my comp keeps freezing? (3 Viewers)

City Nut

New Member
my pc just randomly decides to freeze up and i hav to shut it down by pressin on the power button for 5 seconds.

i am not sure wot is causing this? i have dun a spyware and virus check too.


you have too much on the hard drive. delete all things you don't need. make sure you're actually removing programs and not simpy deleting the desktop short cuts.


New Member
running to many programs could do this if the ram is low,

i would do a disk clean
then update my antivirus and anti spyware,then restart my pc in safe mode then do a full antivirus scan to see if i had a problem,

you could also do a prefetch clean,
click start then type in the run box prefetch then delete all that shows up,

do a defrag


The exact same thing has happened to me and also a few people I know. And every time, it was un-needed programs slowing down the PC and it freezes because it's not supposed to run so slowly.


Do you have a 266 or something?

I can safely say it won't be having too many programs. It will be a bit of Spyware, a virus or a dodgy bit of hardware.


New Member
on the tool bar right click this and bring up task manager and look to see how many processes are running,all so if the cpu showing 100% and not droping you might find you have a virus or spyware problem,or auto update is updating that can make your pc slow up,norton antivirus the updater used to slow my pc down,

Most system and application failures are fairly easy to identify. Random failures often indicate hardware problems.
Bad RAM, overheating, and defective hard disks, in order, are the most common hardware failures in my experience.
Hardware can fail over time. Most people assume that the problem is software because they haven’t changed any hardware lately
Hope that helps, joe
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New Member
mate if all else fails i would back up anything that is important and then do a full system restore

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