My cousin, who is female, just posted live from the ricoh on facebook (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
There is actually more to life than watching grown men kick a bag of air around a field you know.




Well-Known Member
i really do care what internet forum strangers think of me
especially internet strangers from coventry whom are nationally renowned for there wonderful and objective views
not only do i care about being told where i should go and what i should watch, but i was also looking for some fashion tips, maybe a bit of a poke in the right direction of what to eat and drink and what position to take my girlfriend ,
i also feel there should be a strict criteria for anyone wanting to go and watch coventry city on a regular basis like .. does your drool reach the floor without breaking, and would you like to wipe your arse with a £20 note ?


...shortsighted decisions by our owners beget more shortsightedness. What is the point of going up the Ricoh, cheering till your hoarse while we have owners who can't manage their pissflow?


Well-Known Member
i love city, thinka bout us 24/7,always checking the forum or newsnow and getting excited for the weekend on tuesday nights. however i dont get a season ticket as i dont have anyone who will go with me every single week so i listen to the radio commentary alot.

i go to about 10-15 home games a season when i can drag soemone along with me, imight start going on my own this year as its getting hard to find anyone now.

but i know season ticket holders who switch off after saturday 6pm and dont know anything about transfer rumours or inside info etc and wont thinka bout city till next week,i know i am a bigger fan than them even if they do go to more games.

complicated one.


Well-Known Member

...shortsighted decisions by our owners beget more shortsightedness. What is the point of going up the Ricoh, cheering till your hoarse while we have owners who can't manage their pissflow?

Ownership has nothing to do with lack of attendance in 99% of cases. Other than the first couple of years at the Ricoh attendances have always been poor - well before we even heard of SISU. You get what you pay for ultimately and lack of support of course leads to cost cutting.


Well-Known Member
Ownership has nothing to do with lack of attendance in 99% of cases. Other than the first couple of years at the Ricoh attendances have always been poor - well before we even heard of SISU. You get what you pay for ultimately and lack of support of course leads to cost cutting.

Attendances are always due to a wide range of factors. But No.1 amongst all these is the extremeley tangible perception that CCFC are not worth supporting because the "owners couldn't give a shit".
In the sixties, under the Hill/Robbins partnership the opposite was true and fans and owners were united........gates for reserve games were better than what our first team get today.
Five years ago we had players like Fox and Dann......was it the fan's decision to off load these players and not to reinvest like for like? NO.
Was this cost cutting or asset stripping?
Look at our league position and squad today - even a complete moron would get the right answer nine times out of ten.
My five year old could make a better fist of running this football club.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Attendances are always due to a wide range of factors. But No.1 amongst all these is the extremeley tangible perception that CCFC are not worth supporting because the "owners couldn't give a shit".
In the sixties, under the Hill/Robbins partnership the opposite was true and fans and owners were united........gates for reserve games were better than what our first team get today.
Five years ago we had players like Fox and Dann......was it the fan's decision to off load these players and not to reinvest like for like? NO.
Was this cost cutting or asset stripping?
Look at our league position and squad today - even a complete moron would get the right answer nine times out of ten.
My five year old could make a better fist of running this football club.

What would be your suggestions then?

A lot on here have expressed outrage about the Portsmouth situation, yet it seems that that is what a lot of CCFC fans want to do? They except the club to massively gamble its future, despite this being our downfall in the past. Either that, or they expect someone to continually pump money into the club until they have none left, then leave quietly when it runs out and get nothing in return....


Well-Known Member
Also you can't compare football in the 60's it was a boom for football attendances.
Even when we achieved relative success in 1987 and a couple of top 10 league positions afterwards attendances compared to neighbouring clubs was not strong.
To attract 12,000 on our first home game of the season was poor by any standards.


Well-Known Member
Look, all I am saying (and agreeing) is that attendances are down to a variety of factors.
It isn't just that SISU are incompetent, clueless owners that have demoralised the SKY BLUE rank and file with a succession of idiotic and shortsighted decisions.
However, that is the number one reason why fans do not go.
Completely justified and understandable imho.


New Member
Because the wheels of the bandwagon well and truly fell off and they've all crawled back into hiding until another cup draw of such "magnitude".


New Member
Reeling them in with a 2 line post.

Reeling them in? I'm not the one getting worked up about whether people turn up or not.

