Ranson (3 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
I hav'nt read the entire thread ,but it seems to me some people are missing the point.This being that this club needs to move forward ,which the current incumbants are incapable of achieving ,the trust is broken on a grand scale ,totally irrepairable ,absolutely busted flush ,i'm highly sceptical of a new member appearing on the forum , claiming to speak for many fans, posting on a grand scale to the detriment of the proposed bid ,at the point when to the outside world the position of hoffman is strengthening ,and the protest /campaign against the owners is becoming more organised,the longer sisu retain control the more harm will be done to the club in terms of stadium ownership ,squad decimation and loss of income due to the undermining effects of this on the pitch.there is'nt a better sounding board for oppinion than a forum such as this ,i believe the consensus i take from here is for change for the benefit of the clubs future,Ranson attended a boxing day game with former colleagues and friends ,i don't read anything into that ,unless someone publicises otherwise. saying all that everyones entitled to their oppinion and deserve respect for it ,this is just mine.

So are they all innocent but ineffectual or complicit and have to take a share of the blame?

In Ranson's case, innocent but ineffectual because the men holding the purse strings let him down.

The only thing you can accuse him of is getting into bed with the wrong people.


Well-Known Member
Thats what I put at the end of my post wingy maybe he was just visiting Hoffman over xmas and just came to the match, who knows?
I think this is down to 2 things either you want RR or you don't thats fine.
What I am against is the your not a fan and want sisu to stay just because you don't want RR and so you are not a true fan and you are happy with what we have line.
I do not want ray ranson but as I put if he comes then ok at least we have been taken over and sisu are out does not mean I have gone in blind and believe I have to agree with him being here, and the same with Hoffman, may not want im here and wish whoever was taking over the club had nothing whatsover in connection with sisu presant or past.
Does not mean I do not welcome a takeover just a bit more sceptical than some others maybe, but would not say they are not cov fans or there opinion is shit.
Whatever happens we all want sisu out and anyone taking over is better than what we have, my concerns are, who are these people, will we end up with another set of faceless owners, as I thought hoffman was only bringing these people to the negotiating table so being a cov fan does this become irrelevant, as once they are here they are in and what they do has nothing to do with hoff being a cov fan, unless he becomes apart of the group of investors which I thought he was not?
What happens 1/2 years down the line if plans do not go the way we want and players are being sold again to balance books we are back where we are now, of course no-one knows that and I am happy for this risk to happen just to get sisu out, does not mean I have to trust them and does not make my opinion shit or that I am not a cov fan I am just a bit more sceptical.


Well-Known Member
Thats what I put at the end of my post wingy maybe he was just visiting Hoffman over xmas and just came to the match, who knows?
I think this is down to 2 things either you want RR or you don't thats fine.
What I am against is the your not a fan and want sisu to stay just because you don't want RR and so you are not a true fan and you are happy with what we have line.
I do not want ray ranson but as I put if he comes then ok at least we have been taken over and sisu are out does not mean I have gone in blind and believe I have to agree with him being here, and the same with Hoffman, may not want im here and wish whoever was taking over the club had nothing whatsover in connection with sisu presant or past.
Does not mean I do not welcome a takeover just a bit more sceptical than some others maybe, but would not say they are not cov fans or there opinion is shit.
Whatever happens we all want sisu out and anyone taking over is better than what we have, my concerns are, who are these people, will we end up with another set of faceless owners, as I thought hoffman was only bringing these people to the negotiating table so being a cov fan does this become irrelevant, as once they are here they are in and what they do has nothing to do with hoff being a cov fan, unless he becomes apart of the group of investors which I thought he was not?
What happens 1/2 years down the line if plans do not go the way we want and players are being sold again to balance books we are back where we are now, of course no-one knows that and I am happy for this risk to happen just to get sisu out, does not mean I have to trust them and does not make my opinion shit or that I am not a cov fan I am just a bit more sceptical.

As ever you are spot on. To say Ransom got into bed with a bad lot is laughable. He had already been in bed with them for many years previously so you might think he knows the bedroom habits by now. Oh and SISU are a hedge fund company who have one interest only in purchasing an organisation and that is to make money. So Ranson must have pitched to his investsors that he would make money for them in the short to medium term. They didn't and now we are left with an unholy mess with owners who clearly do not want us, fund managers who own the loan who will not even know where Coventry is and our only hope is the man who introduced them in the first place. If a takeover happens and Ray Ranson turns up it will be a bit like going on a blind date and your ex-wife turns up. So sorry I am not brimming with enthusiasm.


So are they all innocent but ineffectual or complicit and have to take a share of the blame?

