Well-Known Member
Did he get one ? The thread has disappeared .
Lol everyone's on tender hooks!
on tenterhooks
anxiously waiting for news about someone or something She was on tenterhooks until her son called and said he was not hurt.
Etymology: based on the literal meaning of tenterhook (a hook that holds cloth that is stretched to dry), suggesting that someone's emotions are tightly stretched like a piece of cloth held by tenterhooks
Yeah, but what are tender hooks??
The same thing but gentler
ill wear a school tie and shorts,tie my shoes on my knees and kneel when i go through turnstiles
Benitez is a wanker
<br />Benitez is a wanker <img src="images/smilies/whistle.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Whistle" smilieid="49" class="inlineimg" />
Do you wanna come round the Wheatsheaf and say that to my face you mug? Blah,blah, think you're funny, blah, blah, monksie, blah,blah, best fans in the World, blah,blah, I'm not two people on this thread, blah, blah, "Corrie bloke picture".
End of Thread.
Think was about it in a nutshell if anybody missed it.