Religious intolerance (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
How so?

The one thing I drum into my daughter is to treat everyone as an individual and each and every one on their own individual merits.

Sorry that makes me such a bad parent.

never called you a bad parent. just saying you have shown a lock of tolerence in this thread and its a shame as you come across asa good bloke normally.


Well-Known Member
never called you a bad parent. just saying you have shown a lock of tolerence in this thread and its a shame as you come across asa good bloke normally.
Where have I shown a lack of tolerance?

I treat everyone as an individual. I just can't think of why a God would make homosexuals and then say homosexuality is wrong. Why he would make music, but then not allow us to dance along to it.

There may be a God out there, but for me it is not the God of the Bible or Quran, which were clearly written by men, for men and are not the word of God.

I am incredibly tolerant. My next door neighbours are devout Christians and we get on brilliantly. They are always inviting us round.

I have friends of many faiths and am incredibly tolerant. I was the boss of a Hindu and a Muslim in a very small office, so learnt a bit about their faiths and I ever impinged on it or argued with them about it. I just tried to understand their thinking through conversation. I never try and sway anyone, convince anyone, or argue with anyone about their beliefs.

I, like so many others on here are just saying why I don't believe. It just doesn't make any logical sense at all to ME.

The OP on this was all about the father imposing his will on his son. This is a son who doesn't believe what his father believes. Should he have been punished for that?

I would say I am incredibly tolerant.
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Well-Known Member
I think you are confusing lack of tolerance with having another point of view.
Exactly. Not believing in God doesn't make you intolerant. I accept people and accept their faiths if that is what they believe.

I have friends who are out and out Tories. I am way over the other side and would describe myself as a socialist most probably.

I am incredibly tolerant of them. We just have differing views on the world.


Well-Known Member
Yes we respect the right of anyone to believe what they want but we do not have to respect that belief. This is key and often forgotten in these politically correct times. Free speech has been hard won. Remember religion is still trying to suppress scientific knowledge today sometimes in terrible ways. There's a Christian museum in America that depicts humans and dinosaurs existing as contemporaries - as somebody said - it's the only museum in the world where you come out more ignorant than before you went in. America is on a par with Turkey where belief in evolution is concerned - that's something they should be embarrassed and ashamed about.

Listen it's quite simple - most of us atheists by definition think your gods are man-made fairy tales - are we not entitled to speak of this? (in some theocracies you know the answer).

I agree that Otis is a great bloke and guess what - his personal morality comes from normal human decency and not because or any rewards in heaven or because his god told him to be nice.


Well-Known Member
Yes we respect the right of anyone to believe what they want but we do not have to respect that belief. This is key and often forgotten in these politically correct times. Free speech has been hard won. Remember religion is still trying to suppress scientific knowledge today sometimes in terrible ways. There's a Christian museum in America that depicts humans and dinosaurs existing as contemporaries - as somebody said - it's the only museum in the world where you come out more ignorant than before you went in. America is on a par with Turkey where belief in evolution is concerned - that's something they should be embarrassed and ashamed about.

Listen it's quite simple - most of us atheists by definition think your gods are man-made fairy tales - are we not entitled to speak of this? (in some theocracies you know the answer).

I agree that Otis is a great bloke and guess what - his personal morality comes from normal human decency and not because or any rewards in heaven or because his god told him to be nice.
This is just my own personal experiences, but I have found that if someone from a family who are not Christians have a son or daughter who decides to be a Christian then the family usually have no problem with it whatsoever.

On the other side of the coin however, I have found that quite a number of people from devout Christian families, who find they no longer believe and want to break free quite often encounter real problems and fracturing of the family equilibrium.

I would say Atheists can be a lot more tolerant than those of a faith, because they don't have a doctrine laid down for them to observe and obey.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. Not believing in God doesn't make you intolerant. I accept people and accept their faiths if that is what they believe.

I have friends who are out and out Tories. I am way over the other side and would describe myself as a socialist most probably.

I am incredibly tolerant of them. We just have differing views on the world.

dont twist things. pathetic from you

where have i said not beleiving is intolerent? i said your attitude to religions is.

all you bang on about is the bible. do you know the religion i follow is insistent on equal rights for men and women? also homosexuals are not mentioned so not outlawed.

if you have an issue with christianity thats up2u. dont act like there is no other out there because it doesnt fit your narrative.


Well-Known Member
This is just my own personal experiences, but I have found that if someone from a family who are not Christians have a son or daughter who decides to be a Christian then the family usually have no problem with it whatsoever.

