Notes from Supporters Forum (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for taking the time to post the update Pete. Regardless of opinions on the specifics, at least the club are talking to us!
Yes thanks Pete, whatever when on it's good we're getting notes and feedback from someone who was there.


Deleted member 5849

Our bench the other night contained Reid, Howley and Dinanga. Thats not a recipe for progress.
People can cite injuries but we've not got that many. But even a couple really hurt us.
Just to play devil's advocate, but Reid was signed after playing first team games at a high level, to develop. If he isn't capable of being on the bench for us after being here for over a year now, it would suggest a recruitment issue in this particular instance rather than lack of squad depth. Howley is extremely highly rated, so has to make his breakthrough at *some* stage.

Dinanga I'll give you. Had forgotten we'd even signed him until then!


Well-Known Member
Yeah but don't let facts get in the way opinion.


The facts are:

Sisu have invested no actual money into the club since about I think 2013

They have accumulated a huge net surplus on player sales. This has had to cover losses accumulated through the years

The losses and cash shortfalls have been made worse by failed attempts at ground ownership which increased costs and suppressed revenue

The loans now provided are short term cash plugs at huge rates of interest

The chairman once in a rare moment of transparency admitted the ownership isn’t capable of operating in the championship. This is because it was able before to sell the likes of Maddison, Bayliss, Stephenson, Thomas, harries for fees which a proportion would be able to purchase players who would compete on the leagues 1 and 2. The income from Maddison and I assume McCallum has kept the club operating and existing for some time.

the asset base is negligible now and certainly going to be getting worse

Boddy I know blusters About other clubs such as stoke but he fails to menition a large proportion of their losses are not operational but asset write downs and they put in equity or interest free loans

The bottom line is we have a unique owner whose prime interest is to return its fund holders who loan money to the club and the club comes second

those are the facts

long way home

Well-Known Member
Maybe it's normal but MR and the club don't seem to be on the same page. I understand the clubs position but FFS if any manager deserve full backing in the country it's MR and staff. The squad has improved on a shoe string and is punching above it's weight regards to depth and quality. We are close and just need a to take one more step and we will be competing to get to where MR wants to be.

Holding on to key players come summer is key again and if any cutting is to be had we have plenty that are not will not be in next seasons plans to ship out. We need that to add a few quality additions.
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Well-Known Member
Every team sells players, and if the price is right, their best players
That is why the best players ultimately play for the best clubs
Grendel just being Grendel

which is nothing to do with what I’m saying


Well-Known Member
We are talking progress - look over the last 5 years, we have gone from a squad worth probably £1m to a squad worth probaby £25m with the wages to match . We can progress further . Yes we could have gambled a bit more in january, but whilst we continue on our upwards trajectory all looks good

We’ve raised what around £14 million in transfer fees since 2017 so it’s hardly a squad worth £1 m is it Cian Harries abs Ben Stevenson alone were worth more than a million


Well-Known Member
Ultimately the player sales thing is a red herring anyway. Our issue is the wage budget isn’t high enough to provide a full squad. I’d hope we aren’t paying wages by selling assets as that’s unsustainable, we need to know what the club are doing to improve owner funding or revenue generally to provide a Championship level squad to Robins.

If we need say another £2m in wages is Boddy saying we’ll need to average £2m more in player sales per season? If so then selling say Hamer for £4m won’t even cover the three year contracts let alone a replacement and some off the top for investors.

The club fundamentally isn’t yet set up for this level, are the club aware of this and what’s the plan to fix it?

well player sales and season tickets create the wage budget

I don’t think people realise our wage bill is pretty much the same and now probably higher than the team that beat us on Tuesday


Well-Known Member
You don't need to apologise, as I said it's almost Italia like.

There are plenty who were "first teamers" and not just through the academy Tabb, McNulty, Chaplin, Vincelot, Leon Clarke, Keogh, Jutkeiwicz, Gunnarsson, Dann, Fox, Best. Even Robbie fucking Simpson.

It is shit and not a great advert for season tickets but it's not just us who sell key players. The thing is if we have to then we need to make sure we aren't selling them for a pittance.

I made the comments 7 years ago so where is my change in opinion?


