Most irritating things during the pandemic (3 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Crossed my mind. I go out onto my balcony and clap loudly to get them to fly away, but there's one of them that just sits there not moving. Fat bastard can't fly as it's eaten too much junk food, it sits there and I bet it's thinking " this is my patch mate, anyway piss off back to Bell Green !

Mr Panda

Well-Known Member
Not even 11am and neighbours on both sides are ignoring the restrictions with family visiting.

Feels horribly unjust that it's those types that probably won't get anything more than a runny nose. One of my neighbours who is clearly unfit for society is the same, he was never going to follow guidance, can only hope karma hits them in other ways.


Well-Known Member
Crossed my mind. I go out onto my balcony and clap loudly to get them to fly away, but there's one of them that just sits there not moving. Fat bastard can't fly as it's eaten too much junk food, it sits there and I bet it's thinking " this is my patch mate, anyway piss off back to Bell Green !

If i was being nasty (which i'm not) I would give him some of Trump's liquid intake.


Well-Known Member
If i was being nasty (which i'm not) I would give him some of Trump's liquid intake.
This fat pigeon would love it I bet and it would be like steroids, and build it up even more. The area I'm currently in is the Chinese quarter I reckon, and I was thinking maybe pigeons are sacred to them, as they don't seem to mind them ?


Well-Known Member
Feels horribly unjust that it's those types that probably won't get anything more than a runny nose. One of my neighbours who is clearly unfit for society is the same, he was never going to follow guidance, can only hope karma hits them in other ways.
Yeah, a curse of pigeons and a speeding motorcyclist.


Most irritating thing is the human race through all of this.

Those dicks who go out of their way to be pretentious, facemask wankers with gloves that would do absolutely nothing but want attention.

Back to work tomorrow, hopefully no traffic which is a bonus :)


Well-Known Member
Someone on my street lit their house up like the Blackpool Tower, bright purple ,andh a lasers shining into the sky last night... Sounded like their were a few people there too... The world's gone bonkers


Someone on my street lit their house up like the Blackpool Tower, bright purple ,andh a lasers shining into the sky last night... Sounded like their were a few people there too... The world's gone bonkers

Just say it's for the NHS and they get featured in the paper and a slot on This Morning.

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
I saw a guy in Morrisons shopping with a single glove on but was touching the trolley with the other hand as well.


That is a washable mask it is a load of shit and really uncomfortable

To be fair, I have got one like it and some swimming goggles.

I couldn't find my daughters diving mask with snorkel else I'd go over the shop in that just to prove how stupid people look when they are chucking stuff on randomly.

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
To be fair, I have got one like it and some swimming goggles.

I couldn't find my daughters diving mask with snorkel else I'd go over the shop in that just to prove how stupid people look when they are chucking stuff on randomly.

Most people are refusing to wear them


Well-Known Member
The media, asking incessant questions at government briefings and in the press about why they won't tell us when lockdown will be over.

Yes, i know it's a pain for many (though i prefer working at home to going to the office), but if the herd immunity thing isn't going to work, this is what it will take.
Oh, and the people who think that if they test negative they are somehow immune from catching it the very same day.


Well-Known Member
Selfish cyclists - you know the ones head down Lycra clad - one nearly hit me in the village the other day as I gave someone some room on the pavement - there are a lot of children and families cycling on our village roads for the first time - just not spatially aware wankers
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Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Matt Hancock is a knob.


Well-Known Member
On the house price thing I would imagine high inflation once the economy gets going again due to the massive government debt. Your house could quite easily double in price over 10 years


Driving to work this morning, some absolute tools on the road. One of them persisted to do about 15 in a 30, not sure if they were pissed up.


Well-Known Member
Driving to work this morning, some absolute tools on the road. One of them persisted to do about 15 in a 30, not sure if they were pissed up.

Ive seen a lot of the opposite - people deciding to see how fast their clapped out banger can go on an empty dual carriageway


Well-Known Member
On the house price thing I would imagine high inflation once the economy gets going again due to the massive government debt. Your house could quite easily double in price over 10 years

Doubt it. Government debt has never lead to massive inflation before. Look at 1945 and 2008. And there’s no way house prices will double, they’re already at 9 times earnings. Who on Earth is going to be able to buy at 18 times?? Most predictions I’ve seen have said a drop of up to 20%, plus you’ve got Brexit coming which will likely drop house prices as well.

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