New City Shop ONLINE! :) (1 Viewer)


You can see the new CCFC Shop online here.

What do you think?

It looks ok although it may be a bit amateur!

I might still use the shop at the Ricoh but even so, it is good for the people far away I guess :)

Peter Griffin

New Member
It certainly looks better than the old one, if like you say, a tad amateurish. The only gripe I have is they've taken away the 'view enlarged image' option and being in Devon I don't want to have to squint at a postage stamp size picture before parting with my hard earned!


New Member
Why was The Shop in West Orchards Closed. It always seemed Busy?


Yeah I think it will be somewhere cheaper to rent with just a ticket office or something?

I guess RR will be checking what has been selling and what hasn't there :)


Well-Known Member
It certainly looks better than the old one, if like you say, a tad amateurish. The only gripe I have is they've taken away the 'view enlarged image' option and being in Devon I don't want to have to squint at a postage stamp size picture before parting with my hard earned!

If you click on the images they will enlarge, however they need to get a better photographer as the images are of very poor quality look as if they have been taken on an old mobile phone.

And I can't stand the fact that every time they have a picture of fans they have to stick them ugly mugs on there if anything they are a complete embaressment


I did wonder that about the fans.

Also noticed they are on a sky advert too.


New Member
The online shop is better laid out but when you try to have a close look at anything ie detail on shirt etc the images are just a blur that what lets it down other wise it is ok

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