New Ricoh deal close / One Year Agreed (8 Viewers)


They have started from the ccfc facebook page.
They are saying no membership just pass them your questions and they will get them answered.
So simple why has it not been done before.;)

Who is it? The guy on the radio was talking about money... It worried me a little bit because when he said he didnt know how to get in touch with the club and could CWR pass on his details it was deja vu.


Well-Known Member
Haha Nick Eastwood the king of spin. Wasps the masters of PR lol.

Always said we would agree a short-term deal, as predicted the legals weren't a dealbreaker after all.

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Well-Known Member
Any way why don't Sisu just sell the Club we get a long term deal that is right for us, then take wasps to court without ccfc around their necks.


Well-Known Member
Who is it? The guy on the radio was talking about money... It worried me a little bit because when he said he didnt know how to get in touch with the club and could CWR pass on his details it was deja vu.
Tbf Nick I believe he is being pushed into it by others, not sure he really knows what he is letting himself in for.
Most of them believe that you only have to ask the questions and they will get the answers they want to hear.
I only know from what I have read on that page they do have 10,000 members, ironically more the our average home games this season.


Tbf Nick I believe he is being pushed into it by others, not sure he really knows what he is letting himself in for.
Most of them believe that you only have to ask the questions and they will get the answers they want to hear.
I only know from what I have read on that page they do have 10,000 members, ironically more the our average home games this season.

Have you got a link to the page? 10,000 considering he set it up a couple of days ago isn't doing too badly.

It sounded a bit random.


Well-Known Member
Ahh, but in the next clip the ship takes the corner too fast and ends up in Mrs. Tonkinson's front garden.

You can then see Mr. Tonkinson with a tin of 3 in 1 oil and some duck tape.

Didn’t see that. Only have my reading glasses on not glasses for distance.


Well-Known Member
Im glad we’ve got another forum of City fans to hate on. Since GMK and the rest died I’ve missed it.


Well-Known Member
Well if they make little profit from the CCFC matches ...... 100K rent, a 15% split of the F&B (profit split 50:50) which will not be a lot, car parking which they franchised out I believe and maybe a margin on the match day costs it is not going to be big net figures to replace - they lose turnover but also lose a lot of cost too. I doubt the profit on CCFC gets to 250k. There would be other events could be staged in the arena, it is not about the numbers or frequency but the profitability. One example would be rooms in the hotel being let more often would contribute.

Sorry, I don't really buy this. People seem to be trying very hard to downplay the football's club value to ACL, and I think it is slightly deceitful.

The season before last, more people attended CCFC games than Wasps games (owing to the fact we play a lot more fixtures). It wasn't quite the case last season, but it wasn't a million miles away.

Yes, parking has been outsourced, but that contract has value, and that value will be higher when 250,000 people attend football matches each year. So too catering. ACL sold catering rights in a multi-million deal a year or two ago, and again that contract will have greater value owing to the presence of the football club - although it is difficult to quantify I know.

The same will apply when new naming rights are agreed. Any company looking at such a deal does so because of the name/brand awareness this can create through many media outlets. Having a football club there adds significantly to this value imo; so it goes way beyond 100K rent, matchday costs and game by game revenues from catering etc.

Ultimately, Wasps do pretty well out of CCFC given that the club only have use of the facility for around 180 hours a year; and it isn't as though it prevents use of the facilities for other events, and often events in the exhibition hall take place on matchdays. It may not be make or break for them, but I think it is more important than some would suggest.


Well-Known Member
Have you got a link to the page? 10,000 considering he set it up a couple of days ago isn't doing too badly.

It sounded a bit random.
No the face book page has 10,000 it has been going a long time, he is just one of the posters.
It is the Cov City fans forum page.


Well-Known Member
Any way why don't Sisu just sell the Club we get a long term deal that is right for us, then take wasps to court without ccfc around their necks.
I think the issue with that is that while anyone can put in for a JR winning one doesn't actually get you anything.

There would be another court case to follow where SISU would go after damages.

If they were no longer the owners of the club how would they get any damages awarded passed to them?


Well-Known Member
and it isn't as though it prevents use of the facilities for other events, and often events in the exhibition hall take place on matchdays.
That's the key point. Unless there is a suggestion that Wasps are turning away 20+ events that would take place in the stadium bowl and can only take place on days CCFC happen to have matches and not all the other days its not in use then how can having CCFC there not be a commercial advantage to Wasps?


Well-Known Member
I think the issue with that is that while anyone can put in for a JR winning one doesn't actually get you anything.

There would be another court case to follow where SISU would go after damages.

If they were no longer the owners of the club how would they get any damages awarded passed to them?
Well they keep saying the club is not involved so I would presume yes.
Then again I am only a layman.


Well-Known Member
I think the issue with that is that while anyone can put in for a JR winning one doesn't actually get you anything.

There would be another court case to follow where SISU would go after damages.

If they were no longer the owners of the club how would they get any damages awarded passed to them?

Because a JR is about decision made during a passage of time. During that passage of time they were the owners and their argument will be that they were damaged as owners during that passage of time. Selling the club might actually increase they’re chances of getting compensation. They’re never going to sell it for enough to cover the debt and therefore they could argue that they incurred losses when selling due to the events in said passage of time


Well-Known Member
Sorry only use my tablet so don' know how to do links!


