Racism will never disappear totally, but i can assure you it is miles better today than 40/50 years ago. I started work in 1968 in a factory in Cov. in what could be called an Asian area. Factory full of white blokes. At lunch times we would go in the car park for an hour and the open abuse any passing Asian, male/female even child got was horrid. As a spotty silly16 year old i would laugh but never was comfortable with it. But blokes had come through a war, seeing mates and loved ones die, then seeing them replaced with immigrants and even worse in their eyes not the same colour or creed. We have thankfully moved on, massively but not perfectly. It's taken nearly 50 years and will probably take another 50 to improve further.
My dad died in 1988, was never racist, the subject was hardly ever brought up. But he would ask me to "go over the w*g shop and get some fags, as i said he wasn't being racist, it was what brown people were called, never hear that word nowadays.
As for racism in football ? Well this John Terry incident is now out of control. I know what i think he said and he shouldn't of and Anton Ferdinand has the right to be agrieved, but i do think the media are stokeing the flames which in itself is a sort of racism. My 7 year old grandson had never heard of racism until now because he is football daft and John Terry England captain is a hero I have had to try and explain what racism is, so now he knows, well sort of, his mind is that little bit more corrupted now.