Now is the time..... (4 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
No matter what we think of sisu now is the time to support Coventry City Football Club. So where are the missing 5 - 10,000? Are we doing enough to make them aware of the exciting football that's being played by OUR team home and away?! Have they given up on City altogether and refuse to read the sports pages? If you care about the club how can you possibly fail to see what's finally happening....something we've all wanted to see for years. I travel from London for as many games as I can get to, and I'm genuinely excoited when I jump in the car and head off up the M40...knowing that today I'm more likely to see some good football..instead of just hoping. All the other stuff, sisu/rent/new ground...well it's not affecting the team is it, so why should we let it affect us?!

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
I can't speak for the 10-15k "Missing" fans, but I, and a few others on this forum only go to away games. There are a few of us old men, who have followed Coventry from boyhood. We've shown our dedication and respect to the club, and former owners earned a modicum of respect from us by them buying good players to get us promoted from the old division 3 to the top flight. Ok, we got into debt, but at least former owners showed the fans respect by dipping into the coffers for players.
The one thing that sets aside former owners from SISU is...They cared about CCFC. whereas SISU don't.
To gain respect, you have to earn it. SISU don't even come close!


Well-Known Member
There really should be a very decent crowd there today.

But there won't be.

There are plenty of fans out there who could go, can afford to go and have nothing else on, but until we get to Wembley won't be interested.

Just think it is down to too many years in the doldrums and people can't get excited like they used to anymore. Shame.


Well-Known Member
I can't speak for the 10-15k "Missing" fans, but I, and a few others on this forum only go to away games. There are a few of us old men, who have followed Coventry from boyhood. We've shown our dedication and respect to the club, and former owners earned a modicum of respect from us by them buying good players to get us promoted from the old division 3 to the top flight. Ok, we got into debt, but at least former owners showed the fans respect by dipping into the coffers for players.
The one thing that sets aside former owners from SISU is...They cared about CCFC. whereas SISU don't.
To gain respect, you have to earn it. SISU don't even come close!

Spending money we didn't have is one of the biggest reasons we are where we are....buts it's ok they 'earned' respect for that.


Well-Known Member
Dipping into the coffers back then is today's equivalent of getting a pay day loan from


New Member
Its not that fans have given up going, its just they go less often.

There's probably about 25k fans that go 'regularly', but they're just not all going to the same game. I myself used to go to every game, now I miss the odd one.

Then when a big game happens obviously all the regulars want to go to that one game. Their not fans coming out of the woodwork, its just a game that all our regular fans want to go to.


Well-Known Member
I have to say this is the best football i have seen the City play since the Entertainer of 99/00! The part that beats that and makes it the best football iv seen is the fact we win away from home!


Well-Known Member
I can't speak for the 10-15k "Missing" fans, but I, and a few others on this forum only go to away games. There are a few of us old men, who have followed Coventry from boyhood. We've shown our dedication and respect to the club, and former owners earned a modicum of respect from us by them buying good players to get us promoted from the old division 3 to the top flight. Ok, we got into debt, but at least former owners showed the fans respect by dipping into the coffers for players.
The one thing that sets aside former owners from SISU is...They cared about CCFC. whereas SISU don't.
To gain respect, you have to earn it. SISU don't even come close!

I've followed this club since 1962....and I'm beginning to feel good about the team get yourself along to some home games and show that support!

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member

I'm not going to argue but. Show me where SISU have earned any respect? I also said yes, we were in debt, but the owners were football fans. standupforcity is saying get behind the players. I do. Can SISU say the same?...I don't think so.:thinking about:
One more point. We were approx £30m in debt when we were "Saved"
It was also said by Ray Ranson Quote "We are one of only three football league clubs who are "Debt Free"
How come SISU claim to be £60-70m in debt now? and yet you have a go at former owners!:facepalm:


New Member
Standupforcity, don't hold your breath my friend. You are in a strange place here. Excuse after excuse, Cityforever and all that- half of them don't go. That's pointed at the locals by the way. 'Regulars' who don't go to all the games, that's a new one. The baloney of fans who only go to away games. You couldn't make it up.
If only there were a few more like you, good on you.


New Member
Great thread! Get your arses up to the game!

That's the spirit, you tell them Pete. Get up the game you clowns and support the club, tell Clive and Geoff that you will listen to them on boxing day as today is the day when your getting off your lazy arse and are going to support the boy's.

