Questions for tomorrow's fans forum (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
I'm going to try my hand at being Mystic Meg. You can call me Rustic Reg if you like as I don't want to alert the plagiarism police.

If you have anything that you would like to ask the board at tomorrow's forum, please post your questions below and then anyone who still bothers to attend can advise us all on Thursday just how close to the truth I came. It doesn't matter how searching, fire away and I will get back to them all as I sign in and out throughout the day. Fire away:



CCFC Finance Director
here is one Rob..... ahem sorry ..... Rustic Reg

"precisely what is the reason that the accounts have not been filed and precisely how much have SISU invested in Coventry City Football Club ltd up until today"

followed by

"exactly how much will SISU be investing in the Football club over the next 2 years and exactly how much of that forms the budget for player purchases"
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Well-Known Member
here is one Rob

"precisely what is the reason that the accounts have not been filed and precisely how much have SISU invested in Coventry City Football Club ltd"

followed by

"exactly how much will SISU be investing in the Football club over the next 2 years and exactly how much of that forms the budget for player purchases"

Two excellent questions Mr OSB and can I say what a pleasure it is to see you here at this meeting. I'll take the questions one at a time if I may.

The last accounts were not filed due to problems before the current board took control and as a result of the previous regime. I'm not in the blame game, so I won't make accusations but you have my absolute word that things on that front are moving forward. It was the right time to review everything and scrutinse in detail before any submissions were made. I would love to offer you a more concise and clear answer but our financial team are not properly represented here and it would be churlish of me to make statements on their behalf. Rest assured that we aim to have things resolved as quickly as possible and we will endeavour to have teverything sorted before Andy (and I must say what a wonderful job he has done) return for pre-season training.

Part two of your question is difficult to put an exact figure on it. We have a plan and the manager has his list of targets. We will offer the staff our full backing and support him where we can, but until everything is resolved and until we know who is staying or how many season tickets we've sold, it would be unfair of me to make flase promises to you or Andy. I think it's a good time to reiterate that we want Premier League football within two years and that with Andy at the helm we're confident as a board that he can deliver. I hope that I've andwered your two excellent questions fully.


Well-Known Member
Ask what AT take is on the loan market and will he be using it next season regards to ins/outs.


Well-Known Member
We're not in the habit of loaning players and we will continue with our policy of buying young talent and getting the best improvement out of them with our excellent coaching team who we have full confidence in. Of course if an exceptional player becomes available and the parent club are paying the wages then we would be foolish to ignore that and would look to see how that players cgharacter fit in with our current recquirements of squad and style.

*sub-text: sign 'em cheap, train 'em up, flog 'em for profit


Well-Known Member
@Rustic Reg

1] You tried to offload one of our best youngsters Conor Thomas to Liverpool. Fortunately he never had any intention of signing for them. What message does this send to the fans about your intentions regarding the future of the club?

2] It's widely known that you're giving existing season ticket holders who haven't yet renewed an unprecedented option: if they renew prior to the early bird deadline and are subsequently unhappy with the state of the squad then you will refund their money before the season starts. Is this a sign of financial desperation?


CCFC Finance Director
I think that you are probably spot on with the answer prediction Rustic Reg............ and no it doesnt answer the questions so no surprise there then !:eek::D:facepalm:


Well-Known Member
@Rustic Reg

1] You tried to offload one of our best youngsters Conor Thomas to Liverpool. Fortunately he never had any intention of signing for them. What message does this send to the fans about your intentions regarding the future of the club?

2] It's widely known that you're giving existing season ticket holders who haven't yet renewed an unprecedented option: if they renew prior to the early bird deadline and are subsequently unhappy with the state of the squad then you will refund their money before the season starts. Is this a sign of financial desperation?

Welcome Royal Scam. I'm glad you asked these questions because they were points I was looking to address.

Part one of your question regarding the loan of Connor Thomas was something again sanctioned by the former board of which I was not part. You can have my word that if I were here then I would have voted against it. However it was a board decision and we must stand by that. It was an excelent oppoprtunity for young Mr Thompson (AT whispers "It's Thomas), err Thomas of course and one that we couldn't possibly deny the lad. Liverpool are a great club with fantastic history and tradition just like Coventry and it is our aim to get Coventry City FC Football club to that level. Young Mr Thompson has had a positive spell training with some excellent international players and we as a board and with our fine manager Andy, only feel that can be to the benefit of Coventry City FC Football club and we're glad as aboard that we took the decision following his unfortunate injury to recall him back here.

