Radio on the hill. All set up for 'home' games. (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
I will be streaming radio through Skype to the hill on 'home' games from now on. I know somebody else tried last week but he had a few teething problems with sound so at the time I said I would set up a 'backup' stream which I have now done.

I have connected a radio to my soundcard's line-in and set the sound level etc but at the moment it sounds quite good and shouldn't drop out. I will be running radio through my PC for the next few hours so if you want to try it out for yourself to see what the sound quality is like then please feel free. It might be a good idea if you are heading to the hill next home game to call in to my Skype now so I can add you to the list. By adding you to the list you can then simply call in when a home game is live anywhere in the world to get live local commentary.

For the next few hours I will be streaming Talk Sport, please call in and I will add you. Please give feedback below on quality. I have turned the stream up because it can be noisy and windy on the hill.

Skype name - hillradio

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Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
You might want to be a bit careful here. Doesn't copyright come into this somewhere? Just thought I'd mention it.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you can pick local radio commentary up from the hill? No chance of CWR getting that far not even from a car.


Well-Known Member
Yes or anywhere in the world. If you have skype on your mobile you can call in from the hill to listen to live commentary.

When you call in you don't speak to anybody, you will just hear the radio stream after I have added you as a contact.


Well-Known Member
I know Nick. Something I won't be doing much only during games.

If I have added you as a contact then call back and you should go straight into the stream.


Well-Known Member
Some bloke had the cwr coverage live on his radio(just) on the hill last week.
Cannot find it for the first 10 miles of the journey in the car back home.


Well-Known Member
Had lots and lots of callers listening in so far. Remember after I add you as contact you need to then call in to hear the stream.

Add hillradio to skype and once I have accepted you as a contact you can then call in to hear what sort of quality the games will be streamed in.


Well-Known Member
Had lots and lots of callers listening in so far. Remember after I add you as contact you need to then call in to hear the stream.

Add hillradio to skype and once I have accepted you as a contact you can then call in to hear what sort of quality the games will be streamed in.

My worry is that if I had it live on the hill that it would be a few seconds behind the live game I'm watching.


Well-Known Member
It should be almost realtime. I have 20MB upload and 120MB download.

EDIT - It's unnoticeable in time difference. Try listening in and then putting the Talksport on DAB in the other ear! Probably less than 1/8 second off :)
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Well-Known Member
It should be almost realtime. I have 20MB upload and 120MB download.

EDIT - It's unnoticeable in time difference. Try listening in and then putting the Talksport on DAB in the other ear! Probably less than 1/8 second off :)

Will download Skype and try it the next time you you're live!


Well-Known Member
No worries. I will be running for another 15 mins so if anybody else wants to get added to the broadcast list add hillradio to Skype.

I will be doing another test run later this week to tweak the quality a little.


Well-Known Member
Had quite a few requests through the night so I have added them to the stream. I will be broadcasting for the next 2 hours if you want to call in and test the stream.

Skype - hillradio


Well-Known Member
I think it is now time for everyone who doesnt go to Sixfields to reassess their decision and perhaps change their mind but at least look at some facts;

Positives for going to Sixfields;
1. There isnt going to be any realistic hope of getting back to the Ricoh this season and SISU are camped out at Sixfields - time to accept that reality and make the best of it
2. It is 22 minutes drive from Bagington island
3. Parking is cheaper than the Ricoh and food and drink is the same if not cheaper
4.There are real pubs nearby
5. The atmosphere"could" be amazing and truly intimidating to the opposing fans
6. The hill protest is having no effect - cant be heard from the ground and the suspicion is that its about getting a free view (they all leave at half time)
7. If you REALLY want to piss off Fisher - he sits in the front row in front of a gangway at Sixfields and is very accessible - why not go and challenge him
8.And finally - the football is brilliant, the view is great and the team would appreciate the support - in no way would it endorse SISU or their actions. 7000+ WOULD give the club a big headache and would be worth it to see what they would do

