Most Legendary Game ever?? (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
So what is it then?? For me Final Fantasy 7 was great, COD is superb, Oblivion is awesome but cannot think of the one game that tops em all!

Dont really get the Mario thing


Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Goldeneye 007

Both N64, both gaming classics.

Other notable mentions include:
- Super Mario Bros 3
- Grand Theft Auto
- Tomb Raider

As for current-gen games
- Borderlands
- Crackdown 2
- LA Noire
- Resident Evil 5
- Portal 2
- Red Dead Redemption
- Assassin's Creed 2


New Member
Always been into the Zelda and Mario games as a kid, was a big Nintendo fan as a kid. More recently games like Batman Arkham Asylum, Assassin's Creed and Portal have grabbed my attention as some pretty legendary games. Never got on with CoD, the popularity of it absolutely baffles me.


Well-Known Member
Fifa 96
SSX Tricky

All i can think off at the minute :)

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Donkey Kong! Brilliant! But the best and most awsome game ever has gotta be TENNIS!!!! ................



Well-Known Member
N64 Goldeneye laid the foundations for today's shooters. It really was so ahead of it's time. And I wonder how many hours me and my brother spent playing it, laughing and bickering the whole time.

FIFA 98 World Cup (First one I played, unreal)

WWF Attitude (Mankind, The Rock, Stone Cold)


New Member
The Legend Of Zelda was a brilliant game on the SNES. I could spend days on that.

I suppose in a strange way Pokemon on the Gameboy should get a mention, when I was a kid everyone had at least one Pokemon game.


Well-Known Member
Was going to say City 5-4 Norwich, but now I don't think looking at the posts that's what you mean.

So, Little King's Story on the Wii. And Tiger Woods PGA 10.

Sky Blue Sheepy

New Member
I'd be stupid not to Mentioned Zelda: Ocarina of Time or Link to the Past - both classics in their own right.

But for me it would be either Pokémon Gold/Silver or Sonic 3 & Knuckles (special game combining the 2) - I was practically raised on these 2 games!


Active Member
Goldeneye was truly awesome. Sooooo many all night gaming sessions were had playing that. You know what - I hold that game responsible for my desmond at university....but it was so much fun.

Proxy mines in the facility anyone??


Well-Known Member
Mario Kart - Snes.

So simple yet excellent, even on the wii the snes tracks are my favourites.

Championship Manager, and then football manager have to be up there too. So addictive


Well-Known Member
Goldeneye was truly awesome. Sooooo many all night gaming sessions were had playing that. You know what - I hold that game responsible for my desmond at university....but it was so much fun.

Proxy mines in the facility anyone??

Hahaaa, yes. And Bunker!

That was when games were made to last. No patches fixing everything developers missed every few weeks, or the certainty of an annual sequel to fix problems.


Facebook User
Streets of Rage
Golden Axe
Destruction Derby
Pokemon: Definately
Sonic the hedgehog
GTA: (Vice City in particular)
Command and Conquer is also getting thrown into the mix.... spent wayyy to much time playing that.


Well-Known Member
The two best games ever made for me are either Zelda Link to the Past or Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. Both are epics (in the actual sense of the word, not the recent way the word has been hijacked and ruined by idiots)


Well-Known Member
Streets of Rage
Golden Axe
Destruction Derby
Pokemon: Definately
Sonic the hedgehog
GTA: (Vice City in particular)
Command and Conquer is also getting thrown into the mix.... spent wayyy to much time playing that.

How did i forget about those awesome games...


New Member
Cannon fodder! qualiteeeee.

will be in the loft tonight diggin out the old consoles! the other half is goin to be so happy with me! :laugh:


New Member
Has to be 'Ping'. Captured everyone's attention for hours......'cos it took that long I think, to move from one side to the other.


New Member
I remember Tetris when it first came out- so simple yet blindingly addictive.


Well-Known Member
The first resident evil was superb as well, i shit myself when i first played this!!! (not literally)


Well-Known Member
Twisted metal was another class game, so many great titles were released in the early years of mainstream gaming.


New Member
Zelda: A Link to the Past. (SNES)
Super Mario Kart (SNES)
Super Mario World (SNES)
Metal Gear Solid (PS1)
Champ Man 97/98 & 02/03.
Ultimate Soccer Manger 1, 2 and 98.
Uncharted 1 and 2 for PS3.


New Member
Tiger Woods on the WII was a good challenge game.
Agree with Tiger Woods on X-Box. Also the first Fight Night with "Wobbling the stick" punches.
Buggy Boy - C64.

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