I absolutely destest this idea that to support the team or be a "real" fan you must be vocal and involved in "banter" during the game.
I am sure I attended more games last year than a lot of those who come to a selection of matches, sing a few songs and spend the game attempting to instigate a fight.
I am one of those 'Tesco stand bores', I sit bang on the half way line, half way up the stand. Why? Because, in my opinion, they are the best seats to watch the team I support. Which is ultimately why we are there; to support the team we all love, the level of that support should not judged on how much one person sings or chants.
That is in no way a knock to those who spend all game trying to create an atmosphere (the ones singing Coventry songs), but for me, its not the barometer against which fan level should be measured.