Well-Known Member
Apart from the last lineDissolve England/Scotland/Wales into one and concentrate on the stuff that actually matters. Let NI decide its own fate

Apart from the last lineDissolve England/Scotland/Wales into one and concentrate on the stuff that actually matters. Let NI decide its own fate
On a lighter note I've just seen it would take 225 million years to walk 1 light year... How mads that... As you were
Dissolve England/Scotland/Wales into one and concentrate on the stuff that actually matters. Let NI decide its own fate
On a lighter note I've just seen it would take 225 million years to walk 1 light year... How mads that... As you were
Imagine a world with no countries and borders... The world Cup would officially end.. That alone makes it a big fat no
Nah you’d just have everyone enter their own team. Think of it as Sunday league on crack
The world once had no borders or countries... Around this time
I have a Scottish family and visit regularly and don’t get much noise on this front in general but I think in general the English aren’t liked in most countries. I hear more noise against the a English from the welsh but I have even challenged my old man when he throws anti English comments out espically after England provided him with a family, a house, a job then a business. The fact is that alot of scotland are proud of the union, a lot aren’t but I think they would get independenc. Sturgeon has played a blinder over this period, she waits to see what westminster does, see how that plays out then adapts 3 weeks later. She has the benefit of watching it play out then making decisions to correct any mistakes south of the border.
ah, so it was my fault then. great Work SherlockI don’t know why these individuals wanted to fight you. In general, no matter where you are if you don’t act a dick you won’t get any grief, same holds trues in Scotland, Ireland- anywhere really.
It's easy enough to pontificate about Scots' attitude towards the English when we're not the ones ruled from what is perceived asanother country. People in England get pissed off when they see Nicola Sturgeon on telly, imagine she was PM!?
It's easy enough to pontificate about Scots' attitude towards the English when we're not the ones ruled from what is perceived asanother country. People in England get pissed off when they see Nicola Sturgeon on telly, imagine she was PM!?
For what it's worth though, I do think the nationalist movement is a pipe dream built on some very shaky assumptions.
Nationalism factually has created the world we live in and driven technological development in an attempt to be one step ahead. Liberalism and anti nationalism is the death or the world we know it at current... well it’s already burning look at the way the west has changed in the face of twenty years.
Liberalism feed on oppressing people and branding people with terms like ‘fascist’ and the golden one ‘racist’ if they don’t agree with their perspective on a subject matter. Leon Trotsky driven that communist word to oppress those who didn’t believe in their ideology and it worked, you slander and brand someone with the term so much people begin to believe it. I’m not fond of the EDL just to align my views but Tommy Robinson is quite a golden subject matter on that point so many times he’s been called a racist and when asked to prove he’s a racist they’ve never factually provided clear full proof evidence to prove their claim yet their stance is always portrayed by the media to be the ‘correct’ decision/stance.
Open borders have proven a great deal, failure... mass rape... undocumented individuals....
Multiculturalism is a failed project... humans have never lived peacefully amongst each other with radically different political, ideological and religious views! We’re currently in the Western World so ‘cuckold’.... I’m not trying to make a racial point but whites are known to solely be in the Western World and as a race are the minority on earth yet we’re the only place on earth to embrace other races and religions in such a fashion! You don’t see the same multicultural ideology being accepted on Saudi Arabia? Women being oppressed, one religion, killed if you’re gay? Yet the liberals of the west aren’t outraged by that! In Africa albinos are killed for ‘witch doctor’ rituals still... that’s a cultural ideology and meanwhile we’re making out we’ve got an issue?
Nationalism and nationalists are what have made this island what it is! It’s made Europe as a whole what it is! Soldiers died fighting for nationalism not the European Union... Hitler would have died from laughter knowing that such liberal ideals after the war would allow Germany to take over Europe! He’d be shocked by how weak Europe would become though in the process! Nationalists fight for nations and fight for their beliefs, liberals shed tears and scream...
