Popular things you never got into (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Bored of the manager situation I'll try this. This isn't about not liking things it's about things everyone else was into but you weren't. I'll start with never played a round of golf, never been on a skateboard, never laughed at Friends.


Well-Known Member
Bored of the manager situation I'll try this. This isn't about not liking things it's about things everyone else was into but you weren't. I'll start with never played a round of golf, never been on a skateboard, never laughed at Friends.
I bet they think you are as dull as dishwater.


Well-Known Member
The rave scene… I was right age and in the right place with the right set of mates but just didn’t get it. I’m just a plain old Mod


Well-Known Member
Watching the TV Show friends

Sorry mate if I knew you weren’t into it I’d have stopped.


Well-Known Member
Golf - seems pointless to me
Coffee - gives me the shits
Friends - never watched it, never will
Harry Potter, Game of thrones, and Any of the Marvel films or any of the films of this ilk - never watched any of them
Any celebrity/reality tv programmes - Shite
Children in need - Hate it with a passion - celebrities self promotion


Well-Known Member
Golf - seems pointless to me
Coffee - gives me the shits
Friends - never watched it, never will
Harry Potter, Game of thrones, and Any of the Marvel films or any of the films of this ilk - never watched any of them
Any celebrity/reality tv programmes - Shite
Children in need - Hate it with a passion - celebrities self promotion
Agree on the above, let's be friends until death.


Well-Known Member
Any reality TV shite whether it be I'm a celebrity(?), Big Brother, Britain hasn't got Talent etc
The only one I've been into is IACGMOOH and will probably still watch this year, bur it's run it's course now really and is basically solved and too soft. Early days when more unknown was much better.


Well-Known Member
The Beatles
The Rolling Stones
David Attenborough documentaries
Formula 1
Organised religion

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