Play up Skyblues


Well-Known Member

I'm not going to argue but. Show me where SISU have earned any respect? I also said yes, we were in debt, but the owners were football fans. standupforcity is saying get behind the players. I do. Can SISU say the same?...I don't think so.:thinking about:
One more point. We were approx £30m in debt when we were "Saved"
It was also said by Ray Ranson Quote "We are one of only three football league clubs who are "Debt Free"
How come SISU claim to be £60-70m in debt now? and yet you have a go at former owners!:facepalm:

Sisu are shit owners, that's not up to debate. But to advocate what the former owners did to us by spending money we didn't have on players and getting us in debt which ultimately led to us having to sell to sisu or go bust. yep, they definitely deserve a lot of respect. :facepalm:

Oh yeah and they sold HR and could afford to build the Ricoh because of spending money they didn't have on players they couldn't afford.

Sisu are shit owners, but it's the 11 men on the pitch I respect and go and support.

It's no wonder our home form is worse than our away form, when the '25k regulars' miss the 'odd' home game


New Member
Standupforcity, don't hold your breath my friend. You are in a strange place here. Excuse after excuse, Cityforever and all that- half of them don't go. That's pointed at the locals by the way. 'Regulars' who don't go to all the games, that's a new one. The baloney of fans who only go to away games. You couldn't make it up.</p>
<p>If only there were a few more like you, good on you.

I go to around 75% of games, does that not make me a regular? If no I apologise for having to earn a living.

Think you need to understand that people have other commitments.

Frankly I feel sorry for someone if going to a football game is their number 1 priority.


Well-Known Member

I go to around 75% of games, does that not make me a regular? If no I apologise for having to earn a living.

Think you need to understand that people have other commitments.

Frankly I feel sorry for someone if going to a football game is their number 1 priority.
I would say hat 75%+ is a regular, but if we had 25k that turned up 75%+ home games we would be averaging closer to 20k per game.

There's what 6500 season ticket holders I would say there's then a cohort of 6-7000k regulars that have been attending 75%+ games and then those that come to the odd game.


New Member
2 buses, the parking, the prices, SISU, M King................Its raining FFS, they'll find an excuse not to come.

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
@ TheSnoz...

Myself and some other fans are NOT "Locals" but go to almost every away game. I live in South Wales. I moved there in 82. yet still held a season ticket till a couple of years ago. I've been to Newcastle, Sunderland, Middlesborough, Carlisle (Home game for Astute;))
infact you name the ground and I've probably been to it.
So "Get off your high horse" ANY game for me is an away game as it is for Astute!:mad:


Well-Known Member
@ TheSnoz...

Myself and some other fans are NOT "Locals" but go to almost every away game. I live in South Wales. I moved there in 82. yet still held a season ticket till a couple of years ago. I've been to Newcastle, Sunderland, Middlesborough, Carlisle (Home game for Astute;))
infact you name the ground and I've probably been to it.
So "Get off your high horse" ANY game for me is an away game as it is for Astute!:mad:

This thread is not addressing's addressing the so called stay-at-home-armchair-ex-supporter-armchair-critic who doesn't want to risk getting to a game and being surprised!!


Well-Known Member

I go to around 75% of games, does that not make me a regular? If no I apologise for having to earn a living.

Think you need to understand that people have other commitments.

Frankly I feel sorry for someone if going to a football game is their number 1 priority.


It's a fair point. A trap many of us fall into is thinking we are all the same & posting stuff without thinking it might annoy or upset others.

I go to the gym 3x a I a regular? Or do I need to go every day to be one? There are many people working in Management that are not good managers - they get there because they try hard & work daft hours & get promoted on the back of it thanks to their "commitment" to serve their masters. It doesn't make them good or better people & many on here would tell them they ought "to get a life".


Well-Known Member
Not going today. It is pissing it down. Quite normal though when you have the lake district on your doorstep.

Also at work til 5:30 :(

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
@ Stupot07..

If you read my original post, I said "A Modicum of respect" that doesn't mean total respect! I respect them for "Trying" to give us a decent football team. Yet again I say "Yes" they got us into debt, but that was for totally the opposite(In my mind) reasons to SISU.:facepalm:


Well-Known Member
I reckon we should remember some people began supporting when we were in the top-flight. Lower leagues are so poorly promoted in the media that these people are almost discouraged from being's too much effort for them. Also, we pay money to be entertained - that entertainment has been lacking for a long time!
Be patient - when people start to believe they will be entertained again...toes will dip into the water again. Consistent entertainment (not just a win) will bring them back.


