it's 10 automatically for going into admin which the football league have confirmed however they can take more off if they feel like it for financial irregularities.
Then there's the issue of coming out of admin, there's no penalty for coming out of admin with a CVA but there is another deduction, I believe 15 points, if they come out of admin without a CVA. Last time they got away with it as a lot of local traders agreed the CVA and the share of the debt owed to HMRC wasn't high enough for them to block it. This time however it looks like they could have enough of the debt owed to them to block a CVA. The issue then would be when they decide to come out of admin, do they take the full hit in one year and go down for sure or do they spread it over 2 seasons.
Today the Pompey manager has been going on about signing more players, I don't know how they're getting away with it to be honest. They had offers but refused to sell in the last window and now they're looking to make more signings, surely the league has to step in and stop them?