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Well-Known Member
Hopefully the press releases regarding this deal and the huge difference in tone will be a wake up call for our supporters. OSB has already highlighted the most relevant part.

There you have it, by Wasps own admission, they will quite happily kick us out despite the assurances from CCC at the time of the ACL sale that a condition was no negative impact on the football club.

CCC can't give assurances if our owners don't care and just keep playing the legal game.
Don't be naive.
Great news as we now have a deadline that we know will finish this, one way or the other.
If it's not sorted by then I don't think I will care.


CCFC Finance Director
Sorry, I don't really buy this. People seem to be trying very hard to downplay the football's club value to ACL, and I think it is slightly deceitful.

The season before last, more people attended CCFC games than Wasps games (owing to the fact we play a lot more fixtures). It wasn't quite the case last season, but it wasn't a million miles away.

Yes, parking has been outsourced, but that contract has value, and that value will be higher when 250,000 people attend football matches each year. So too catering. ACL sold catering rights in a multi-million deal a year or two ago, and again that contract will have greater value owing to the presence of the football club - although it is difficult to quantify I know.

The same will apply when new naming rights are agreed. Any company looking at such a deal does so because of the name/brand awareness this can create through many media outlets. Having a football club there adds significantly to this value imo; so it goes way beyond 100K rent, matchday costs and game by game revenues from catering etc.

Ultimately, Wasps do pretty well out of CCFC given that the club only have use of the facility for around 180 hours a year; and it isn't as though it prevents use of the facilities for other events, and often events in the exhibition hall take place on matchdays. It may not be make or break for them, but I think it is more important than some would suggest.

Entitled to your opinion although I take exception to the implication that I am being deceitful.

Yes the ricoh had 250000 football visitors what was the net benefit to wasps of that ie after deduction of costs. Most of the benefit actually goes to Ccfc in match tickets. The wasps holdings turnover is around 32m Ccfc provide less than 3% even if you rate the Ccfc related turnover in wasps figures at 700k . But because of the bond the wasps focus is on profit not turnover. People ignore the expenses of the arrangement because turnover are bigger figures. Wasps net take on 250000 people is not massive figures. It helps yes, assuming they make a profit. The significance would be in the bond covenants calculation assuming there are profits that could be lost .

The catering is done through a joint venture with compass and controlled by wasps. Compass provide staff etc for agreed rates. Yes the contract has value but take a look at the inter action of IEC and the rest of the group.

The ricoh sponsorship is on going. It also depends on the 1m+ people that go to the stadium that are not Ccfc related, but yes a longer term commitment from Ccfc would help to put stadium sponsorship fees up because of the 250000 footfall. Do they want to commit to that ?

No idea how the car park contract works there have been no published details. So is it dependent on numbers or a set fee?

Having a successful football team based long term (or least the period of the sponsorship) with no baggage adds value. However I suggest you take a look at the current level of sponsorship deals in league 1 & 2 they are not in the tune of millions. Like I say sponsorship at the ricoh has other significant factors to consider unlike many other stadiums that are primarily football based

The value to wasps is political and that would appear to be wearing thin. My points are about what is financially not what could be

Ideally wasps I am sure would want a successful Ccfc there. But in the overall figures for wasps holdings Ccfc is not as significant as people assume. Wasps won't lose the rugby, event, conference, entertainment income if Ccfc are not there.

But it is all opinion honestly given and we differ. I have no problem with that
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Well-Known Member
Boddy without saying it says club isn't interested in building a new stadium and wants a longer term deal.

I feel he will be on his way if thats the case.
Sisu always put these people to the sword.
Can't have sensible and honest people not towing the Sisu line.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
CCC can't give assurances if our owners don't care and just keep playing the legal game.
Don't be naive.
Great news as we now have a deadline that we know will finish this, one way or the other.
If it's not sorted by then I don't think I will care.

I've just seen an interview with Nick Eastwood and he didn't appear to rule out another year extension next year. Seemed to contradict the last line of the statement.

He did rule out a longer term deal why legals were on-going.
Edit - here it is


Well-Known Member
I've just seen an interview with Nick Eastwood and he didn't appear to rule out another year extension next year. Seemed to contradict the last line of the statement.

He did rule out a longer term deal why legals were on-going.

Probably a better way of doing it.
We all want a good long term deal at the Ricoh surely?
We need to start to building up this club and start to share the Ricoh properly.


Well-Known Member
Entitled to your opinion although I take exception to the implication that I am being deceitful.

I wasn't suggesting you were being deceitful (it was worded poorly); I was suggesting there was deceit in the argument that had been made a number of times in the thread and elsewhere that CCFC are of little consequence to Wasps/ACL commercially, which I don't wholly agree with.


Well-Known Member
Haha Nick Eastwood the king of spin. Wasps the masters of PR lol.

Always said we would agree a short-term deal, as predicted the legals weren't a dealbreaker after all.

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The 1 year deal has been know
There you have it by Wasps own admission, they will quite happily tell SISU you have 12 months to Fuckin do something regarding our ‘new’ ground, or get rid of the legals and sign a long term at the Ricoh or shut the fuck up and fuck off!!

About time

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