Refing (2 Viewers)

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
I counted 12 seconds for one today, it’s not even a close call.

God you are as boring as me😉 but there was a 18 second one and a 20 second one in the second half. The refs like the little break I think.

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
So when the goalie catches the ball and then does that theatrical fall forward they are on the clock? Some of these must be taking nearly half a minute per effort.


Well-Known Member
We tend to struggle when we get weak referees generally. Teams like Hull, who I thought played very well tonight, Luton, Preston and the likes lap it up when we get piss pots like we got tonight. They we’re time wasting after 6 minutes tonight and despite the ref making out he was stopping his watch, which he clearly wasn’t, he did nothing about it.
The other officials need to take some blame too. Theyre there to help him but really dont. I cant believe that none if them saw the penalty appeals.
The worst one for me was when he went to play advantage but pulled it back as we broke forward with a numerical advantage. It was just shite.
we were poor tonight but the officials were terrible and could have cost us.


Well-Known Member
I genuinely thought that rule must have been dropped because it is never enforced.

I thought the same about foul throws TBH. There was one today from hull where the ball was released somewhere around the guys chest.

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
I thought the same about foul throws TBH. There was one today from hull where the ball was released somewhere around the guys chest.

There were that many errors you forget them like I had forgotten when he called us back as we went through and the throw in.


Well-Known Member
So when the goalie catches the ball and then does that theatrical fall forward they are on the clock? Some of these must be taking nearly half a minute per effort.

Being ultra pedantic you could argue when they fall on it they aren’t controlling it with their arm/hand. Also equally if they aren’t controlling it it’s obstruction.

Whatever, with all this stuff I with the FA would just make a decision and make it clear so everyone knew the score.


Well-Known Member
I actually was thinking last night that is it worth renewing my season ticket last night for the first time. Reasons? I’m sick to my back teeth of gutless, spineless refereeing that I’ve witnessed this season. I’m bored of it and this needs to be addressed now. It’s killing the game and don’t get me started on the Luton’s, Preston’s, millwalls, hulls of this league. What they do is wrong and not in the spirit of the game and how it should be played as that’s for another day.

Unfortunately the good guys never win and that’s what’s irritating me more than ever. We try and play football as it’s meant to be played but I feel the cloggers of this league are rewarded by shit standard refereeing.

Last nights refereeing performance was a disgrace. I don’t pay good money to watch a referee.

I’ll renew my season ticket but shit teams and blatant cheating and refereeing standards are not making it a pleasure to watch football at times.

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
Is that why GKs bounce the ball because they could argue they are not controlling the ball with their hands?

Control is an ambiguous term for me

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If they are trying to say that when they collected after the bounce it would be a free kick as they had released it and picked it up.


Well-Known Member
It's crazy how we used to complain about the sides who used to come to Coventry in League 2 to follow these tactics yet we are seeing it in the Championship just as often.

As a side we need to wake up to it. Have to do everything not to concede that first goal.


Well-Known Member
It's crazy how we used to complain about the sides who used to come to Coventry in League 2 to follow these tactics yet we are seeing it in the Championship just as often.

As a side we need to wake up to it. Have to do everything not to concede that first goal.
Exactly. Don't let the first goal go straight through your body and they don't have a lead to time waste with


Well-Known Member
And they’re not really the best people to be listening too!

Posdibly not Adge, and I accept being an official is a tough role, but seriously this season some of the officials we have have been extremely poor, and some of the decisions particularly VAR in the Premier League have been woeful.

They are not amateurs anymore, but well paid professionals and like in any job should be up for the role…sadly some aren’t.


Well-Known Member
Another thing that should be addressed is how long teams are taking over long throw ins, waiting for the towel, drying the ball etc... there should be a time limit which if not adhered to should be punished by at least adding time on and maybe even reversing the decision such as with a foul throw.

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Well-Known Member
for me the standard of refereeing now just mirrors the state of this country.. shambolic


Well-Known Member
that idiot we had Saturday jeremy simpson has given out 113 yellows and 5 red including one to Maatsen in 28 games



Well-Known Member
Referees need to take a good long hard look at theirselves, I am not saying it s an easy job because its not but they they should be 100% be held accountable, and even more what should be held accountable is the cheating diving bastards that continue to ruin the game Viktor and O'Hare for starters...IT IS CHEATING its about time the lily livered shite jokers we have in charge of our games/FA/UEFA/FIFA got off their silk lined overpaid fucking arses and done something to eradicate the amount of CHEATING. Fuck me its our national sport and I am fucking sick and tired of the cheating lying bastards falling over to CHEAT in the hope that the referee falls for it, which inavariably they do because there is no recourse...Godden got done with a ban who else has since????? None of the overpaid prissies in the Prem etc etc...we as fans should start to demand something to be done.!!!!!!!!!!!
I still maintain that referees should have played football leauge minimum before they are allowed to ref, it gives the footballers a chance to stay in the game after their career is finished and gets rid of the majority of usesless gullible/unfit idiots we have nowadays that need a fix of 'I'm in charge' !

