Preston Haskell IV to buy Alan Higgs charity. (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
But what if they didn't back down?

Correct - because it will pressure SISU into walking. Then again, perhaps we should just ask them nicely and they will leave?
Asking for a winding up petition to be brought forward is not the same as wanting the club to fold, because SISU will back down before the hearing. God, do I really have to spell it out???

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
No I do not accept that it is tantamount - I have never made that assumption as I work on the basis that other investors exist who will take over. SISU will not go without a fight - they have to be forced out. How else to we force them out other than every legal mechanism at our disposal?

Still waiting for that apology. It is totally unreasonable assumption to equate my "I do not want the club to fold" with "CJ you want the club to fold"

In fact, it is disingenuous too. People on here are attacking my motives because they have no pro-SISU counter-argument to put instead. They are trying to invalidate my very valid points which end in the unarguable position that SISU need to leave.

I did say I've accepted you didn't explicitly say it CJ-but other posters will equate demanding a winding up order against the club with wanting the club to go bust.


New Member
Why would we want Elliot as chairman? The game has moved on off the field, you need the best people in all roles as it has an impact on how the club is run. In terms of the footballing side of things Fisher and Waggott have done a decent job.

Joe Elliot a complete leach another ray ranson will put nothing in and take loads out will wait for the first oppotunity to sack the manager and ruin everything that is going on at the moment people like him get on my nerves if he was that interested open his wallet. Bloody Leach.


Well-Known Member
CJParker. In answer to your question: why do some on here support SISU? I can cut through the "He said, you said..." with this helpful summary
We should support SISU as they are b@£/ards, but they're OUR b@£/ards.
We support SISU because they saved our club and have, allegedly ;) spent 40-50 mill on us.
We support SISU because there is no alternative
We support SISU because we hate anything council, public sector = bad, lazy. Private sector = good, clever.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Sorry I'm getting confused here.

So he didn't want ACL to "press on" with their existing action (which is for administration) but instead wanted them to start an action to liquidate the club.

Is that correct?

He said that if there was any resistance by sisu in court then acl should apply for a winding up order and lock the Ricoh. Effectively not allowing us to fulfil our fixtures.


Well-Known Member
Nice one. I work in the public sector.

CJParker. In answer to your question: why do some on here support SISU? I can cut through the "He said, you said..." with this helpful summary
We should support SISU as they are b@£/ards, but they're OUR b@£/ards.
We support SISU because they saved our club and have, allegedly ;) spent 40-50 mill on us.
We support SISU because there is no alternative
We support SISU because we hate anything council, public sector = bad, lazy. Private sector = good, clever.


Well-Known Member
Which he has just repeated.

He said that if there was any resistance by sisu in court then acl should apply for a winding up order and lock the Ricoh. Effectively not allowing us to fulfil our fixtures.


New Member
He said that if there was any resistance by sisu in court then acl should apply for a winding up order and lock the Ricoh. Effectively not allowing us to fulfil our fixtures.

so SISU would be forced to back down.

If SISU choose not to back down, then the blame for the club folding lies exclusively with them, I expect them to back down and therefore am not calling for the club to fold. Gettit?


Well-Known Member
But if they didn't back down then you would be getting what you asked for.

so SISU would be forced to back down.

If SISU choose not to back down, then the blame for the club folding lies exclusively with them, I expect them to back down and therefore am not calling for the club to fold. Gettit?

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
so SISU would be forced to back down.

If SISU choose not to back down, then the blame for the club folding lies exclusively with them, I expect them to back down and therefore am not calling for the club to fold. Gettit?

But the club would nonetheless have folded and we, the fans, are left with nobody to support.


Well-Known Member
So you would be getting what YOU wanted and we wouldn't have a club to support? No, not your fault, but you would still be getting the outcome you crave. :confused:

true but that would be SISUs choice and their fault not mine


New Member
So you would be getting what YOU wanted and we wouldn't have a club to support? No, not your fault, but you would still be getting the outcome you crave. :confused:

You come across as a mr I'm always right person but most the post I read from you is claptrap. SISU have had many offers given to them regarding rent and they rejected all including 400k a year and a chance to pay 100 k monthly Installments on money owed! SISU rejected. It's always going to come ahead and they picked there moment due to SISU threats as usual trying to bully


New Member
So you would be getting what YOU wanted and we wouldn't have a club to support? No, not your fault, but you would still be getting the outcome you crave. :confused:

I do not crave it you liar. I have said repeatedly that I do not want us to fold.

Yes it is a risky strategy but I cannot see an alternative that will get SISU out.