With part two I vae heard this but it would be something more that our marketing side would deal with. Our job is to ensure that even if such offers are available that people won't want to withdraw their tickets because we will have the staff in place to give us all a fantastic season and you have my full commitment to deliver on that. What I woudl say is that if we fail then come back and talk to us about it at the end of next season as now is not th etime to judge and we as a board remain optimistic.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Rustic Reg and thank you SISU - I now feel so optimistic that I can see us promoted as champions next season.:laugh:


Well-Known Member
What is your favourite cheese?

Apologies guys I had to take a short refreshment break.

Hi Skyblu3sk. The subject of favourite cheeses is a tricky one. I do understand that some of the fans will prefer a more mature flavour and whilst the catering people are not here to offer a full breakdown on the choices this and the last board made regarding cheese, you can be assured that all our tasters are in place and I would imagine that by the next time the board meets all cheese issues will have been resolved.


Well-Known Member
To be honest Llama's are not something that this board has ever taken a decision on, but I'm sure in the fullness of time we will review our Llama options and it isn't something we would rule in or out at this stage.


Well-Known Member
will thorn have money to spend?
have sis found investers?
will cov city f.c avoid admin next season?
any news on big 3 contracts?
any more ticket deals next season for non season ticket holders?


Well-Known Member
will thorn have money to spend?
have sis found investers?
will cov city f.c avoid admin next season?
any news on big 3 contracts?
any more ticket deals next season for non season ticket holders?

Lots there my learned friend but I'll do my best to get through them quickly for you.

1) Funds will be available for transfers although it would be a little premature to say how much that will be.
2) SISU are made up of investors and all our money is from investors. We recently secured £7m of new investment which allowed us to operate fully through a diffisult transition period from the previous board and we are perpetually seeking additional investment.
3) I can't say what will happen as who could have predicted the global meltdown that happened affecting our economy and economies all around the world, but we are making huge strides in and out of the club and I see no reason why administration should be an option but of course I can't predict the future.
4) Excellent contracts have been offered to all three of the players I think you're referring to and also to some other members of the squad. THey are reviewing their options and we all hope that we keep them but if they don't we have a plan B and Andy has identified replacements.
5) Our priority is to sell a smany season tickets as we can. If next season the marketing team see an opportunity to increase matchday revenue then I'm sure all options will be looked at in the best interests of the club.


New Member
Are we in administration or not ?


Well-Known Member
Will Sammy Clingan, Martin Cranie,Ben Turner and Lukas Jucivitwz be offered new long term contracts


Well-Known Member
We are definitely not in administration and we we definitely not entering administration any time soon. Sorry Ken what was thta? Nope couldn't hear him apologies all. That concludes the forum I'm afraid. Thanks for all your questions, have a safe journey home, thanks for coming and see you next season. Keep right on to the end of the (err that's Blues boss not Sky Blues) oh sorry I meant Lets all hymn together


Well-Known Member
Ah just caught that before I left Dan and yes I guess they will be at some point and I would liek to hope that it is by us but who knows. Byeeeeee :)


Well-Known Member
Lots there my learned friend but I'll do my best to get through them quickly for you.

1) Funds will be available for transfers although it would be a little premature to say how much that will be.
2) SISU are made up of investors and all our money is from investors. We recently secured £7m of new investment which allowed us to operate fully through a diffisult transition period from the previous board and we are perpetually seeking additional investment.
3) I can't say what will happen as who could have predicted the global meltdown that happened affecting our economy and economies all around the world, but we are making huge strides in and out of the club and I see no reason why administration should be an option but of course I can't predict the future.
4) Excellent contracts have been offered to all three of the players I think you're referring to and also to some other members of the squad. THey are reviewing their options and we all hope that we keep them but if they don't we have a plan B and Andy has identified replacements.
5) Our priority is to sell a smany season tickets as we can. If next season the marketing team see an opportunity to increase matchday revenue then I'm sure all options will be looked at in the best interests of the club.

lol that is excactly what will be said,saves me having to listen now,thanks!

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