Well-Known Member
There is no quid pro quo with SISU. The message to the fans is

"Buy season tickets or the club will not be successful. In return we'll sell the club's best players in order to keep the club operating and enabling extraction of interest to be paid to the owners. The owners of the club have no interest in the club's success and will not make any contribution to it."


Well-Known Member
There is no quid pro quo with SISU. The message to the fans is

"Buy season tickets or the club will not be successful. In return we'll sell the club's best players in order to keep the club operating and enabling extraction of interest to be paid to the owners. The owners of the club have no interest in the club's success and will not make any contribution to it."

come on this happens at every club it’s why we sold Dion Dublin


Well-Known Member
What would you see as progress? Must be so hard having such a half empty glass constantly and I’m sure you aren’t like this in other areas of your life

i genuinely think the club is in a mess. Our wage bill actually is competitive compared to say Luton that’s a fact. But I assume it’s largely down to promotion bonuses through contractual obligations

The ownership isn’t a suitable vehicle at this level abs that’s it really


Well-Known Member
Coventry City Supporters Forum
Minutes of the meeting on the 3rd of March 2022 @ 5.00pm

1. Apologies for absence
Jim Brown
Dave Busst
Pete Griffiths
Pat Raybould
Colin Power
Mike Garlick

2. Attendees:
Dave Boddy (DB)
Mark Hornby (MH)
Chris Halliday (CH)
Gordon Dando (GD)
Ray Stephens (RS)
Steve Maloney (SM)
Steve Harding (SH)
Laura Hartley (LH)
Dave Eyles (DE)
Kevin Greenfield (KG)

3. Discussion on submitted questions to Dave Boddy

Q1. Will the owners be able to agree a competitive budget for 2022/23 without significant player sales?
Model for CCFC has always included player sales/trades to improve the playing squad. If we don’t trade, we will not progress in adding funds to the playing budget and thus strengthening the squad. The Club would never under sell a player and has not done so in my tenure. This has always been the policy, but should not be interpreted that we would be looking to sell players in the Summer transfer window, and that will always be dictated by market conditions.

Q1b Will the funds generated from selling players go 100% into improving the playing squad? Money generated goes back into the funding of the Club. DB gave several examples where this has happened.

Q2. How much of an impact will the improvements required at Ryton have on the playing budget?
None. There will be no significant further investment, as the longer-term aim is to invest in a new training ground, i.e. laying new pitches. We will continue to invest in equipment, people and resources at the training ground.
Q2a. Will the Warwick University development include the first team training ground?
This has not been ruled out. However, other sites have been identified for the 1st team training ground. If anybody were to train at the University long-term, it is more likely that the Academy would be based there. However, there has been no discussion with the University about basing any training facilities at the University.
Q2b Does the club have any comments on the current state of the playing surface this season? Are there plans to improve the playing surface for next season?
The current pitch was in excellent condition prior to Christmas. With a heavy loading of rugby games either side of Christmas, the pitch has deteriorated in late January. The good news is there will be a significant renovation of the playing surface ahead of the 2022/23 season.

Q3. Is there any news on season ticket prices for 2022/23?
Yes. There is a Board call tomorrow (Friday) to sign-off the numbers for 2022/23. Season Tickets should be on sale in 7 - 10 days. The prices of the season tickets will remain very competitive.
Q4. Can the club clarify the positive impact record season ticket sales have had on this season?

Record season ticket sales for 2021/22 have helped to reduce the loss the club will make this season. Season ticket sales are the life blood of the club. The club’s new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is helping the club to work with the current 11,500 season ticket holders. Season ticket growth helped with increases in food and beverage sales for 2021/22. The target for 2022/23 is to hit the current season actual numbers of 11,555 and hopefully grow beyond that number.

Q5. Is there a reason for the lack of special offers on match tickets sales? Are there any plans to have any offers before the end of the season?
The new CRM system enables the club to target offers to specific supporters based on their attendance patterns etc. It is unlikely that Season Ticket holders will have been contacted as part of these marketing campaigns. There have been several campaigns run over the season so far that have been successful targeting supporters, including on the number of games attended. The club also wants to reward loyalty, so in future there will be offers for regular attendees as well and Season Ticket holders. Probably no specific match package for the final games, as the Club is already offering targeted offers to supporters based on their data.

