Broken Hearted Sky Blue
Well-Known Member
Over the past few months I and others have been called Neanderthals an childish.As one of the last remaining members of my species,I feel some important historical facts need to be aired.
We Neanderthals were a peace loving and trusting group,with innocent you could say childish qualities. We spent our days collecting nuts and berries,quite content scrapping our Knuckles on the ground as we walked. We kept our own council and were a chaitable bunch,we spent time together,sang together even when the children were playing up,for us the sky was always blue.
We had our grand gatherings in the High Field, in the Hill of Fields By the Lane of The Swan,by the Tree of Cofa life was good but got even better when the first Homo Sapiens arrived led by Bryan Son of Richard,he brought people from far and wide to entertain us,oh what pleasure how we did sing together. Soon our home became too small so we left our spiritual home and a new home was built for us.This was between the Brook of Hol and the Hill of Foles.This new home was much bigger and more comfortable than the old one,but still some of us pinned for our old home but we could not return for it had been taken over by others. Although our new home was newer more spacious etc than the old one it was not ours and all our nut and berry collecting could not sustain it.
One day other Homo Sapiens arrived hurray we were saved. They were welcomed by most of us and for a while we coexisted happily,then things started to change. For them sharing and doing things for the common good is not an option,they wanted our new home for free. Their Queen who we have not seen but hear has no joy in her heart sent one of her followers an angler to claim it. A power struggle ensued between the Queen who worhips pieces of paper and us who worship eleven men dressed in blue in a field (after all we are simple).
After a while the Queen saw she was not getting our new home for free,she kidnapped our eleven men and took them far away to one of the Fields of Six and said if you want to be entertained you must go there untill we get our home for free or build yet another one. But because of my god you,your children and your childrens children will pay for it. others9o% of us decided not to go others escaped to a hill (notice how many hills and fields there are in our history) overlooking the field where the eleven entertained the few of us that went they were taken there twisting and shouting and some babies were shaking whilst on the hill we were trying to work it all out. While others were in their chambers trying to think of ways to entice others to go.
We on the hill had to find a way of communicating with each other and the hostages in the valley because of our exceeedingly rare accents we would have been spotted,so developed a form of communication using reeds. This really upsets the Homo Sapiens no end,the result is we are faced with being boiled alive in brown foul smelling liquid. We have now heard that in a few weeks time they will unleash some wid dogs on us,we have come across them before and they can be very unpredictable.
But ther are other species we get on with eg The Gooners who migrated to their fields many moons ago,The Wombles a species from a very big field who were kidnapped and taken to a place not far from our hill but thankfully escaped the clutches of another of the Homo Sapien rulers.
These are testing times for us,sometimes we exhibit Homo Sapien tendancies,such as reacting to a slight or threat it for us though is short lived and we soon return to our childish state, unlike Homo Sapiens we are non violent,we are shouty because for ages now our voices have not been heard.
Finally we understand that the Queen has another God this one of compassion and forgiveness,so we the Neanderthals ask that the Queen,the Angler,the Natural Son of the Bull,and the successor to The Sheep convene a Grand Sit down(was going to say council:facepalm
before it is too late and we become extinct.
We Neanderthals were a peace loving and trusting group,with innocent you could say childish qualities. We spent our days collecting nuts and berries,quite content scrapping our Knuckles on the ground as we walked. We kept our own council and were a chaitable bunch,we spent time together,sang together even when the children were playing up,for us the sky was always blue.
We had our grand gatherings in the High Field, in the Hill of Fields By the Lane of The Swan,by the Tree of Cofa life was good but got even better when the first Homo Sapiens arrived led by Bryan Son of Richard,he brought people from far and wide to entertain us,oh what pleasure how we did sing together. Soon our home became too small so we left our spiritual home and a new home was built for us.This was between the Brook of Hol and the Hill of Foles.This new home was much bigger and more comfortable than the old one,but still some of us pinned for our old home but we could not return for it had been taken over by others. Although our new home was newer more spacious etc than the old one it was not ours and all our nut and berry collecting could not sustain it.
One day other Homo Sapiens arrived hurray we were saved. They were welcomed by most of us and for a while we coexisted happily,then things started to change. For them sharing and doing things for the common good is not an option,they wanted our new home for free. Their Queen who we have not seen but hear has no joy in her heart sent one of her followers an angler to claim it. A power struggle ensued between the Queen who worhips pieces of paper and us who worship eleven men dressed in blue in a field (after all we are simple).
After a while the Queen saw she was not getting our new home for free,she kidnapped our eleven men and took them far away to one of the Fields of Six and said if you want to be entertained you must go there untill we get our home for free or build yet another one. But because of my god you,your children and your childrens children will pay for it. others9o% of us decided not to go others escaped to a hill (notice how many hills and fields there are in our history) overlooking the field where the eleven entertained the few of us that went they were taken there twisting and shouting and some babies were shaking whilst on the hill we were trying to work it all out. While others were in their chambers trying to think of ways to entice others to go.
We on the hill had to find a way of communicating with each other and the hostages in the valley because of our exceeedingly rare accents we would have been spotted,so developed a form of communication using reeds. This really upsets the Homo Sapiens no end,the result is we are faced with being boiled alive in brown foul smelling liquid. We have now heard that in a few weeks time they will unleash some wid dogs on us,we have come across them before and they can be very unpredictable.
But ther are other species we get on with eg The Gooners who migrated to their fields many moons ago,The Wombles a species from a very big field who were kidnapped and taken to a place not far from our hill but thankfully escaped the clutches of another of the Homo Sapien rulers.
These are testing times for us,sometimes we exhibit Homo Sapien tendancies,such as reacting to a slight or threat it for us though is short lived and we soon return to our childish state, unlike Homo Sapiens we are non violent,we are shouty because for ages now our voices have not been heard.
Finally we understand that the Queen has another God this one of compassion and forgiveness,so we the Neanderthals ask that the Queen,the Angler,the Natural Son of the Bull,and the successor to The Sheep convene a Grand Sit down(was going to say council:facepalm