MP stabbed (11 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Yes, as its perfectly normal to kill an MP whilst shouting what sounds like a political statement. You not-so smart arse tit.


Also, what's normal? More specifically what's perfectly normal.

Hopefully you'll be able to clarify without the need to revert to pointless childish put-downs.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
"loony tunes c**t" - that's a medical term right?

Would be intetested to know what your qualifications and/or experience around Mental Health are.

No it is an apt description of the murderer.

What has your age got to do with anything?
I find a bit of age helps you not to make rash decisions.
Too much age makes you a bit inflexible.
What do you think?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
No it is an apt description of the murderer.

No it isn't.

If someone is suffering from a mental health disorder then they're brain isn't functioning in the way others would - calling someone in this situation a loony tunes c**t simply demonstrates a total lack of understanding of such illnesses.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
No it isn't.

If someone is suffering from a mental health disorder then they're brain isn't functioning in the way others would - calling someone in this situation a loony tunes c**t simply demonstrates a total lack of understanding of such illnesses.

Good luck with the right on super caring ultra inclusive society you want.
I prefer to lock up crazy people to stop them harming others and I don't give a damn if you think I'm a reactionary to want that.


Well-Known Member
I prefer to lock up crazy people to stop them harming others and I don't give a damn if you think I'm a reactionary to want that.

Yeah, lock up all the crazy people!

Actually, just to make sure we get the right ones what's your criteria for someone to be 'crazy'?

Also is it all the crazy people or just a select few crazier ones?

Maybe you could draw up a list?

Seems you've put a lot of thought into it, so you're obviously the person for the job.


Well-Known Member
No it isn't.

If someone is suffering from a mental health disorder then they're brain isn't functioning in the way others would - calling someone in this situation a loony tunes c**t simply demonstrates a total lack of understanding of such illnesses.
What has happened is dreadful.
The 'Looney tunes...etc' people on're the kind that would call a lung cancer sufferer 'filthy, smelly, unclean' or similar & shun them? Probably & hopefully not.
Mental health is one of the least understood conditions. Something has flicked a switch and sent this guy over the edge into doing things he would not usually contemplate. To put him in the same bracket as ISIS terrorists is simply appalingly bad. In reality the thugs of whatever nation over in France (& no doubt some on here who've done similar locally in the past) that are creating mayhem on the streets are possibly far far worse than this guy as they have real intent, which is much more akin to the actions of ISIS terrorism.
I would be surprised if this chap had genuine conscious intent.
The real issue here is that as a society we have to ask the question as to whether care in the community works well enough. Or should we be forcing people that may tip over the edge like this into perpetual monitoring, or segregation or if we have mostly got it right (which means the politicians have decided the occasional scenario like this is a risk worth taking). Any of the available options have a it was a life. Other options may mean an extra £1/day to cover the cost of whatever is needed.

...onwards & upwards PUSB

CCFC Germany

Active Member
A known right wing acitivist killing a left wing politician shouting "Britain first", police saying "we don't know anything about the motive" - Europe 2016 in a nutshell.


What has happened is dreadful.
The 'Looney tunes...etc' people on're the kind that would call a lung cancer sufferer 'filthy, smelly, unclean' or similar & shun them? Probably & hopefully not.
Mental health is one of the least understood conditions. Something has flicked a switch and sent this guy over the edge into doing things he would not usually contemplate. To put him in the same bracket as ISIS terrorists is simply appalingly bad. In reality the thugs of whatever nation over in France (& no doubt some on here who've done similar locally in the past) that are creating mayhem on the streets are possibly far far worse than this guy as they have real intent, which is much more akin to the actions of ISIS terrorism.
I would be surprised if this chap had genuine conscious intent.
The real issue here is that as a society we have to ask the question as to whether care in the community works well enough. Or should we be forcing people that may tip over the edge like this into perpetual monitoring, or segregation or if we have mostly got it right (which means the politicians have decided the occasional scenario like this is a risk worth taking). Any of the available options have a it was a life. Other options may mean an extra £1/day to cover the cost of whatever is needed.

...onwards & upwards PUSB
The isis comment wasn't me mentioning mental health issues, is there much difference to those blokes who killed Lee Rigby in the street? I don't think there is.


Well-Known Member
No it isn't.

If someone is suffering from a mental health disorder then they're brain isn't functioning in the way others would - calling someone in this situation a loony tunes c**t simply demonstrates a total lack of understanding of such illnesses.
You have a very valid point to be fair. I think however some are merely highlighting the timing of the argument, when a woman, MP and mother has been brutally murdered.

Think some believe it just deflects from the tragedy.

Mental health can strike any of us down at any given time though and I have witnessed it with my own eyes. That in itself is a tragedy too.

Think this was all to do with the timing of the comment.
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Well-Known Member
Interesting comments. What we will get now is people asking about how the guy got hold of the gun. Chances are if it is an "old" gun then probably perfectly legally.
However, the pro-gun lobbyists when ever there are shootings in the states, always try and say the US has a mental health problem disguised as a gun problem..... This I fundamentally disagree with, as there are people with mental health problems all over the world, but as has been said already, they don't all go around shooting people.
Tragic case.