Q6. Are there any plans to improve the queuing at the turnstiles for 2022/23?
The club is always trying to improve stewarding operations both outside and inside the stadium. Larger crowds unfortunately lead to longer queues to access the stadium on match days. It was pointed out that many supporters currently try to access their seats via the block numbers on their season ticket or match ticket even when busy. It is not fully understood by fans that they can enter via any turnstiles not just the turnstile number printed on the ticket. Hopefully this will be communicated more frequently on match days to help improve the queuing time. Overall, most fans on the call found the queuing times acceptable, but it was noted that it did really depend on how early/late you arrive at the stadium.

Q7. The fence running down the left-hand side of car park B appears to be creating more problems than it solves.
The current police position is they will not hold back away fans after the game. If more room is required to walk down the left-hand side, the club can look at this. The Police and matchday safety operation team both believe the fence and its location in Car Park B has been a very successful way to keep away supporters clear of our home supporters and ensure Sky Blues fans’ safety. We understand the issues for some parking in Car Park B and would probably look at relocating home supporters from this Car Park next season.

Q8. Observations from many supporters is that drug taking has increased inside the stadium this season. What are the club’s plans to address this?
The club, safety operations and the police are aware of the issue. Ultimately it the responsibility of the police to manage this on match days but the club is working hard with the authorities to improve the situation. Members of the group confirmed that this issue was happening at away games and home games and impacts on supporter’s match day experience.

Q9. Feedback from fans using the train and bus services from the city Centre to the stadium is that the transport system is very poor. What is the club view on this?
It was noted that West Midlands Trains have recently re-installed the two-carriage train between Nuneaton and Coventry. This was not seen as a real benefit due to the train size in relation to the number of people wanting to use the service. DB encouraged members of the group to lobby the relevant authorities and elected representatives for improved transport links to the stadium.
Dhillons (Sky Blue Tavern) - the pricing of the return ticket is an issue for some supporters. The group agreed to circulate the Dhillons, and the Albany club offers, to and from their venues, for next season more widely. The Club may be able to add this information to the match day guide.
Q10. Are there any plans to improve half time entertainment for 2022/23?
Due to Covid protocols, access to the pitch has been restricted this season, so no entertainment has been possible this season. Hopefully this will be back for next season.

4. HerGameToo – Laura Hartley
Laura led a short discussion on the ‘HerGameToo’ movement, her role as the Coventry Ambassador, and the recent Q&A held with Dave Boddy. (Minutes of which are on the CCFC website). The Luton Town game on Tuesday the 8th of March has been designated as a ‘HerGameToo’ game with the club.
All members of the group felt that the ‘HerGameToo’ initiative was an excellent new initiative. Members committed to share the HerGameToo information with their memberships. Laura was also invited to join the group permanently.

Appreciate that a lot mate.

It is a really poor set of answers however. Doesn't look like they are trying to improve anything whatsoever. Issues have been raised, but there are no real desires to tackle them.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Just to play devil's advocate, but Reid was signed after playing first team games at a high level, to develop. If he isn't capable of being on the bench for us after being here for over a year now, it would suggest a recruitment issue in this particular instance rather than lack of squad depth. Howley is extremely highly rated, so has to make his breakthrough at *some* stage.

Dinanga I'll give you. Had forgotten we'd even signed him until then!

All 3 of them are on the bench because they're available and nothing else.
Reid clearly has no future, Howley looks like he has but at this stage is 5here to make up the numbers, as is Dinanga who I have no idea asto his future at the club.
It was a really weak bench.


Well-Known Member
The facts are:

Sisu have invested no actual money into the club since about I think 2013

They have accumulated a huge net surplus on player sales. This has had to cover losses accumulated through the years

The losses and cash shortfalls have been made worse by failed attempts at ground ownership which increased costs and suppressed revenue

The loans now provided are short term cash plugs at huge rates of interest

The chairman once in a rare moment of transparency admitted the ownership isn’t capable of operating in the championship. This is because it was able before to sell the likes of Maddison, Bayliss, Stephenson, Thomas, harries for fees which a proportion would be able to purchase players who would compete on the leagues 1 and 2. The income from Maddison and I assume McCallum has kept the club operating and existing for some time.

the asset base is negligible now and certainly going to be getting worse

Boddy I know blusters About other clubs such as stoke but he fails to menition a large proportion of their losses are not operational but asset write downs and they put in equity or interest free loans

The bottom line is we have a unique owner whose prime interest is to return its fund holders who loan money to the club and the club comes second

those are the facts

I don't think anyone can argue that this is not an accurate summary


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's normal but MR and the club don't seem to be on the same page.
Not sure its really that different. Take away the Telegraph spin and look at the actual quotes from Robins and then what is in the minutes, not exactly a million miles away.
“And this isn’t by any stretch of the imagination a criticism. It’s the circumstance and the reality.

