Questions.... (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
When KD was on CWR explaining why the club wasn't following up the "Hoffman bid", he said that he was talking to "20+" (I'm fairly sure that was the number) other potential investors. Could you ask how many of these talks are still progressing and what level of investment is expected to be realised from them - i.e. are they hoping to get in the order of £100k, £500k, £1m, £5m etc.

Given that SISU have stated that they do not wish to sell the club, it would also be enlightening to understand what exactly they are offering these potential investors. Taking a minority stake in a loss making business is not an attractive proposition, so presumably there is more to it than that - what exactly?


Well-Known Member
Other people have already commented on the disturbingly high level of staff turnover within the club. In my experience it's particularly worrying when a CEO leaves suddenly.

Could you ask Mr Clark why Paul Clouting left. I'm sure that his answer will be that his departure is covered by a confidentiality agreement and I'm sure that would be true. If the club has nothing to hide and wishes (as we've been told) to be more open with the supporters, could you then please ask him if the club will publicly and irrevocably release Mr Clouting from any confidentiality restrictions. That would then give the local media the chance to contact him and get his side of the story - if he wishes to talk to them.


Well-Known Member
The big question is - what is the plan?

As far as I can work out, SISU were persuaded by RR that if a club like Coventry was fairly well run and had sufficient funding to invest in good (preferably young) players, they could get a return on their investment by getting promotion to the Premier League - and presumably selling the club at this point.

As we all know, things started this way, but due to the financial crisis / poor managerial appointments / loss of faith in RR (take your pick), the funding for investment in players dried up and in fact the position was reversed, with the sale of players being used to supplement cash flow.

We are now in a position where we are either favourites or joint-favourites with all the bookies for relegation (bookies don't often get these things very wrong). In our last 42 league games, we have managed to win only 6. In 26 of those games (last season) we had a much stronger team (i.e. it included Westwood, King and Gunna). In short, if nothing changes we will be relegated. However, we are the only team in the Championship without a loan signing.

So what is the Board's plan?

Do they honestly expect us to stay up and if so, what changes are they making / planning to make to allow this to happen?

If they have accepted that we will be relagated do they have a financial plan in place for next year that will allow us to retain enough of the squad to have a chance of promotion next year?

I'm afarid that based on what we can see, I think that their plan is to "hope something turns up" - it would be good if Mr Clark could persuade us otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Question: Tell me what you think about me
I buy my own diamonds and I buy my own rings
Only ring your cell-y when I'm feelin lonely
When it's all over please get up and leave

Question: Tell me how you feel about this
Try to control me boy you get dismissed
Pay my own fun, oh and I pay my own bills
Always 50/50 in relationships

Senior Vick from Alicante

Well-Known Member
Hi Gary, I much appreciate the fact that your talking to Clarky on our behalf. I am just wondering though is this being done with the clubs permission if so do you think your just going to be paid lip service? I hope as Mr Clarke is a local lad with propper links to the club he would be willing to stand up and be counted, if not then we know what the real intentions of the club and him are. My question is this, How does the club expect the fans to come back when the product that is being produced on the pitch is of such poor quality? With the lack of investment on the footballing side are they not in a catch 22 situation?


Well-Known Member
It came about from me calling sisu and they then passed my number to the club...

il take as many of these off here as i can and try to get them answered


Well-Known Member
why has brody left and why did they say nothing about the new company set up seen as there being more open??

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