Reasons to carry on not going;
1. It IS outside Coventry and more like 45 mins from North of Coventry
2. Public/coach transport options limited (perhaps the trust could help?)
3. Initially SISU would see this as a vindication of their actions - would suit them in the short term
4. It gets ACL off the hook in the short term - or would it bring them back to the negotiaing table out of fear?
5. It would provide a way of reuniting the fans again - could be quite emotional

We all want whats best for the team and maybe a bit of compromise and pride swallowing might not be the worst thing ever


Well-Known Member
I think it is now time for everyone who doesnt go to Sixfields to reassess their decision and perhaps change their mind but at least look at some facts;

Positives for going to Sixfields;
1. There isnt going to be any realistic hope of getting back to the Ricoh this season and SISU are camped out at Sixfields - time to accept that reality and make the best of it
2. It is 22 minutes drive from Bagington island
3. Parking is cheaper than the Ricoh and food and drink is the same if not cheaper
4.There are real pubs nearby
5. The atmosphere"could" be amazing and truly intimidating to the opposing fans
6. The hill protest is having no effect - cant be heard from the ground and the suspicion is that its about getting a free view (they all leave at half time)
7. If you REALLY want to piss off Fisher - he sits in the front row in front of a gangway at Sixfields and is very accessible - why not go and challenge him
8.And finally - the football is brilliant, the view is great and the team would appreciate the support - in no way would it endorse SISU or their actions. 7000+ WOULD give the club a big headache and would be worth it to see what they would do

Reasons to carry on not going;
1. It IS outside Coventry and more like 45 mins from North of Coventry
2. Public/coach transport options limited (perhaps the trust could help?)
3. Initially SISU would see this as a vindication of their actions - would suit them in the short term
4. It gets ACL off the hook in the short term - or would it bring them back to the negotiaing table out of fear?
5. It would provide a way of reuniting the fans again - could be quite emotional

We all want whats best for the team and maybe a bit of compromise and pride swallowing might not be the worst thing ever

Fuck off Tim


Well-Known Member
oh charming, you fuckwits have got such a one dimensional, half arsed view of reality it really makes me wonder how you stagger through the pathetic ruins of your life.


Well-Known Member
I think it is now time for everyone who doesnt go to Sixfields to reassess their decision and perhaps change their mind but at least look at some facts;

Positives for going to Sixfields;
1. There isnt going to be any realistic hope of getting back to the Ricoh this season and SISU are camped out at Sixfields - time to accept that reality and make the best of it
2. It is 22 minutes drive from Bagington island
3. Parking is cheaper than the Ricoh and food and drink is the same if not cheaper
4.There are real pubs nearby
5. The atmosphere"could" be amazing and truly intimidating to the opposing fans
6. The hill protest is having no effect - cant be heard from the ground and the suspicion is that its about getting a free view (they all leave at half time)
7. If you REALLY want to piss off Fisher - he sits in the front row in front of a gangway at Sixfields and is very accessible - why not go and challenge him
8.And finally - the football is brilliant, the view is great and the team would appreciate the support - in no way would it endorse SISU or their actions. 7000+ WOULD give the club a big headache and would be worth it to see what they would do

Reasons to carry on not going;
1. It IS outside Coventry and more like 45 mins from North of Coventry
2. Public/coach transport options limited (perhaps the trust could help?)
3. Initially SISU would see this as a vindication of their actions - would suit them in the short term
4. It gets ACL off the hook in the short term - or would it bring them back to the negotiaing table out of fear?
5. It would provide a way of reuniting the fans again - could be quite emotional

We all want whats best for the team and maybe a bit of compromise and pride swallowing might not be the worst thing ever

I don't agree with moving a club out of its town for commercial reasons.

I will not support any organisation that does this.

Someone needs to compromise, but its not the fans.

+1 for making me reply to a troll post.


Well-Known Member
Its not a troll post though, believe it or not it is possible to come to an entirely pragmatic different conclusion to you and then try and recomend it based on experience. Like I said some people are so angered by their hatred of Sisu Im not sure they are allowing themselves to think of the alternative.


Well-Known Member
OK just a heads up why you should mute your mic when calling in. I don't want to hear what you are talking about or who you are phoning!
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