Preston Haskell at the Council yesterday ? (1 Viewer)


people have asked how will ACL survive without CCFC...well it seems it will be on an injection of cash from PH4


It was also stated early on that PHIV would take over the day to day running of ACL so it could well be a deal could be struck there but with the council retaining the free hold.

Senior Vick from Alicante

Well-Known Member
This is a big if but if the Higgs and Acl were sold lock stock and barrel to PH4 it could only be a positive. Although SISU would still own the club new negotiations could commence for a potential return as half the road block would be removed. PH4 has always been about not just ownership but redevelopment of the land in the surrounding area which is wear his expertise lies, that's why the council like him. It would mean no way back for SISU, their only option would be to sell or continuing to fund the losses which their investors would not allow. It is only an if but it would free up the council from this mess that they don't want, and let the charity get on with what they are suppose to be doing. NOPM


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately it may be a case of Mr Haskell buying a different business venture and half the Ricoh.
If SISU don't do the sensible thing...


Well-Known Member
Is it just me, but how do we know Haskell 4th won't be Seppala 2nd?

We don't...I suppose some think ANYONE is better than SISU. Some think having JE/Hoff involved is a good thing...although they were initially involved bringing SISU in too. It's all anyone's guess what is best for the future. Lord might even turn out to be SISU!!!


Well-Known Member
This is a big if but if the Higgs and Acl were sold lock stock and barrel to PH4 it could only be a positive. Although SISU would still own the club new negotiations could commence for a potential return as half the road block would be removed. PH4 has always been about not just ownership but redevelopment of the land in the surrounding area which is wear his expertise lies, that's why the council like him. It would mean no way back for SISU, their only option would be to sell or continuing to fund the losses which their investors would not allow. It is only an if but it would free up the council from this mess that they don't want, and let the charity get on with what they are suppose to be doing. NOPM

I suggested the same a few months back...& Joy's visit to the US recently was post-CVA rejection...& I suggested maybe she went to meet with PH4 over there? You never know...if he can do the deal on the Ricoh, & has set the ball rolling with SISU - it could not only happen...but happen quickly!
Here's hoping...


New Member
I suggested the same a few months back...& Joy's visit to the US recently was post-CVA rejection...& I suggested maybe she went to meet with PH4 over there? You never know...if he can do the deal on the Ricoh, & has set the ball rolling with SISU - it could not only happen...but happen quickly!
Here's hoping...

Of course joy's vist to the US recently could be because.........wait for it...........she lives there!


Well-Known Member
@Lesreidpolitics: Ex- #CCFC director Joe Elliott confirms to me he was with ex- #CCFC Ltd bidder Preston Haskell IV in Coventry yesterday


Well-Known Member
Tell us why Les you big girls blouse.


Well-Known Member

The Penguin

Well-Known Member
Bye bye Coventry City then.

Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 2

Looks that way, doesn't it?

Don't begrudge them moving on if true, they have a business to run after all, but it hardly supports their 'we want CCFC here' stance.

I'm growing increasingly disillusioned with the whole mess with each passing day.


CCFC Finance Director
ACL have got to look to get other income sources in but I would not have thought that they have given up on CCFC yet. It might not happen this year but I wouldnt rule out CCFC coming back just yet

If CCFC dont come back then ACL have to look to their own business

Somehow cant see either ACL or Haskell cosying up with Les REid to tell him their plans. Think the guy puts things out sometimes to see if he gets a reaction


New Member
As many of us have said before, as soon as that ball is kicked at 3pm sunday Coventry City will never be coming home. It looks like ACL will have a new tennant within 6 months, that rules out the phoenix club. Im lost for words Coventry has lost its pride and joy. Rest in Peace
I was not going to say anything , but since it has been mentioned on here - PH4 and Joe Elliott were in my bar having a few drinks and some lunch yesterday with 3 other guys, one was an older american gentleman, maybe PH Senior?


New Member
Les Reid - ACL & Haskell seeking sports franchise

Everybody jumping to conclusions here.

How do we know it's not a re-born CCFC that's being discussed ? Or maybe what the deal would be for CCFC to return if SISU sold out

Interesting that SISU have been quiet since the Judicial Review was kicked out, and the likes of Haskell and Byng are back on the scene.