“As Dave Boddy said recently, we are not playing Championship Manager. It is real and your tangible assets are your players and we have to have an environment where we can develop them to the full.

“And while we move forward in a lot of areas, that’s an area that needs development. That may have to happen at a later time but it’s something we are all mindful of and working towards.
Both commented that the plan is moving away from Ryton so in the short term the work done there will be on the essentials. The pitches, which were Robins main issue, will most likely the relaid over the summer as seems to happen every close season.


Well-Known Member
Ultimately the player sales thing is a red herring anyway. Our issue is the wage budget isn’t high enough to provide a full squad. I’d hope we aren’t paying wages by selling assets as that’s unsustainable, we need to know what the club are doing to improve owner funding or revenue generally to provide a Championship level squad to Robins.

If we need say another £2m in wages is Boddy saying we’ll need to average £2m more in player sales per season? If so then selling say Hamer for £4m won’t even cover the three year contracts let alone a replacement and some off the top for investors.

The club fundamentally isn’t yet set up for this level, are the club aware of this and what’s the plan to fix it?
I completely agree with all of this, but i think the simple answer to the last point is that no club that has spent best part of 10 years out of the Championship (the wrong way!) would expect to have a squad full of championship quality players within 2/3 years, paying those wages.

Even if selling a Hamer/Gyokeres or whoever might be gets you 2 Championship standard players, that's a step in the right direction.

Just needs a steady build over time


Well-Known Member
I completely agree with all of this, but i think the simple answer to the last point is that no club that has spent best part of 10 years out of the Championship (the wrong way!) would expect to have a squad full of championship quality players within 2/3 years, paying those wages.

Even if selling a Hamer/Gyokeres or whoever might be gets you 2 Championship standard players, that's a step in the right direction.

Just needs a steady build over time

our wage bill is almost identical to Luton


CCFC Finance Director
Player OUTPlayer INOwner Funds Owner Funds
Year to 31/05funds funds INOut

Data from SBS&L published financials. Represents actual cash in or out for the full periods of account covering MR's current tenure as manager (excluding this season of course)

In terms of improvements to club infra- structure (equipment, fixtures etc) in those 4 years we spent £192,465

to keep going financially during that time CCFC relied on £7.26m net player trading whilst the owners withdrew a net £115k in the same period
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CCFC Finance Director
Coventry City Supporters Forum
Minutes of the meeting on the 3rd of March 2022 @ 5.00pm

1. Apologies for absence
Jim Brown
Dave Busst
Pete Griffiths
Pat Raybould
Colin Power
Mike Garlick

2. Attendees:
Dave Boddy (DB)
Mark Hornby (MH)
Chris Halliday (CH)
Gordon Dando (GD)
Ray Stephens (RS)
Steve Maloney (SM)
Steve Harding (SH)
Laura Hartley (LH)
Dave Eyles (DE)
Kevin Greenfield (KG)

3. Discussion on submitted questions to Dave Boddy

Q1. Will the owners be able to agree a competitive budget for 2022/23 without significant player sales?
Model for CCFC has always included player sales/trades to improve the playing squad. If we don’t trade, we will not progress in adding funds to the playing budget and thus strengthening the squad. The Club would never under sell a player and has not done so in my tenure. This has always been the policy, but should not be interpreted that we would be looking to sell players in the Summer transfer window, and that will always be dictated by market conditions.

Q1b Will the funds generated from selling players go 100% into improving the playing squad? Money generated goes back into the funding of the Club. DB gave several examples where this has happened.