Well-Known Member
@ Stupot07..

If you read my original post, I said "A Modicum of respect" that doesn't mean total respect! I respect them for "Trying" to give us a decent football team. Yet again I say "Yes" they got us into debt, but that was for totally the opposite(In my mind) reasons to SISU.:facepalm:

Fair enough.


Well-Known Member

I go to around 75% of games, does that not make me a regular? If no I apologise for having to earn a living.

Think you need to understand that people have other commitments.

Frankly I feel sorry for someone if going to a football game is their number 1 priority.

My standpoint here is that those who can go and can afford to go today and have no ther plans other than just listening to it on the radio or watching SSN should be there!

The 'can' go I mention obviously relates to those who live locally and have nothing else on today.


New Member
My standpoint here is that those who can go and can afford to go today and have no ther plans other than just listening to it on the radio or watching SSN should be there!

The 'can' go I mention obviously relates to those who live locally and have nothing else on today.

But do you not think peoples passion for it has been knocked out of them? I know mine has, I still go out of a sense of duty & for social reasons.

Lately it has got enjoyable to go, but that is two months out of the last 10 years. Its going to take a long time to heal all that has been done.

I'm enjoying all on the pitch at the moment, but deep down I still have this feeling that as we're CCFC its all going to go wrong soon!


Well-Known Member
But do you not think peoples passion for it has been knocked out of them? I know mine has, I still go out of a sense of duty & for social reasons.

Lately it has got enjoyable to go, but that is two months out of the last 10 years. Its going to take a long time to heal all that has been done.

I'm enjoying all on the pitch at the moment, but deep down I still have this feeling that as we're CCFC its all going to go wrong soon!

Totally agree. Am in full agreement with that.

How many times have we got to today, with the expectation and the possibility of getting really close to the boys at the top, or within a cup opportunity only to completely blow it!

This is why I am very apprehensive about today. 99 times out a 100 we have lost this type of match over the past 10 years or more.

I want to believe we have changed. This isn't about Mark Robins though or the players we have, this is about Coventry City and our history of failure.

I think we will lose.

Sure many people think the same and won't go as a result. 'Every time they entice me inafter good efforts away and a good run in they go and put in an abject performance and lose.'

Think that is quite a usual sort of thing you have heard about this club for the last decade or more.

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Happy Birthday MR. Let's kick the X-mas period off with 3 points. I fancy a 3-0 win today.:D
Merry Christmas to all at SBT.:D


Well-Known Member
The one thing that sets aside former owners from SISU is...They cared about CCFC. whereas SISU don't.
To gain respect, you have to earn it. SISU don't even come close!

Past owners have always been slammed as leeches and pariahs, as far as I can remember. And I remember the love affair that many fans had with a certain Jojar S Dhinsa when he did a lot of posing about taking over because he loved the club.


Well-Known Member
Don't think he said that did he? :thinking about:He came out and quite clearly said he was an Arsenal fan at the time.

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member

Dhinsa was a attention seeker. He never owned CCFC did he! I will ask you to do the same as Stupo07 eventually did. Read this!

If you read my original post, I said "A Modicum of respect" that doesn't mean total respect! I respect them for "Trying" to give us a decent football team. Yet again I say "Yes" they got us into debt, but that was for totally the opposite(In my mind) reasons to SISU.


Well-Known Member
Don't think anyone knows for sure what Sisu's intentions are to be honest.

More chance of finding the Holy Grail.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
My standpoint here is that those who can go and can afford to go today and have no ther plans other than just listening to it on the radio or watching SSN should be there!

The 'can' go I mention obviously relates to those who live locally and have nothing else on today.

Yep if you can get up there!

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member

Originally Posted by Sky Blue Kid
I can't speak for the 10-15k "Missing" fans, but I, and a few others on this forum only go to away games. There are a few of us old men, who have followed Coventry from boyhood. We've shown our dedication and respect to the club, and former owners earned a modicum of respect from us by them buying good players to get us promoted from the old division 3 to the top flight. Ok, we got into debt, but at least former owners showed the fans respect by dipping into the coffers for players.
The one thing that sets aside former owners from SISU is...They cared about CCFC. whereas SISU don't.
To gain respect, you have to earn it. SISU don't even come close!

I've followed this club since 1962....and I'm beginning to feel good about the team get yourself along to some home games and show that support!

I thought you said it wasn't aimed at me!...Or- am- I -dreaming- you- wrote -this?
That's the problem see! You thought I lived local, didn't you!;)

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