New Stadium confirmed (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
This is hardly 'new' news though is it? Sorry am I missing a new bit of information that has confirmed this??


nice tip off, however im going to chose to not believe it on the basis that in my opinion there is no way they are going to build a new ground


Well-Known Member
Why haven't they come out with a big fuck off statement then?
New stadium.
Stadium plans.

Also for those that keep banging on about Coventry post codes, do you realise how far flung they are?

6 Generations

Well-Known Member
This is hardly 'new' news though is it? Sorry am I missing a new bit of information that has confirmed this??

I think the OP is referring to information he has received in relation to a break down in talks between Ann Lucas and Joy Seppala. That's new information i believe.


Well-Known Member
It this turns out to be true then I suspect that will be the end for me. Not being doom and gloom, but I cannot see how the club will survive (ok, a bit doom and gloom)


Well-Known Member
Why haven't they come out with a big fuck off statement then?
New stadium.
Stadium plans.

Also for those that keep banging on about Coventry post codes, do you realise how far flung they are?

CV is the general Warwickshire postcode.

The Coventry parts being just CV1 - CV7.

All the others are spread over the county.

Jack Griffin

I think they'll move near to the NEC, TF was talking upto 9 miles the other day with the SCG, that puts the NEVC in range.. it will not be Coventry, it will be Birmingham.

That will end my support totally.


Well-Known Member
I think they'll move near to the NEC, TF was talking upto 9 miles the other day with the it will not be Coventry, it will be Birmingham.

Soon to be renamed the Birmingham Bantams. Tim Fisher wanted to resurrect the Bantam name as proof that Sisu are committed to honouring the club's glorious past.

James Smith

Well-Known Member
Whilst I want the club back in Coventry by any means and that includes a new stadium, I find the timing of this news 'interesting'. Sadly I will remain yet to be convinced that any new stadium is in the works until building works actually start.


Well-Known Member
I think they might go into parts of Oxfordshire?
Personally I could live with a stadium just outside the Coventry boundary.
My concern is the cost of building one.
Also we have a perfectly good one sat there waiting.
Re SISU it has been on offer and they have never made an offer and never claimed to have made an offer.
Sorry SISU but you are your own reputation!

James Smith

Well-Known Member
I think they'll move near to the NEC, TF was talking upto 9 miles the other day with the SCG, that puts the NEVC in range.. it will not be Coventry, it will be Birmingham.

That will end my support totally.
Can I start the rumour that based on that, SISU are buying the NEC? :)
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Well-Known Member
It'll be "confirmed" on the day that they lay the first brick.


New Member
I think they'll move near to the NEC, TF was talking upto 9 miles the other day with the SCG, that puts the NEVC in range.. it will not be Coventry, it will be Birmingham.

That will end my support totally.
The bluenoses won't have it either. Very close to one of their territorys there, chelmsley wood.


Well-Known Member
The NEC rumour is an interesting one. Falls into Fishers 9 mile radius (Im not talking about his waist size), is one of the few areas where major construction works would be permitted, fits in with all the nonsense about developing the land around it, also explain why Bying has been hovering round Fisher like a fly round a cows arse for the last few months. He will get to build his train line in conjunction with Sisu.


Well-Known Member
It'll be "confirmed" on the day that they lay the first brick.

That's a bit trusting isn't it?

I say last brick. Be a brave builder to get mixed up with that shower.


Well-Known Member
The NEC rumour is an interesting one. Falls into Fishers 9 mile radius (Im not talking about his waist size), is one of the few areas where major construction works would be permitted, fits in with all the nonsense about developing the land around it, also explain why Bying has been hovering round Fisher like a fly round a cows arse for the last few months. He will get to build his train line in conjunction with Sisu.

so 15 miles travelling is better than 33? if the ricoh deal is dead the mk dons game will be my last...


Well-Known Member
That's a bit trusting isn't it?

I say last brick. Be a brave builder to get mixed up with that shower.

Yeah, maybe, but it's a hell of a lot closer to "confirmed" than the "my-mate's auntie Vera spoke to a bloke down the fishmongers who reckons that the talks are off, and in the opinion of his chiropodist, that means that SISU are definitely going to build a new stadium".


New Member
The NEC rumour is an interesting one. Falls into Fishers 9 mile radius (Im not talking about his waist size), is one of the few areas where major construction works would be permitted, fits in with all the nonsense about developing the land around it, also explain why Bying has been hovering round Fisher like a fly round a cows arse for the last few months. He will get to build his train line in conjunction with Sisu.

Any idea where the land around the nec could be earmarked for a football ground?


Well-Known Member
I don't know about anyone else but I just want some honesty and transparency from ALL parties involved in this bloody mess!


Well-Known Member
Why would anyone follow these people to any new stadium outside the city knowing that the club doesn't own it and pays rent to play there, when the same deal is within the city boundries... If you disagree with the CCC and ACL stance then whats the diference, this is not about improving the club or taking it forward, its about Sisu having an asset for themselves other than a debt for the Club..

You have to split the two parts up in this case they dont care about the club or its fans, but need them both to reach and end goal not to improve or progress but to restructure and recoup monies invested..Most if not all owners do this the other way round they try to protect and entice supporters to spend more and bring new costomers in to improve the playing side and club.. These people have ruined alot of connections and costomers trust to put themselves in a position to try and regain an investment portfollio that they no longer need but cant get rid of without a massive loss...


New Member
Off the top of my head it couldn't be to the south of the nec as there's work going on there for the new airport runway. Behind the nec is the m6 and an industrial estate(i think) and to the right of the m42 is all greenbelt land that separates us from that silly accent.


Well-Known Member
Where's the confirmation?

There is none, it's just a rumour that maybe they might have to resort to Plan A after all. Maybe.

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