The posts on this thread really back up the notion that Coventry City FC really do have some of the worst 'supporters' in the country. These part time, fair weather fans aren't supporters at all. I'm talking about the locals who choose not to come, as I laid out in my earlier post. They are the reason we don't do better as a club, less supporters, less money, lesser quality of player. People bang on about how rubbish the club is but don't help them - turning their backs on them when they most need it. They don't have a true passion for the club, it is some kind of entertainment or lifestyle choice for them, 'blokes kicking a bag of wind around.' That kind of sick note attitude condemns the club.
The new manager has cited Leeds as a good example of great support. We're a million miles away from that. The loyal hardcore fans here are terrific. The locals who choose not to come really let the club down. Yeah sure, turn up for Arsenal, Chelsea etc, but you aren't supporters, just daytrippers. As I said, 'effing useless.'

As you get older and mature a bit, if you come back and read what you've posted here, you'll probably realise how naive and somewhat childish it sounds. I'm not knocking you, when I was a teenager I felt exactly the same. But as my life progressed, going week in week out didn't seem so important anymore. If you believe that makes you more of a supporter fair play, it doesn't make any difference to me. I've put the mileage in over the years, but I have a life separate to CCFC. I pick and choose, just as I pick and choose which movies to go and watch at the cinema, but hey the guy in the seat behind me at The Sweeney the other week, he goes to see crap films as well as the good ones, so he's a better cinema goer than me. Am I bothered? Not one iota. Catch my drift?


Well-Known Member
That's why there's 3 pages of it, because nobody cares.

I meant about you and you 'not giving a shit' when you clearly do monologues.

There's several pages because it's a valid thing to be discussing. And people are trying to do just that.


New Member
Why would I care whether you or anyone else thinks I'm a true supporter or not?


Well-Known Member
Why would I care whether you or anyone else thinks I'm a true supporter or not?

Are you on the wind up or stupid? I don't care if you are or not. It doesn't interest me! Ha ha, fuck me.


New Member
Are you on the wind up or stupid? I don't care if you are or not. It doesn't interest me! Ha ha, fuck me.

So you make comments about me being bothered, then when asked to give a reason to justify it you can't, and so resort to insults. I could point out your contradiction but I'm certain it would be lost on you.


Well-Known Member
So you make comments about me being bothered, then when asked to give a reason to justify it you can't, and so resort to insults. I could point out your contradiction but I'm certain it would be lost on you.

Purely the fact you go on about not being bothered, shows you are bothered what people think. That was my original point and always has been, read back through the thread. I don't care if you class yourself as a supporter or not. Never said I did. You came in with insults, stating 'keyboard warrior' and suggesting people are teenagers!

When I suggested that you do care, and it's ok to care you know, you went off ok one saying you 'don't need to justify your support to anybody.' Nobody was asking you to do that, I certainly wasn't because its none of my business.

I made a flippant comment, about you caring what people think. Which you do or you wouldn't have piled in with your first post. Then you got all defensive, I claimed a bite, then said we are all getting to precious and let's all get on with it.
Then you roll back in an Snoz, fair enough, he went off on one. Then I suggest that nobody cares if you go to games or not. But somehow the fact there is a lot of posts on this thread means they do care about what you said? No, the thread would have been several pages regardless.

Maybe I'm on a major bite here, but I'm seeing crossed wires, and it's not mine.
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New Member
I've been to a handful of games in the last season and a bit. Do you honestly think I sit worrying what the likes of Snoz or anyone else thinks about my support? Of course I don't, because I have more important things going on than whether or not I'm more of a supporter than the next man.

I won't knock those that go week in week out, fair play to them, but they can throw all the insults they like, I'll continue to pick an choose my games, as is my right, and if that works people up so be it. If the main importance in a persons life is whether he is more of a supporter than someone else, this leads me to believe he/she is very young, because life and priorities change as you get older. Following CCFC is a small part of my life these days, whereas once it was the only thing I cared about, then I grew up.