Seems that when Ranson's admirers liked about him, that he was "Ruthless Ray", a "hard headed businessman" etc, they all had entirely the wrong end of the stick, and he was just a poor, innocent lamb led astray by the terrible, bad boys of Sisu.

"Not my Ray, he's not like that, he's just fallen in with a bad lot, you leave him alone, he never done nothin' wrong, he was round his nans when you said he was chairman anyway , he loves his old nan and always helping old people across the road".

Such a dick. :facepalm:


If Hoffman says who is part of the consortium, what's stopping Sisu speaking to them and offering them a deal to join them in owning the club - this may be the reason why he is keeping his backers to himself


Well-Known Member
Negative negative negative

As ever you are spot on. To say Ransom got into bed with a bad lot is laughable. He had already been in bed with them for many years previously so you might think he knows the bedroom habits by now. Oh and SISU are a hedge fund company who have one interest only in purchasing an organisation and that is to make money. So Ranson must have pitched to his investsors that he would make money for them in the short to medium term. They didn't and now we are left with an unholy mess with owners who clearly do not want us, fund managers who own the loan who will not even know where Coventry is and our only hope is the man who introduced them in the first place. If a takeover happens and Ray Ranson turns up it will be a bit like going on a blind date and your ex-wife turns up. So sorry I am not brimming with enthusiasm.


New Member
After reading all the posts on this topic, I've now managed to miss a whole episode of eastenders. And for that I thankyou all! :D


New Member
Cognitive Dissonance. Means holding opposing beliefs at the same time. Sounds complicated but it's not - for instance people smoke but want to live a long healthy life and yet know that smoking kills. This is where we are with the Hoffman et al bid. If its underfunded, if the football decisions aren't sound, if we don't get a share of the ground back, if, if, if, all these variables will impact the long term success of Hoffman/Ranson mk2. But that would be the same with any bid. Decisively, there are no other alternatives. If there is someone out there with galactically deep pockets they would have bought any remaining clubs in the Prem on offer (Everton) or if they fancied a more likely successful "punt" then Leeds Utd, or even one of the lesser London Clubs... No one else is out there for us. So, it's down to what we have in Sisu or seemingly the only alternative on offer. For those of us not fancying the track record of the latter buy a clothes peg for your nose or the alternative, bring nails for the coffin.


Well-Known Member
As ever you are spot on. To say Ransom got into bed with a bad lot is laughable. He had already been in bed with them for many years previously so you might think he knows the bedroom habits by now. Oh and SISU are a hedge fund company who have one interest only in purchasing an organisation and that is to make money. So Ranson must have pitched to his investsors that he would make money for them in the short to medium term. They didn't and now we are left with an unholy mess with owners who clearly do not want us, fund managers who own the loan who will not even know where Coventry is and our only hope is the man who introduced them in the first place. If a takeover happens and Ray Ranson turns up it will be a bit like going on a blind date and your ex-wife turns up. So sorry I am not brimming with enthusiasm.

Oh goody, analogy time :claping hands:

Ah, but all RR had done with SISU until they bought us was a lot of courting; the relationship was never consummated until they bought CCFC. And once they got down to business under the sheets, RR found out he was in bed with sexual deviants, and ones that never keep to their promises!


Well-Known Member
Just wasted nearly half an hour of my life reading some crap comments.

RR left his position with our club. He could see what was going to happen as SISU called all the shots. RR was at fault for this.

AT stays in his position, knowing that SISU called all the shots. He knows how bad things are, and also knew how bad things were going to get.

Looks like RR and AT took totally different decisions, but the same posters blame the pair of them for either staying or going. This proves to me that some posters will blame anyone with anything to do with our club whatever decision they make.

RR was at fault for taking a good wage? If his wage was so good why did he leave?

We can only guess what has been going on at our club. Some on here like to state as fact what has/is happening when they have as much as an idea as the rest of us. SISU are to blame. Maybe RR could have done a bit better. Is he to blame for where we are now? I don't think so. "Guess" is all we can do. Some seem to think they are correct with their guesses though.


Well-Known Member
We can only guess what has been going on at our club. Some on here like to state as fact what has/is happening when they have as much as an idea as the rest of us. SISU are to blame.[/QUOTE ]

You obviously being one of those who likes to state as fact what has/is happening as you say in your own post.



Well-Known Member

We can only guess what has been going on at our club. Some on here like to state as fact what has/is happening when they have as much as an idea as the rest of us.[/QUOTE ][/


Touch a nerve did it summerisle


Well-Known Member

We can only guess what has been going on at our club. Some on here like to state as fact what has/is happening when they have as much as an idea as the rest of us.[/QUOTE ][/


Touch a nerve did it summerisle

Lord, and please capitalise the Summerisle you peasant.


