Proposed press release (3 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Further to this real names should be put to it. There’s still a stigma attached to ‘the internet’, social media, forums and twitter etc. Rightly so in many cases. Anonymous ’skybluefatpiece69’ agrees with this statement doesn’t mean anything in reality. We need to show we are real people and not the amorphous skybluestalk divs.
'skybluefatpiece69' likes this


Well-Known Member
I think we need a poll in all seriousnes, so that we can say 7500 members, we polled our members and of eg 250 who responded, 82% support tge following statement:


Otherwise we're no diff to the trust speaking on behalf of people we don't represent.

Can Nick email signed up members so it’s not reliant on who is on here at a particular point?

Should be OK GDPR wise as it’s legitimate interest and related to the services they signed up for. Maybe a link to a survey and one to sign the release?


Well-Known Member

If you want to reach the media beyond Cov Observer, work with them, rather than against them, so take out anything that can be taken badly, even if that's what you think. The last para therefore should be along the lines of:

"We further call on the media to help pursue a resolution to the current impasse, enabling us to move back to Coventry without delay."

You've more chance of getting it in/on CWR, CT etc. as well, then. Why, incidentally, stop at local media? Why not also send to the broadsheets?

This is a good point. Trying to castigate all sides equally can easily end up pissing everyone off and ultimately we need the media onside.


Further to this real names should be put to it. There’s still a stigma attached to ‘the internet’, social media, forums and twitter etc. Rightly so in many cases. Anonymous ’skybluefatpiece69’ agrees with this statement doesn’t mean anything in reality. We need to show we are real people and not the amorphous skybluestalk divs.

Yeah but if there's a problem you can add me on MSN at [email protected]


As it's a forum there's no real way to have a "single" voice or person as it's a collective of ages, views etc.

The only real way would be to do a poll and give 1 member a vote on it to try and judge it. Numbers can also be judged by this then.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
As it's a forum there's no real way to have a "single" voice or person as it's a collective of ages, views etc.

The only real way would be to do a poll and give 1 member a vote on it to try and judge it. Numbers can also be judged by this then.
I think so. I’ll put my name on it to take all the credit for anything that gets credit but blame everyone else for anything that goes wrong


Well-Known Member
Agree with the statement. Agree a poll is needed (agree/disagree) to show its representative and can put some numbers behind it. Happy to put my real name on it.

well done skybluepete for stepping up


Well-Known Member
Is it worth putting something about the council assisting in finding a new ground or are we happy they’re doing something now?

A call to landowners to help?

Feel we need a position in case the current silence continues. We can’t just wait around for the ECJ judgement, it could be years we are away.

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