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
It's crazy how we used to complain about the sides who used to come to Coventry in League 2 to follow these tactics yet we are seeing it in the Championship just as often.

As a side we need to wake up to it. Have to do everything not to concede that first goal.

A lot of the managers doing it are ex league two managers who had success with it there so got the bigger jobs and know nothing else.


Well-Known Member
I actually was thinking last night that is it worth renewing my season ticket last night for the first time. Reasons? I’m sick to my back teeth of gutless, spineless refereeing that I’ve witnessed this season. I’m bored of it and this needs to be addressed now. It’s killing the game and don’t get me started on the Luton’s, Preston’s, millwalls, hulls of this league. What they do is wrong and not in the spirit of the game and how it should be played as that’s for another day.

Unfortunately the good guys never win and that’s what’s irritating me more than ever. We try and play football as it’s meant to be played but I feel the cloggers of this league are rewarded by shit standard refereeing.

Last nights refereeing performance was a disgrace. I don’t pay good money to watch a referee.

I’ll renew my season ticket but shit teams and blatant cheating and refereeing standards are not making it a pleasure to watch football at times.
Dry your eyes and stop being such a drama queen. Refs have been ruining football matches since we all started playing u10s football at the park. Call him a c**t a few times and get on with it mate.


Well-Known Member
I don’t normally comment on referees but last night the ref: looked way out of his depth, how many games at this level has he had ?

Colin Steins Smile

Well-Known Member
The competence of the refereeing across the different leagues is being questioned by almost every team.

It's about time the FA/EFL & PL look at how they are training and developing the refs. As clearly, they're not doing a good job of it.


Well-Known Member
Dry your eyes and stop being such a drama queen. Refs have been ruining football matches since we all started playing u10s football at the park. Call him a c**t a few times and get on with it mate.

And the march 2022 winner of the most stupid comment on sky blues talk goes to…..


Well-Known Member
Would love it if Robins one day came out and spoke about it.

Why are referees allowing the tactics by Hull and others similar?

He told them off about 15 minutes in to the game for time wasting and then continued to let it happen.

The fact Hull ended on 0 yellows sums it up.


Well-Known Member
Isnt it the fourth official that does timing?

I might be imagining it but didn’t Waghorn start counting to six when the keeper has the ball once? We should do more of that.
Agree entirely. Someone (within earshot of the ref) needs to very loudly count out how long they're taking. The ref can't ignore it forever.


Well-Known Member
He had a shocker but we only have ourselves to blame for losing. However the one that got me was in the first half they had a player lining up a long throw. He took an absolute age to take it and ended up committing the most blatant foul throw I've ever seen. How on earth the ref or linesman did not see that was beyond me.


Well-Known Member
When Maatsen gave them the ball back from the throwing and they chose not to go for it - we should have really capitalised on that and gone to attack . It was their choice to leave the ball there . Worse when we then gave it back to the keeper, he just stood looking at it


Well-Known Member
I mean, the referee standards are absolutely terrible.

However, it's easy to just say things like "i'm fed up of spineless referees" and "they should be held accountable".

There are two things that need to be fixed:

1) Referees get so much abuse right down to the grass roots level. Just look at some of the twitter accounts and amateur teams abusing refs verbally and physically even when they're really young. This happens at a professional level too. The FA need to launch a campaign and actively encourage referees at all levels to book players at any sign of descent. Book them again and send them off if they don't stop. It would be carnage for approximately two match days then they would all shut the fuck up and accept decisions.
This will in turn allow referees to be composed and make the big decisions instead of shitting themselves or looking for an easy way out/easy game. It'll then trickle down the lower leagues. I fucking hate rugby but here we could learn a thing or two.

2) Money. The money is dog shit really isn't it compared to what the players get. I never really understood this with the money that's in the game. Championship referees are probably paid around 60k a year which is obviously not to be sniffed at compared to the average person but its not a lot compared to all the players they have to put up shit from and the clubs etc. People keep moaning that they make decisions worth tens if not hundreds of millions of pounds. You couldn't get a Director for a company making decisions worth that money for less than 3 or 4 times that.

Until that happens we will see the same shit week in week out.


Well-Known Member
The amount of foul throws last night from Hull was ridiculous and the ref dint spot one of them.

Each week we moan about the refs. But they are getting worse as the season goes on.

Every time Hull gave away a free kick they booted the ball away again nothing.

Dont get me started on the Pens the ref missed. I generally dont see the point of linesmen anymore as they wait for the ref to decide the thrown in.

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