For your information my friend, the money that is raised for the off-site car parks goes directly to the land owners, which are all charities or schools. Tell me what part of that is unfair. regarding your after game traffic problems, what traffic problems? 15 mins to empty the site on an average coventry city game. I can leave the Ricoh arena at the end of the game and can be sitting in my house in Coundon, having a nice cup of tea, within 10 mins... No traffic problems there. Regarding the Park and Ride system is a £2 bus journey from the train station and city centre is this not subsidised enough for you, and what do we need a train station for??? When the bus service from the city centre has an average 30-50 people on it. Also when there was a Park and Ride Service from Coventry Airport and average of 10 city fans would use it. There is also independent bus services' throughout Coventry and Warwickshire which is subsidised from money that is raised from the on-site parking... What is your point then my friend?
1) I never mentioned the off-site parking so quite what the point of that is I don't know
2) We are about to encounter our sixth season at the Ricoh and no train service especially with the Olympics and out of town visitors next year is beyond bad
3) We park in car park B. It's the only real affordable one that is easily reachable for someone like me who struggles to walk and we are kept behind for about 20-30 minutes after every game and then straight into the built up traffic. Those who pay more can leave earlier. How is this fair and highlights that it's all about money not service
4) The park and ride from the airport was a joke. It should be a green scheme to ease and facilitate travel to and from games not yet another money-spinner to drain every last penny. We need to fill the ground and that means people like me travelling in from the suburbs and surrounding towns. From Warwick we need to not only pay petorl (our choice sure) but then pay £6.50 to park the car at the airport and then £4.50 each to travel in. So being greener with three in the car sees our costs overall rise from £4 parking to £20 and have to queue for busses and be at their times for the privilege.
5) If you can not see the problem and think because people don't use the sevices then they don't want it rather than think "why are they not using it and what can we do to encourage use?" then your views are narrow and short-sighted because better service will help put bums on seats in the ground too. Cheap, clean, reliable and regular from various pick-up points with free parking at the park and ride sites would be a good start, but the whole strategy needs reviewing and a look at the original charter of what was promised when the ground was originally built. Permission was granted on the basis of encouraging less people to travel to games by car.