New Member
One or two are twisting words here. I said the daytrippers who live locally and who CHOOSE not to come to support City, are not supporters at all. Nothing to do with who is better than who. Just that they aren't supporters, full stop. NOT supporters at all, geddit?
Of course they don't care what people think. Why should they, their choice what they do. That's fine. I've no issue with that.
Trotting out the usual, more important things to do etc line is what exposes them for what they are, lukewarms, sick notes, 'fans' who will swear undying loyalty at the merest hint of success. Or a cup tie against Chelsea. Or Arsenal etc.
This is why Coventry City are failing. Less support=less money=lesser players.
We have a loyal band of supporters who realise that if enough people would only support their team we can be that 12th man. Then we have a huge proportion of sick note useless fans.


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't she have been cooking or cleaning or something?

Damn straight, she needs to learn her role, in any case whats the point in her going to the game, she will not understand whats going on, and will only coo about the blokes in shorts or Alan Smith's lovely hair.

BTW I am extra awesome, I didnt go to Arsenal but went to MK Dons.


New Member
In answer to Snoz, I live locally, and I still pick and choose which games to go to. I'm not going tomorrow against Bournemouth, but if it was away I probably will. That's my choice. The single deciding factor to why I pick and choose which games I go to is boredom. I don't get much enjoyment going to the Ricoh these days, so I tend to go to more away games. If that makes me a non-supporter in your eyes, then so be it, but I for one do not lose any sleep over it.


Well-Known Member
One or two are twisting words here. I said the daytrippers who live locally and who CHOOSE not to come to support City, are not supporters at all. Nothing to do with who is better than who. Just that they aren't supporters, full stop. NOT supporters at all, geddit?
Of course they don't care what people think. Why should they, their choice what they do. That's fine. I've no issue with that.
Trotting out the usual, more important things to do etc line is what exposes them for what they are, lukewarms, sick notes, 'fans' who will swear undying loyalty at the merest hint of success. Or a cup tie against Chelsea. Or Arsenal etc.
This is why Coventry City are failing. Less support=less money=lesser players.
We have a loyal band of supporters who realise that if enough people would only support their team we can be that 12th man. Then we have a huge proportion of sick note useless fans.

when you became a supporter of the club,did you sign a contract pledging you would attend Z amount of games per season for the rest of your life,regarding of what league we are in,or how poorly we are playing..( of course you didn't ) neither did anybody many have already mentioned,peoples lives and priorites change,it doesn't mean they think less of the club.the club as we all know it,has gone through some dramatic changes of late,and so has many fans..
it doesn't matter what you or i doesn't matter if you attend every game of the season,or just one or two.being in league one..your going to get around 10.000 fans..thats a good crowd in this league..what have we had to cheer about as fans in recent history....absolutely nothing....


New Member
Your just a fan if you don't go to games. To be a supporter you have to actually attend games regularly thus physically supporting your team. Massive difference in my eyes.
I agree with snoz, the locals that can't be arsed and come out the woodwork for the bog games should be ashamed!

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Your just a fan if you don't go to games. To be a supporter you have to actually attend games regularly thus physically supporting your team. Massive difference in my eyes.
I agree with snoz, the locals that can't be arsed and come out the woodwork for the bog games should be ashamed!

Can't agree there SBS76. I have attended games since 1963 - probably near on a thousand matches - but now, due to distance, health and finances, I haven't been for some time. Does this make me less of a "supporter"? Have I been "downgraded" to being just a "lowly" fan somehow? Feel insulted. :mad:


New Member
Can't agree there SBS76. I have attended games since 1963 - probably near on a thousand matches - but now, due to distance, health and finances, I haven't been for some time. Does this make me less of a "supporter"? Have I been "downgraded" to being just a "lowly" fan somehow? Feel insulted. :mad:

Not trying to offend, sorry.
I mean the people with no other reasons than they chose not to go.
Reasons like who's in charge or who owns the club etc etc.
It's so hard to go up there these days and show our support, but they need us. Damned if you do,damned if you don't.

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Not trying to offend, sorry.
I mean the people with no other reasons than they chose not to go.
Reasons like who's in charge or who owns the club etc etc.
It's so hard to go up there these days and show our support, but they need us. Damned if you do,damned if you don't.

Understood and forgiven! ;)


New Member
Your just a fan if you don't go to games. To be a supporter you have to actually attend games regularly thus physically supporting your team. Massive difference in my eyes.
I agree with snoz, the locals that can't be arsed and come out the woodwork for the bog games should be ashamed!

Fan/supporter. Who cares. I won't lose any sleep over it.

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