New Songs for players (1 Viewer)


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Te Quila


Well-Known Member
I think Ellis will be one of those players who performs better with an arm around feeling loved. Secretly disappointed that others have come in and got a song long before they deserved one. With that in mind I've slightly rehashed my 'Alice' one I'd really love to hear this going for him as Ole Ole for Wright ring round last night after a poor effort and as Ellis came on with a small ripple of applause:

🎵 I don't know why Vik left us
But he wanted to go
He must've had his reasons
Now we've got a new hero
And we've gotta get use
To singing our songs for Ellis

Come on SBA, it's easy catchy and unique, let's see if we can make a difference. I genuinely believe if he gets going he'll be our top scorer this season.
Full marks for trying but I think that's a bit complicated for people shouting out of tune

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