Pokemon Go released in the UK (1 Viewer)

Wyken Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I know this isn't for everybody but Pokemon was massive for me when I was growing up as I played it on the Gameboy Colour so have downloaded it to see what the fuss is about.

Anybody else going to give it a go?

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CCFC Germany

Active Member
I'd love to know if it is the same over there in the UK, but currently here in Germany you cann see hundreds of people gathering on those Pokemon hotspots.
Been around for a walk at around 11PM yesterday and saw roughly 150 people crammed on one tiny bridge, all of them with their mobiles in their hands.


Well-Known Member
my 2 kids ar playing it now in my front room, one just shouted that i had a pokemon on my leg so they were both trying to catch it
it seems mildly amusing


Well-Known Member
I was riding through Coombe on my mountain bike and there were a middle aged couple pissing about with their phones. I reckon they were playing it.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
At least it encourages people to get off their arses :)

Riding my bike through Memorial Park yesterday, passed 7 or 8 'youths' in a row all of whom were walking looking at their poxy phones, including group of 3 together. Sign of the times, not a good one.


Well-Known Member
Pokemon Go servers down AGAIN leaving fans furious
Pokémon fans have been left furious after the game appeared to crash less than 24 hours after it was reportedly hacked by Poodlecorp .
The game, which has taken the internet by storm since its release earlier this week, has already been the target of criticism after its overwhelming popularity caused errors for many users.
Earlier today, the game's official Twitter account posted : "The issues causing the server problems have been identified.
"Trainers should once again be able to search for Pokémon in the real world."
However many users on Twitter are being greeted with "failed login" messages.
And those who can access the app are also experiencing errors while exploring the game's world.
Twitter user Michael James claimed he had 'wasted' a lure power-up (an in-game item that attracts pokemon,) after his game crashed after catching a pokemon.
(Liverpool Echo)


Well-Known Member
Poor Michael James



Well-Known Member
I genuinely don't see why people have a problem with it. Ignorance if anything. It is getting people more active than watching a screen indoors all day.

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
I was in Stony Stratford yesterday and as I walked past two young girls on their phone they said he has just walked on it or something I assume it was one of these Pokemon things as I had no shit on my shoe.
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