Q2. How much of an impact will the improvements required at Ryton have on the playing budget?
None. There will be no significant further investment, as the longer-term aim is to invest in a new training ground, i.e. laying new pitches. We will continue to invest in equipment, people and resources at the training ground.
Q2a. Will the Warwick University development include the first team training ground?
This has not been ruled out. However, other sites have been identified for the 1st team training ground. If anybody were to train at the University long-term, it is more likely that the Academy would be based there. However, there has been no discussion with the University about basing any training facilities at the University.
Q2b Does the club have any comments on the current state of the playing surface this season? Are there plans to improve the playing surface for next season?
The current pitch was in excellent condition prior to Christmas. With a heavy loading of rugby games either side of Christmas, the pitch has deteriorated in late January. The good news is there will be a significant renovation of the playing surface ahead of the 2022/23 season.

Q3. Is there any news on season ticket prices for 2022/23?
Yes. There is a Board call tomorrow (Friday) to sign-off the numbers for 2022/23. Season Tickets should be on sale in 7 - 10 days. The prices of the season tickets will remain very competitive.
Q4. Can the club clarify the positive impact record season ticket sales have had on this season?

Record season ticket sales for 2021/22 have helped to reduce the loss the club will make this season. Season ticket sales are the life blood of the club. The club’s new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is helping the club to work with the current 11,500 season ticket holders. Season ticket growth helped with increases in food and beverage sales for 2021/22. The target for 2022/23 is to hit the current season actual numbers of 11,555 and hopefully grow beyond that number.

Q5. Is there a reason for the lack of special offers on match tickets sales? Are there any plans to have any offers before the end of the season?
The new CRM system enables the club to target offers to specific supporters based on their attendance patterns etc. It is unlikely that Season Ticket holders will have been contacted as part of these marketing campaigns. There have been several campaigns run over the season so far that have been successful targeting supporters, including on the number of games attended. The club also wants to reward loyalty, so in future there will be offers for regular attendees as well and Season Ticket holders. Probably no specific match package for the final games, as the Club is already offering targeted offers to supporters based on their data.

Q6. Are there any plans to improve the queuing at the turnstiles for 2022/23?
The club is always trying to improve stewarding operations both outside and inside the stadium. Larger crowds unfortunately lead to longer queues to access the stadium on match days. It was pointed out that many supporters currently try to access their seats via the block numbers on their season ticket or match ticket even when busy. It is not fully understood by fans that they can enter via any turnstiles not just the turnstile number printed on the ticket. Hopefully this will be communicated more frequently on match days to help improve the queuing time. Overall, most fans on the call found the queuing times acceptable, but it was noted that it did really depend on how early/late you arrive at the stadium.

Q7. The fence running down the left-hand side of car park B appears to be creating more problems than it solves.
The current police position is they will not hold back away fans after the game. If more room is required to walk down the left-hand side, the club can look at this. The Police and matchday safety operation team both believe the fence and its location in Car Park B has been a very successful way to keep away supporters clear of our home supporters and ensure Sky Blues fans’ safety. We understand the issues for some parking in Car Park B and would probably look at relocating home supporters from this Car Park next season.

Q8. Observations from many supporters is that drug taking has increased inside the stadium this season. What are the club’s plans to address this?
The club, safety operations and the police are aware of the issue. Ultimately it the responsibility of the police to manage this on match days but the club is working hard with the authorities to improve the situation. Members of the group confirmed that this issue was happening at away games and home games and impacts on supporter’s match day experience.

Q9. Feedback from fans using the train and bus services from the city Centre to the stadium is that the transport system is very poor. What is the club view on this?
It was noted that West Midlands Trains have recently re-installed the two-carriage train between Nuneaton and Coventry. This was not seen as a real benefit due to the train size in relation to the number of people wanting to use the service. DB encouraged members of the group to lobby the relevant authorities and elected representatives for improved transport links to the stadium.
Dhillons (Sky Blue Tavern) - the pricing of the return ticket is an issue for some supporters. The group agreed to circulate the Dhillons, and the Albany club offers, to and from their venues, for next season more widely. The Club may be able to add this information to the match day guide.
Q10. Are there any plans to improve half time entertainment for 2022/23?
Due to Covid protocols, access to the pitch has been restricted this season, so no entertainment has been possible this season. Hopefully this will be back for next season.