Sounds like something is going on behind the scenes


New Member
Im so not sure Haskell cares that much for the club, Hes into the property and retail side of the stadium thats where he will make his immediate profit. The hs2 railway sounds very high on his agenda also. I hope im proved wrong


New Member
A new franchise...

Can't see it working Football is for me the most popular sport about and we barely get 10k for home games...


New Member
Would love to think it's regarding CCFC but PH3 is a businessman and knows US sports well. And, will know that the NFL is looking at European expansion seriously, particularly UK expansion.

NFL know that they cannot sustain 80k+ crowds at Wembley over a season so may be looking for a site within an hour or so of London with a 30-40k capacity.

Other options of course are Rugby Union or League.

Might be well wide of the mark but in this crazy soap opera anything's possible.


CCFC Finance Director
Everybody jumping to conclusions here.

Got to agree

The les reid article in the CT is pure speculation and to some degree designed to stir things up..... think how many will react to such news. Wasnt it the CT that published an article earlier this week that was 3 years out of date about a Rugby club being based there.

Plus plenty of stadiums have more than one team at them ....... even sixfields. Read the article there is a difference between a franchise and the stadium being used

At the end of the day ACL must make the complex work - what would you expect- doesnt mean ACL have given up on CCFC
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Well-Known Member
I cant imagine that any sporting franchise ACL could realistically bring in would make enough use of the stadium to be the sole tenants. Even if Rugby League did go to the Ricoh there is no reason CCFC couldn't play there as well.


New Member
Can I ask was Joy Seppala at the meeting with Ms Sinclaire because unless she was the reality is no CCFC decision maker was at that meeting

Perhaps the reason ACL/Council were not there was they saw no merit in the format etc arranged at very short notice or even that meetings had been arranged on other matters for that day or other meetings were more important or even that perhaps there were meetings arranged with Haskell - who knows. Am fed up with all the posturing on both sides. I suspect it was thought ACL/council would not attend from the start and this is just more steps in PR by one party or another

Surely as a very interested party Haskell should have had an invite to the "stakeholders" meeting she went to - he has at least just as much interest in being there as say Byng, Haskell did actually manage to bid after all

We have enough problems without people scoring political tit for tat points

It was just Labovich at the meeting with sinclaire, im not clear if this is the same meeting Ian Calvert was sending out invites for though it was on the same day and included sinclaire, can't say I have much positive to say about sinclaire.

Meeting with haskell seems like a much better choice, at least there is hope there, acl and sisu havn't been able to get close to an agreement after dozens and dozens of meetings, if they couldn't get what they wanted from acl with before the cva what hope do they have now?


New Member
Got to agree

The les reid article in the CT is pure speculation and to some degree designed to stir things up..... think how many will react to such news. Wasnt it the CT that published an article earlier this week that was 3 years out of date about a Rugby club being based there.

Plus plenty of stadiums have more than one team at them ....... even sixfields. Read the article there is a difference between a franchise and the stadium being used

At the end of the day ACL must make the complex work - what would you expect- doesnt mean ACL have given up on CCFC

Whatever you do, don't tell Les Reid that you think the local media have let the fans down, he got very grumpy with me. Was very damning towards the people who have done good investigative work like yourself, skyblue squirrel, Ian from 200%, saying not to believe anon bloggers who spout libel (even though I'd already pointed out that only 1 of the good blogs is anon)

Just to be clear he didn't refer to you guys specifically thought clearly was talking about 200%, prison of measured time and the football law blog, I just said that of the 5 most useful and informative people to the fans during this mess only 1 of them is local media and that is him. Then he ranted about anon defamatory bloggers and continued to do so after I told him only 1 was anon. He's a useful resource but I've gone off him greatly over the last few days.

Not very easy to have a discussion on twitter though, I told him to come here and we could talk properly but he ignored that tweet.
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true sky blue

haskell is buying the higgs half

meeting tonight between all parties - - city could still be at the Ricoh - . go ahead start the name calling, but the meeting yesterday was one i told you all about last week.

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