Players on Twitter (1 Viewer)


Has anybody else noticed they have been quiet for the last couple of days on Twitter?

I only follow a couple but they have been very quiet.

Have they been told to shush or too busy training?


New Member
I think what the players do on twitter is up to them outside in their personal lives
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Twitter's a public forum. Fans are entitled to follow the players, players have a responsibilty to respect the fact that they represent a community.


New Member
I really need to find out what this BR BR thing is I see on posts? Anyone?
Its HTML code for a page break Macca, its just when someone has quoted something and either miss edited or deleted some bits by mistake... nothing to worry about


Well-Known Member
Its HTML code for a page break Macca, its just when someone has quoted something and either miss edited or deleted some bits by mistake... nothing to worry about

Seriously? I thought it was supposed to be a smiley type thing. Been looking at it for ages on various posts trying to decide what it looked like. What a twat!


Well-Known Member
They are allowed to put what they want as their view outside of the club.
But nothing too far inside the club.


Well-Known Member
Bothroyd's just called his own fan's "thick *****" according to R5!


what are the player's twitter accounts? anyone care to share. I have just signed up to twitter. thanks :)

The ones I follow:


Should get you started!

Sky Blue Ian

New Member
What worries me more is that when they're not in the squad on a match day they are constantly tweeting during games about all kind of stuff but never the game itself.They are obviously not following it. I even saw Jordan Willis asked on Tuesday if he knew the score but he was in Nandos!


New Member
They are allowed to have a normal life you know. I mean they don't play but people expect them to be glued to the radio or on their phone. So What if they wanna go out with their families to Nandos or some other such place. It's their right as human beings.


Well-Known Member
I used to follow a few, but have just given up. Players like Christie, Garner and Clarke talk rubbish. At least Clarke's consistent, I suppose. Has he ever seen a ball before?


New Member
I agree. They're paid enough. When we are playing, whether they are injured, suspended or just out of the match day squad, they should be in the stands and watching.

I'm surprised manager's don't insist on this. I know I would. Unless there is a very good reason, all squad members should attend games, and if they don't like it well tough.

It surprises me that players wouldn't want to be there anyway, fair enough if it is a fringe player who never get's a look in, but a first time regular who is out for a one match suspension you would have thought would want to be with the team, but quite often that is not the case.

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