Questions For Big Ron (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
When is the last time you saw a player lollipop someone?


Well-Known Member
Do you still speak to Screech from saved by the bell?
I've played him online at chess, around Fide 2200. One serious player not to be confused with the persona he puts over through the media.


Well-Known Member
Has he ever met a bigger Ron?


Well-Known Member
Ask him, what he thinks of the players today in regards of (Standard, Motivation, Lifestyle). Does he see a bright future for British players or does he think we need to change anything in how we coach, develop or make transition for players to step into the 1st team from academy level players.

Lastly does he believe that Premiership team have too many foreign players per club and should we have a cap of 4 per game day squad....

Lastly did he only come out of his ryton office to play 5 a sides footie and let wee Gordon do the rest.....


New Member
Are you aware of how much you smiled happily in the post match interviews after yet another defeat and said that we would play worse and get a win at some point??


New Member
Who's idea was it to "groom" strachen into the managers role ?
And was it always part of his contract , that he would be offered the role when you retired ?

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Why did you feel you had to yell and swear at me when I tried to get an interview with Gordon Strachan at Ryton? Were you jealous I didn't want to talk to you? Fat twat!

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