Your idea seems to be "give SISU everything they ask for"


New Member
Not an outcome I'm prepared to consider-instead we should be hunting far and wide for an idiot with lots of money.

And why can't we do that whilst also keep the pressure on SISU? These two ideas go hand in hand.

We just can't let up against SISU for a single second - every concession given to them will help them. They will keep holding the club to ransom like this time and again, until they are able to scare everyone into bowing down to them, and they will keep doing it until they get what they want - the Ricoh for free. We must draw a line somewhere before that happens, the sooner the better. Now is as good a time as any.

The only way to negotiate with a tiger is to shoot him. The only language SISU understand is hardball. if we have to beat them at their own game to get them out, so be it.

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Sick Boy
He said that if there was any resistance by sisu in court then acl should apply for a winding up order and lock the Ricoh. Effectively not allowing us to fulfil our fixtures.

Errrmmmmm, haven't SISU done that to themselves?.....ACL have stipulated there is a "14 days grace" where nobody pays anything"
Yet SISU "Cut off their nose to spite their face" and move CCFC out of Coventry....Ummm Strange!:facepalm:


Well-Known Member
Can a reputable paper like the Sunday times make up an interview and publish it? If it never happened Preston could sue them?

Also as PWKH said on the radio he really can't talk about buyers or get ahead of themselves as the club is due in high court on tues and we need to await that outcome.

Peter also said there are 4 parties interested.

If the court rules in favour of Acls case on Tues then Sisu will be turfed out ASAP and hopefully buyers will be forthcoming.

Interesting times and hopefully a club will rise from the ashes once more and we can all talk footy again.

He said that 4 parties had made enquiries not that they were interested

Colonel Mustard

New Member
Reading between the lines, it looks like Mr Haskell IV has gone rogue in true Dhinsa/David style, to the surprise of his ACL confederates.


Well-Known Member
Do you make enquiries because you are not interested?

Yeah sometimes I do, like phoning up lots of insurance companies for quotes, or test driving different types of car even though I know which one i want, viewing houses that I know I probably won't be interested in just in case they are a hidden gem, phoning up a company about a job vacancy they are advertising then deciding its not for me, having a look around schools I have no intention of sending my child to just to give me a comparison, etc....


Well-Known Member
Yeah sometimes I do, like phoning up lots of insurance companies for quotes, or test driving different types of car even though I know which one i want, viewing houses that I know I probably won't be interested in just in case they are a hidden gem, phoning up a company about a job vacancy they are advertising then deciding its not for me, having a look around schools I have no intention of sending my child to just to give me a comparison, etc....

What do you do if you find the hidden gem?

Do you phone anyone where you have no interest at all ie for a bannister when you in a bungalow completely wasting both your and their time. Or do you only speak to people where there is a chance however unlikely you may do business (interested)
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Well-Known Member
I'm not putting words into your mouth mark, I am asking you a question. Do you think that this is a bad idea?

To me, it seems to be the best idea since someone worked out how to automatically separate loaves of bread into toast-able slices on an industrial scale, and then successfully market this idea.

I genuinely think that SISU's behaviour should offend and disgust all intelligent, rational, decent people - and I do not understand why some are defending them so passionately. No satisfactory explanation has thus far been put forward. No-one has even attempted to do so.

So are you suggesting that the toaster actually pre-dated sliced bread and that the entire Sliced Bread Initiative was founded on the basis of making use of this hitherto useless piece of machinery?

Sounds a bit like pulling the cart before the horse. Which is apt given the subject of this thread!


New Member
CJParker. In answer to your question: why do some on here support SISU? I can cut through the "He said, you said..." with this helpful summary
We should support SISU as they are b@£/ards, but they're OUR b@£/ards.
We support SISU because they saved our club and have, allegedly ;) spent 40-50 mill on us.
We support SISU because there is no alternative
We support SISU because we hate anything council, public sector = bad, lazy. Private sector = good, clever.

I've never done this before, but for such utter stupidity:


Well-Known Member
Cool, it's Ringo on drums!


Well-Known Member
Agree about Joe wasn't he the man that bought sisu into the fold and am not sure that american owners are the answer ask liverpool and villa

Yes he was...and was very proud of the fact at the time....he also pursuaded the fans to hand over their shares...been around the club for far too long...amongst the shenanigans over the years, imo....


Well-Known Member
We can't Shitsu have moved us out. So if we get into the ground we will just be watching the grass grow

And if they don't let us in, we can listen...

See the people all in line
I'm thinking they look at me
Can't imagine that their minds
Are thinkin' the same as me

Admirably psychedelic lyrics from a man whose favourite drug was beer.

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