4. HerGameToo – Laura Hartley
Laura led a short discussion on the ‘HerGameToo’ movement, her role as the Coventry Ambassador, and the recent Q&A held with Dave Boddy. (Minutes of which are on the CCFC website). The Luton Town game on Tuesday the 8th of March has been designated as a ‘HerGameToo’ game with the club.
All members of the group felt that the ‘HerGameToo’ initiative was an excellent new initiative. Members committed to share the HerGameToo information with their memberships. Laura was also invited to join the group permanently.

Thanks for the update Pete.

My own feeling is it is a waste of time asking Boddy about anything other than match day experience questions. He isnt going to tell you, is going to dress it up as best he can to put the owners in a positive light with the same old spin. The guy has little real power within the club other than day to day administration operations (as important as that is), he is just a more acceptable face than Fisher.


Well-Known Member
well player sales and season tickets create the wage budget

I don’t think people realise our wage bill is pretty much the same and now probably higher than the team that beat us on Tuesday

Then questions need to be asked about its usage because our squad is nowhere near the depth of quality.


Well-Known Member
Hard to be particularly optimistic about our future when it sounds like the grand plan is to hope that Robins keeps performing miracles and that we can sell someone for a fair whack every few years.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's normal but MR and the club don't seem to be on the same page. I understand the clubs position but FFS if any manager deserve full backing in the country it's MR and staff. The squad has improved on a shoe string and is punching above it's weight regards to depth and quality. We are close and just need a to take one more step and we will be competing to get to where MR wants to be.

Holding on to key players come summer is key again and if any cutting is to be had we have plenty that are not will not be in next seasons plans to ship out. We need that to add a few quality additions.
It doesn’t sound like there will be improvements to the pitches at Ryton despite the manager saying they’re unacceptable for a Championship club. They’re happy to hide behind this new training ground to justify it


Well-Known Member
Then questions need to be asked about its usage because our squad is nowhere near the depth of quality.

The fact that at one point this season we probably could've fielded a full Starting XI with the amount of deadwood we had shows there's a fundamental flaw somewhere.

When a chunk of our budget is being taken up by players that are pretty much making zero contribution it's no wonder our squad of usable players is thin.

Not really sure why Robins is bemoaning about a small squad when I don't think that's necessarily the case. The budget is there for him and the backroom staff to use freely as they wish - it's on them if they're misusing it by offering reasonably long-term contracts to players that have more of a risk element attached to them than most (E.g. Hilssner, Kasta, Jobello, Dacosta etc).
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Well-Known Member
Accepting selling players being a reality of our position, I don't get why Boddy (and Robins) are so open about it? Fancy giving away your bargaining position by implying that it is necessary to sell an asset this summer. The message it sends to buyers and the player themselves is not good.


Well-Known Member
Our bench the other night contained Reid, Howley and Dinanga. Thats not a recipe for progress.
People can cite injuries but we've not got that many. But even a couple really hurt us.

We had 7 players unavailable on Tuesday night. Basically 1/3 of our squad.

That's significant for any team


Well-Known Member
We had 7 players unavailable on Tuesday night. Basically 1/3 of our squad.

That's significant for any team

Didn’t Luton have about the same? And we had two unfit players on the bench, and another two or three on the pitch.


Well-Known Member
Accepting selling players being a reality of our position, I don't get why Boddy (and Robins) are so open about it? Fancy giving away your bargaining position by implying that it is necessary to sell an asset this summer. The message it sends to buyers and the player themselves is not good.

Its pretty strange. Its almost as if they panicked into needing to make sales early in tbe summer.


Didn’t Luton have about the same? And we had two unfit players on the bench, and another two or three on the pitch.

Doesn't really help when you have a manager watch players barely able to walk and refuses to take them off. I'm sure Dabo would have been back sooner if Robin's hadn't stood and watched him against Derby and did something reactive. It wasn't until OHare physically couldn't put any weight on his leg and we went 1-0 down that Robins decided to bring him off against Preston.

Often wonder about the medical side of stuff, the use of the U23 and everything else.

So if we had 7 unavailable, 2 unfit on the bench then that's 9. Then we have players like Hilsner and Dacosta where you would assume we are still paying a big chunk of their wages.

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