the new ground and it appears that CRC are in on it.
CRC will own the ground and CCFC will rent it. However the club will get substantial revenue from it 365 days a year.
It will start at 12,000 and be expandable to 25,000.
The smoothing talks revolve around CCC being receptive to the planning and putting the club back in the community first.
Mark Robins will get a top third budget next season.
The academy will be accommodated over 2 sites and will be cat 2.

Problems are at last over. Phew

If that really was the scenario and we were at the butts I'd think "good"


Well-Known Member
no structure at all, one man trying to defend and the rest not focused and not fit for purpose, in the end a complete let down.

It reminded me of a match day....


Well-Known Member
Just cannot see planning permission at BPA. Residents will go mental.
Will probably blame the council but for once , it wont be there fault as you can not have 25000 fans in that area, its just a red herring 5000, maybe while the court cases are still going would be my bet

Leamington Pete

Well-Known Member
It will start at 12,000 and be expandable to 25,000.

This one statement confirms that no one should believe a word Tim Fisher says. (Goes with the original new stadium "designed and built in three years" line three years ago when we hadn't even found a site). There is no way on earth that a 25,000 stadium would fit on that small plot. 12,000 would be a push and probably the limit, even if planning was granted which is highly unlikely. What a load of crap.

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
The trust should be disbanded and a genuine supporters representative group that are able to conduct the most basic of events set up. This sisu out group is a fucking embarrassment, no wonder our owner treat us with contempt when this is all we can put forward. Fucking embarrassing.


Well-Known Member
Just cannot see planning permission at BPA. Residents will go mental.
CCC cannot just block it though as it will assessed on planning guidelines and can be overruled on appeal by the government if they did

This one statement confirms that no one should believe a word Tim Fisher says. (Goes with the original new stadium "designed and built in three years" line three years ago when we hadn't even found a site). There is no way on earth that a 25,000 stadium would fit on that small plot. 12,000 would be a push and probably the limit, even if planning was granted which is highly unlikely. What a load of crap.

Don't have to build it just show the FL they tried too and got refused.


Well-Known Member
The trust should be disbanded and a genuine supporters representative group that are able to conduct the most basic of events set up. This sisu out group is a fucking embarrassment, no wonder our owner treat us with contempt when this is all we can put forward. Fucking embarrassing.

I've been a member of the trust for X amount of years
What have you done
You love Fisher

Sumo the Micky Quinn

Well-Known Member
The problem I have with the Butts Park Arena is the ground share with Cov Rugby Union. As well as Coventry Bears Rugby League play there, plus the agreed use of the Pitch by Cov United FC.


Well-Known Member
The trust should be disbanded and a genuine supporters representative group that are able to conduct the most basic of events set up. This sisu out group is a fucking embarrassment, no wonder our owner treat us with contempt when this is all we can put forward. Fucking embarrassing.

Volunteer to help out at the trust to improve it.
Easy to put it down but these are just fans like you and me and I don't think I could do any better without vetting the fans attending and filtering the questions first.
Like they do in North Korea.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, don't bother. It was a shambles. We got people moaning about no badges in the club shop, why the Irish and Welsh supporters clubs didn't get priority for the cup final (turns out they did but couldn't be arsed to reply saying how many tickets they wanted), why Fisher has lost weight and other random rubbish.

The only real stuff of interest was:
We're mid table in player budget for L1
They will back, whatever that means, Robins next season
Working with a school on the academy, hopeful of an announcement soon
The short term plan is the Ricoh but Wasps won't talk, long term plan is Butts. Said CRFC are onboard and also mentioned architects have been involved
Then he just reiterated the three points about mediation

Rest was people ranting or shouting over him.
Missed one, they are recruiting a technical director to assist Robins and are down to 2 candidates.

Senior Vick from Alicante

Well-Known Member
Screamed at the stream in frustration one bloke interupted constantly about building the stadium for 10 minutes then ricky from the phone ins took over. These events need proper written questions and a proper format to be effective, not ramblings. If the trust want to be an effective voice they need to be far more proffesional in their dealings if this was anything to go by. Fisher should have been questioned by professional people with the expertise in the areas he needed to answer questions on, no wonder they were dissmissed by him when they said whats the price.


Well-Known Member
The problem I have with the Butts Park Arena is the ground share with Cov Rugby Union. As well as Coventry Bears Rugby League play there, plus the agreed use of the Pitch by Cov United FC.
In the Conference and Rugby in general you can have a fully artificial pitch.
We can always come back to the Ricoh though so don't tell Wasps.


Well-Known Member
Volunteer to help out at the trust to improve it.
Easy to put it down but these are just fans like you and me and I don't think I could do any better without vetting the fans attending and filtering the questions first.
Like they do in North Korea.

As long as wasps retain the upper hand and you earn a few quid you are happy.

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