Centralism and Right leaning views are the way back to a more prosperous Britain.... this current ‘liberal’ political culture is far-left that we’re seeing people express in the masses and they’re ironically the ones to call people ‘facists’ when they qualify as fascists themselves. You’ve got LGBT communities defending Islam.... a religion thats preachers and laws call for the death of them... that’s why the far-left are so idiotic!♂
The rest of the world isn’t adapting to these ideologies liberals are promoting in Europe and North America... to believe religions like Islam support multiculturalism or any of these recent ‘immigrants’ want to live in a multicultural nation is also far from reality.... Colonel Ghadaffi even said... Europe will once adhear to the rule of sharia law and equality and will be Islamic... by birth fertility ratings this is already becoming a factual reality! So for liberals to say nationalism is wrong and oppressive? What f***** isn’t in this world?
Soldiers that fought in WW1/WW2 if ressurected would willingly drag every British man and woman into their graves for giving up our identity so easily! It used to mean something to be British... now everyone who can get on a dinghy or raft over the channel can become ‘british’.
I grew up as a liberal... I’ve not grown up rich... I grew up in Wood End... but I learnt and soon realized that Labour is the enemy of the working class not the supporter! Centralism and Right wing politics/Conseratvism has the best interests of the nation... liberalism has the best interests of everything but the nation!
YouTube is a hell of a drug
Nationalism factually has created the world we live in and driven technological development in an attempt to be one step ahead. Liberalism and anti nationalism is the death or the world we know it at current... well it’s already burning look at the way the west has changed in the face of twenty years.
Liberalism feed on oppressing people and branding people with terms like ‘fascist’ and the golden one ‘racist’ if they don’t agree with their perspective on a subject matter. Leon Trotsky driven that communist word to oppress those who didn’t believe in their ideology and it worked, you slander and brand someone with the term so much people begin to believe it. I’m not fond of the EDL just to align my views but Tommy Robinson is quite a golden subject matter on that point so many times he’s been called a racist and when asked to prove he’s a racist they’ve never factually provided clear full proof evidence to prove their claim yet their stance is always portrayed by the media to be the ‘correct’ decision/stance.
Open borders have proven a great deal, failure... mass rape... undocumented individuals....
Multiculturalism is a failed project... humans have never lived peacefully amongst each other with radically different political, ideological and religious views! We’re currently in the Western World so ‘cuckold’.... I’m not trying to make a racial point but whites are known to solely be in the Western World and as a race are the minority on earth yet we’re the only place on earth to embrace other races and religions in such a fashion! You don’t see the same multicultural ideology being accepted on Saudi Arabia? Women being oppressed, one religion, killed if you’re gay? Yet the liberals of the west aren’t outraged by that! In Africa albinos are killed for ‘witch doctor’ rituals still... that’s a cultural ideology and meanwhile we’re making out we’ve got an issue?
Nationalism and nationalists are what have made this island what it is! It’s made Europe as a whole what it is! Soldiers died fighting for nationalism not the European Union... Hitler would have died from laughter knowing that such liberal ideals after the war would allow Germany to take over Europe! He’d be shocked by how weak Europe would become though in the process! Nationalists fight for nations and fight for their beliefs, liberals shed tears and scream...
Centralism and Right leaning views are the way back to a more prosperous Britain.... this current ‘liberal’ political culture is far-left that we’re seeing people express in the masses and they’re ironically the ones to call people ‘facists’ when they qualify as fascists themselves. You’ve got LGBT communities defending Islam.... a religion thats preachers and laws call for the death of them... that’s why the far-left are so idiotic!
The rest of the world isn’t adapting to these ideologies liberals are promoting in Europe and North America... to believe religions like Islam support multiculturalism or any of these recent ‘immigrants’ want to live in a multicultural nation is also far from reality.... Colonel Ghadaffi even said... Europe will once adhear to the rule of sharia law and equality and will be Islamic... by birth fertility ratings this is already becoming a factual reality! So for liberals to say nationalism is wrong and oppressive? What f***** isn’t in this world?
Soldiers that fought in WW1/WW2 if ressurected would willingly drag every British man and woman into their graves for giving up our identity so easily! It used to mean something to be British... now everyone who can get on a dinghy or raft over the channel can become ‘british’.