Well-Known Member
SISU are to blame.[/QUOTE ]

I see nothing factually incorrect with the above :)

Nor do I, but neither do I find Ranson to be the poor bloody innocent in all this that others seem to think.

He was disastrous as Chairman, made dreadful appointments, which led to terrible league positions and crowds dropping like a stone, which led to declining income and increasing liabilities.

Anybody else, in any other walk of life with that record in charge would be slated as a total failure, only with Coventry can they be seen as a saviour.


Well-Known Member
I think I agree to some extent, but can also see that SISU made his job harder. But no, Lord, they didn't make him hire Coleman.


Well-Known Member
I think I agree to some extent, but can also see that SISU made his job harder. But no, Lord, they didn't make him hire Coleman.

Have to admit that, at the time, I thought that CC was a good appointment - young manager who'd done OK in the Premier, had experience of managing abroad.

On the other hand, my heart sank when I heard we'd got AB.


Well-Known Member
Never understood why dowie couldd'nt have continued ,then we gotCC and Puppet manager springs to mind.


Well-Known Member
you just have to look at where the manager under ranson's regime are now. Dowie (not his appointment obviously) is a sky sports pundit, Coleman is an ITV commentator and Boothroyd is at bottom of league 2 Northampton. Maybe if Dowie was given time and money he might have been a success, we'll never know but his post-sky blues managerial career doesn't suggest he'd have been any better than the next two appointments. Is it true that Dowie was sacked because he wanted to bring in a few experienced players and Ranson wanted to bring in potential so we could eventually make a profit and that's why they fell out?


Well-Known Member
From what I recall, I think that Dowie wanted to run the whole footballing side of the club (i.e, including the academy etc) wheras Ranson wanted a manager/coach who would concentrate on the first team.
Nor do I, but neither do I find Ranson to be the poor bloody innocent in all this that others seem to think.

He was disastrous as Chairman, made dreadful appointments, which led to terrible league positions and crowds dropping like a stone, which led to declining income and increasing liabilities.

Anybody else, in any other walk of life with that record in charge would be slated as a total failure, only with Coventry can they be seen as a saviour.

I agree - Ranson is part of the problem, not the solution.

Think about it.

A theory: SISU are a Hedgefund - they know nothing of football other than a misplaced belief they could make money for their investors. SISU therefore appoint Ranson as a "football man" to effectively run the club for them - and he was autonomous in that respect. Ranson ran the club. Ranson "advised" SISU as the "football man". Ranson was handsomely paid for the privilege. However Ranson does not deliver on his promises as the "football man". SISU rightly hold him accountable. Ranson walks/pushed - whatever. SISU panic and appoint Delieu, and we end up with an even more incompetent version of Ranson.

AND NOW - Ranson is back on the scene with the Hoffman crowd, and the carefully orchestrated propaganda starts - it was all SISU's fault / I wanted to do this and that but they would not let me / Onye constantly interfered and would not let me do my job etc etc - all convenient excuses to mask Ranson's failings so that he can be the Messiah reborn.

Sorry but I just do not buy it. I am sure the Hoffman appreciation society will lambast me know for daring hold an opinion of my own but such is the nature of this forum so it seems:confused:
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Coleman was a very highly rated young manager who pundits and journalists alike could not believe lost the Fulham job.

Boothroyd had done an incredible job getting Watford promoted.

It's easy to see why they were appointed at the time. Nobody can judge how the future will pan out.

How lucky some of you are to be able to see into the future. How dare Ranson not be capable of time travel.
Coleman was a very highly rated young manager who pundits and journalists alike could not believe lost the Fulham job.

Boothroyd had done an incredible job getting Watford promoted.

It's easy to see why they were appointed at the time. Nobody can judge how the future will pan out.

How lucky some of you are to be able to see into the future. How dare Ranson not be capable of time travel.

I see - and the same applies to SISU with the time travel as well then?

Ranson appointed Coleman - SISU backed him

Ranson appointed Boothroyd - SISU backed him.

Following your logic - well done SISU for backing Ranson.

You see Ranson and SISU are one and the same if we are to apply those standards - yet one is the Messiah and the other the Devil.

Jack Griffin

I thought much the same, Coleman & Boothroyd did not seem like bad choices at the time.

The real problem was that Ransons strategy needed continued money over several years, but everytime he made progress with team building SISU got nervous about the losses and they sold players to cover them. I guess for his vision to work some seriously rich investors are needed, I think SISU have now realised this game is not for them, but they should never have got involved in the first place.

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