Well-Known Member
What has happened is dreadful.
The 'Looney tunes...etc' people on're the kind that would call a lung cancer sufferer 'filthy, smelly, unclean' or similar & shun them? Probably & hopefully not.
Mental health is one of the least understood conditions. Something has flicked a switch and sent this guy over the edge into doing things he would not usually contemplate. To put him in the same bracket as ISIS terrorists is simply appalingly bad. In reality the thugs of whatever nation over in France (& no doubt some on here who've done similar locally in the past) that are creating mayhem on the streets are possibly far far worse than this guy as they have real intent, which is much more akin to the actions of ISIS terrorism.
I would be surprised if this chap had genuine conscious intent.
The real issue here is that as a society we have to ask the question as to whether care in the community works well enough. Or should we be forcing people that may tip over the edge like this into perpetual monitoring, or segregation or if we have mostly got it right (which means the politicians have decided the occasional scenario like this is a risk worth taking). Any of the available options have a it was a life. Other options may mean an extra £1/day to cover the cost of whatever is needed.

...onwards & upwards PUSB

Hmmmm.....Firstly, I must admit I had a drink inside me yesterday & some of my "labels" were made purely with the intent of winding up armybike....

Allow me to clarify.
I would not label folks with mental health issues, be they depression, dementia, bi-polar or anxiety disorders etc. in such a manner.....

However, if someone flips, goes over the edge, breaksdown to such a degree, they arm themselves to the teeth, take to streets & start slaughtering innocent people.....I'm quite comfortable labelling THOSE people as loony-tune cunts, murderous nutters etc.

Also, I think you may want to reconsider the parallel you've drawn between pissed-up twats lobbing bottles at police with isis terrorists......its perhaps a little foolish....


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm.....Firstly, I must admit I had a drink inside me yesterday & some of my "labels" were made purely with the intent of winding up armybike....

Allow me to clarify.
I would not label folks with mental health issues, be they depression, dementia, bi-polar or anxiety disorders etc. in such a manner.....

However, if someone flips, goes over the edge, breaksdown to such a degree, they arm themselves to the teeth, take to streets & start slaughtering innocent people.....I'm quite comfortable labelling THOSE people as loony-tune cunts, murderous nutters etc.

Also, I think you may want to reconsider the parallel you've drawn between pissed-up twats lobbing bottles at police with isis terrorists......its perhaps a little foolish....
Yes...I am with you in thought of placing these people into secure but otherwise as normal as possible environments. That can prevent them harming anyone including is a question of how do we go about identifying the ones that are going to flip with real certainty? And who pays & how much for the secure environments?

As for the yobs parallel with ISIS...the intent is the deliberately and consciously do others serious harm...without regard for the other persons' involvement or stance other than 'they aren't with me'

...onwards & upwards PUSB


Well-Known Member
This thread took a turn for the worse at some point instead of being respectful
However events such as this will inspire others of mal intent


Well-Known Member
This thread took a turn for the worse at some point instead of being respectful
However events such as this will inspire others of mal intent

Agreed. It's sad that someone who seemed a very decent and genuine person has died under appalling circumstances.

That is all that matters.


Well-Known Member
You have a very valid point to be fair. I think however some are merely highlighting the timing of the argument, when a woman, MP and mother has been brutally murdered.

Think some believe it just deflects from the tragedy.

Mental health can strike any of us down at any given time though and I have witnessed it with my own eyes. That in itself is a tragedy too.

Think this was all to do with the timing of the comment.

Absolutely right Otis, the debate is certainly valid but now is not the time.


Well-Known Member
I see at his first trial appearance he has given his name to the court as Death to Traitors, Freedom for Britain.

CCFC Germany

Active Member
There are pictures of this guy in a B&H shirt giving the Nazi salute. If he really had mental issues, those might just have been the tiny bit that turned him into a murderer, but there clearly are political reasons for the killing...

I do not want to know what would have been going on, if he would have shouted "Alluah Akhbar" instead. Would we still be discussing mental issues ?

Plus this guy's got a point, too :


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    Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-19 um 07.54.09.png
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Well-Known Member
There are pictures of this guy in a B&H shirt giving the Nazi salute. If he really had mental issues, those might just have been the tiny bit that turned him into a murderer, but there clearly are political reasons for the killing...

I do not want to know what would have been going on, if he would have shouted "Alluah Akhbar" instead. Would we still be discussing mental issues?

Well we should have been.

As has been said though, that's a topic of discussion for another day. At the moment it should be all about respect for the tragic death of this woman, mother and MP.


Well-Known Member
There are pictures of this guy in a B&H shirt giving the Nazi salute. If he really had mental issues, those might just have been the tiny bit that turned him into a murderer, but there clearly are political reasons for the killing...

I do not want to know what would have been going on, if he would have shouted "Alluah Akhbar" instead. Would we still be discussing mental issues ?

Plus this guy's got a point, too :

If there were any of course we would. Unless you think the press would leave out a juicy fact like that?


I find it shocking that either side would bring her into any sort of politics to use her and the sad situation to get votes their way :(


Well-Known Member
There are pictures of this guy in a B&H shirt giving the Nazi salute. If he really had mental issues, those might just have been the tiny bit that turned him into a murderer, but there clearly are political reasons for the killing...

I do not want to know what would have been going on, if he would have shouted "Alluah Akhbar" instead. Would we still be discussing mental issues ?

Plus this guy's got a point, too :

The guy has no point actually as newspaper headlines don't turn people into deranged murderers.


Super Moderator
Suppose it depends how mentally ill he is or was.

You have to have something wrong inside your head to do what he did. No sane person just goes and kills someone. Doesn't stop him being a murderer or terrorist. In fact, I'd definitely put this in the terrorism bracket. Anyone who can hold these extreme views and kill for them is most definitely a terrorist irrespective of their race or religion.

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