I grew up as a liberal... I’ve not grown up rich... I grew up in Wood End... but I learnt and soon realized that Labour is the enemy of the working class not the supporter! Centralism and Right wing politics/Conseratvism has the best interests of the nation... liberalism has the best interests of everything but the nation!
Social media, fake news with no fact checkers set in place is a hell of weapon! Have you ever noticed how a liberal owned Facebook only ever fact checks right wing leaning topics and not liberal? They’ll ban and block people upsetting liberalism but they’ll allow you to watch someone be beheaded, shot to death, blown to bits?
Marketing has allowed people with smaller intellectual capacities to be easily manipulated and driven to be tunnel visioned... as liberals say... believe in feelings not facts!![]()
Trying to be edgy, coming across as a bit of a cockUses a two tone avatar while criticising multi culturalism
So if we should have left the likes of Gadaffi in situ to keep a lid on the various tribes and factions who was it that removed him and turned Libya into the madhouse it is now? And why did they remove him?
And when you answer that, you'll see that the rest of your post is pretty much entirely nonsense.
Trying to be edgy, coming across as a bit of a cock
Uses a two tone avatar while criticising multi culturalism
Some Ben Shapiro/Tomi Lahren tribute act
That’s bingo!Little snowflake! ❄
Because saying multiculturalism is a failure is racist? Seriously did you go to anything past primary school as you’re not really proving to be a smart princess are you? Little snowflake! ❄
Multicultrlaism is a failure hence why so many conflicts occur in even Africa and the Middle East? It’s not about one or two cultures or skin pigments... it’s about ideologies people preach that promotes an ideology of separation! What is white culture? What’s black culture? What’s Asian culture... point aligned.
You’re a frozen act, princess! ❄![]()
Trying to be edgy, coming across as a bit of a cock
Two tone is a great example of multiculturalism’s success and you have an avatar of it.
Edgy? Sorry my political ideology doesn’t align with yours p
Great example of success! You’re talking about one success amongst a bunch of failures?That may be the liberal ideology in you telling you that ‘everyone’s a winner’ but statistically there’s more evidence to prove multiculturalism has failed throughout human exsistance than it’s succeeded and it’s due to the ideologies and mentalities people adhere to! It hasn’t changed for thousands of years.... it isn’t changing now... hence why you’ve got the riots currently?
I love how you’re trying to make out indirectly that I’m a hypocrite/racist in disguise but it’s rather flawed considering you don’t even know who I am or what skin colour I bare? Love triggering you little corbynites!
Not really, we can read the words you're bashing out.but it’s rather flawed considering you don’t even know who I am or what skin colour I bare?
Gadaffi was challenging the west and wanted centralized African unity? Technically their was a rising within the nation and alike every proxy war the west intervenes first the CIA arming rebel groups and then secondly the intervention. So I’m not sure where the nonsense comes into play? You’re talking absolute waffle yourself... where’s your justification to validate your point? Typical snowflake... ‘your talking rubbish... don’t tell me otherwise but I won’t validate my point with factual information because I love Tony Blair!’
I never even commented on Libya... I mentioned a statement the man said and it wasn’t even referencing the conflict their or the immigration crisis as a result of conflict in that nation as it was proven the majority didn’t come from Syria?![]()
You‘re the one who can’t let it go
Is Coventry a better or worse place for multiculturalism?
Not really, we can read the words you're bashing out.
Social media, fake news with no fact checkers set in place is a hell of weapon! Have you ever noticed how a liberal owned Facebook only ever fact checks right wing leaning topics and not liberal? They’ll ban and block people upsetting liberalism but they’ll allow you to watch someone be beheaded, shot to death, blown to bits?
Marketing has allowed people with smaller intellectual capacities to be easily manipulated and driven to be tunnel visioned... as liberals say... believe in feelings not facts!![]()
the nonsense comes in to play because you're blaming the current geopolitical state on the world on people who had nothing to do with it.
And if you mention Gdaffi, it's difficult not to broach the subject of Libya, his name is synonymous with the place.