New Site (2 Viewers)


If you post a link to a tweet, it does this:



Well-Known Member
sites gone a bit weird last few mins

when i go to like a post it takes me to a page asking if i am sure i want to like the post!
and also the quick reply box is often greyed out and i have to click on post reply and go to advanced posting


sites gone a bit weird last few mins

when i go to like a post it takes me to a page asking if i am sure i want to like the post!
and also the quick reply box is often greyed out and i have to click on post reply and go to advanced posting

Have you changed any settings or anything? Try and refresh a few times!


Well-Known Member
When you are posting a message and change your mind, there is no 'Cancel' button like on the old site. What is the correct procedure?


Well-Known Member

The little icon that indicates I've replied to this thread, I've also replied to the Glory Hunters thread but it doesn't have the same indication


hmm I have just seen that too. It only showed up then, I think it must be something to do with replies.


Well-Known Member
It's on a few threads I've replied to but it must have stopped appearing with threads at some point since yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Nothing looks different on mine. I am on my tablet though, so haven't tried my laptop yet.

Just also had a nose to see if there was an update to be had for Tapatalk on Google Play. Did make me laugh because someone was now delighted that all their forums were in one place.

ALL of their forums? Isn't one or two enough for people? How many forums do people go onto?


Well-Known Member
As you can see, it looks a bit different.

Bear with me on the Aesthetics, just got to figure out how it works and make it look nice!

Any issues, let me know in here.
There's still a great waste of vertical space. Most messages are only 1 or 2 lines, so only 2-3 posts are visible without scrolling. Only about 10% of the vertical space is actual content. Most of the problem is caused by the image on the left and the joined date, etc


There's still a great waste of vertical space. Most messages are only 1 or 2 lines, so only 2-3 posts are visible without scrolling. Only about 10% of the vertical space is actual content. Most of the problem is caused by the image on the left and the joined date, etc

On your phone or computer? Can you show a screenshot?


Well-Known Member
Getting an error if I try to make any changes in Preferences, specifically disabling signatures:



Well-Known Member
There's nothing like that, it's just the browsing preferences screen where I'm trying to deselect the item.


Looks like it is asking for something else thats missing.

What are you trying to change?


Well-Known Member
On your phone or computer? Can you show a screenshot?
I'm using Chrome browser on Windows 7. I know I can change the zoom level on the browser but that isn't really the solution.
Here's an example, As you can see, it's mainly whitespace, not real content:

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