New Man Utd stadium (1 Viewer)

Sky Blue Goblin

Well-Known Member
Circus tent for the clowns 🤣

I mean what were they thinking with that design. Looks awful and looks to be to accommodate being build prefab (is this cheaper than the traditional method). If they rebuild old Trafford it should be for a stadium which at least reflects where they are from.

With Trafford being noted as an old industrial heartland, feel it could have ended up looking more like the proposed Chelsea Battersea Stadium instead of Butlins


Well-Known Member
I quite like the look of it. I assume the club badge is represented with the masts and tent being the sails.

I like the idea of what they've tried to achieve with the tent. If they have the turnstiles right at the front, the concourses will be massive and spacious.

At least it's not another bowl clone.


Well-Known Member
100,000 capacity. To cost £2 billion pound

It looks like the Millennium Dome
Man Utd's board room

homer simpson GIF
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Well-Known Member
Ha that is terrible, why hasn't anyone at any point spoken up about the circus connotations... it's almost as if Jim sacked off the over paid PR team or something


Well-Known Member
If they have the turnstiles right at the front, the concourses will be massive and spacious.
It would also be a security nightmare.

The renders make it look a lot like the area outside Wembley, which is not exactly the most hospitable or fun environment to spend time before a game.


Well-Known Member
The AI images look fantastic when the sun is bouncing off the big pristine white circus tent, family’s sat side by side on perfectly trimmed grass discussing how wonderful the world is next to the canal looks idyllic.

Did nobody get the memo of weather in the UK we typically get when football is played!?

Copy and paste a couple of shopping trolleys floating down canal side, beggars walking from family to family asking for spare change and it might be a slight better representation.

Can’t believe that’s taken somebody a significant amount of time/money and that’s the best version.

Sky Blue Wozza

Well-Known Member
The video accompanying the “launch”, with obligatory Gary Neville voiceover, is nauseating in the extreme.

Honestly, people from Manchester have such self-inflated worth about their overrated city. There’s no real centre to it, appalling train stations, even worse airport and grating accent.

The Reverend Skyblue

Well-Known Member
Doesn’t Jim want us good old taxpayers to pay half of it, I’m sure I’ve read that somewhere, as he wants it as a national stadium for the North
I say Fuck Off Jim you massive …


Well-Known Member
Doesn’t Jim want us good old taxpayers to pay half of it, I’m sure I’ve read that somewhere, as he wants it as a national stadium for the North
I say Fuck Off Jim you massive …
the FA are reluctant to play games away from Wembley as it is but if you're going to start using other stadiums then makes more sense to move around the country rather than have a northern national stadium.
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Well-Known Member
The video accompanying the “launch”, with obligatory Gary Neville voiceover, is nauseating in the extreme.

Honestly, people from Manchester have such self-inflated worth about their overrated city. There’s no real centre to it, appalling train stations, even worse airport and grating accent.
Manchester's a top city.

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