On the other side of the coin however, I have found that quite a number of people from devout Christian families, who find they no longer believe and want to break free quite often encounter real problems and fracturing of the family equilibrium.

I would say Atheists can be a lot more tolerant than those of a faith, because they don't have a doctrine laid down for them to observe and obey.

yet in this thread many atheists refuse to live and let live

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
How does that work? You read the bible or qran to find truths about how the world was formed or we came about? Adam and Eve? A 7 day creation by an old man in the sky? Any proof? How can you research further- it is the final word of God? Well that's that with bible and qran. If you try and reinterpret the qran you could end being thrown off a building or being burned to death. Let's stick to science and peer review. Religion has got nothing to offer - no facts, contradicting messages cherry picked by the followers and endless religious wars and persecution.
Tell me how it goes without religion l? Oh yeah pretty similar if not worse. Stalin, polpot, Burundi, Rwanda. Not that that's good enough as I expect brtter from a belief system that follows Jesus the prince of peace.
You keep avoiding the answer as you don't accept it and that's fine / your choice . Adam and Eve is not literal truth it is a myth it's written as a myth it's accepted as such. You research further by reading by listening by asking etc etc . Rabbi means teacher. Jewish rabbis would sit and talk and debate and come to conclusions based on combined wisdom. Man corrupts as does power. And ultimate power corrupts ultimately. Remove religion fuckwits will use money, race, class etc etc etc. It's a meaningless argument to say religion is rubbish because it causes all wars. It's as stupid as me saying if we were all truly Christian there would be world peace


Well-Known Member
dont twist things. pathetic from you

where have i said not beleiving is intolerent? i said your attitude to religions is.

all you bang on about is the bible. do you know the religion i follow is insistent on equal rights for men and women? also homosexuals are not mentioned so not outlawed.

if you have an issue with christianity thats up2u. dont act like there is no other out there because it doesnt fit your narrative.
Err..... this is the UK. We were only taught Christianity at school and nothing at all about any other faiths. I am older than you.

I went to a Christian church every Sunday for many years.

I focus on Christianity because that is what I know. I am not at all an expert on Hinduism, Islam or any other faith.

Do you wish me to talk about stuff I don't know?

I am not intolerant to religion at all. I may not be at all and expert on any other religion, but that does not make me intolerant.

I ask again, where have I shown intolerance?


Well-Known Member
all you bang on about is the bible. do you know the religion i follow is insistent on equal rights for men and women? also homosexuals are not mentioned so not outlawed.
And here's the nub of why religion is so scary - Homosexuals (lucky for them) are not mentioned so not outlawed! Are we to infer that if your book had mentioned them as sinful this would have trumped your own values of tolerance?

And, if as you say, ultimate power corrupts then an all powerful god must be infinitely corrupt. It's good that you admit to mythology and this fits in with cherry-picking dogma as scientific knowledge advances.


Well-Known Member
Err..... this is the UK. We were only taught Christianity at school and nothing at all about any other faiths. I am older than you.

I went to a Christian church every Sunday for many years.

I focus on Christianity because that is what I know. I am not at all an expert on Hinduism, Islam or any other faith.

Do you wish me to talk about stuff I don't know?

I am not intolerant to religion at all. I may not be at all and expert on any other religion, but that does not make me intolerant.

I ask again, where have I shown intolerance?

read up before saying why is god like this and why is god like that? you only want answers to Christianity so ill leave pete to answer those.


Well-Known Member
read up before saying why is god like this and why is god like that? you only want answers to Christianity so ill leave pete to answer those.
Well yes, exactly. As I say, I do know Christianity well, I know just a little of other religions.

This whole thread came about because of a father not allowing his son to join a drama group.

I have no problem with the father not wanting to do dancing or singing or whatever. The whole point was about him forcing his will on his son who does not believe in the same things his father does.


On the note of religion, some of the stuff people are saying to Anthony Joshua because he was praying in a mosque in Dubai is pathetic.

Anybody would think he has been recruiting for ISIS or something.


Well-Known Member
On the note of religion, some of the stuff people are saying to Anthony Joshua because he was praying in a mosque in Dubai is pathetic.

Anybody would think he has been recruiting for ISIS or something.

yeah i saw that. not good

life is like this thread. some people hate that other sbeleive something different

check if martcov messaged AJ lol


yeah i saw that. not good

life is like this thread. some people hate that other sbeleive something different

check if martcov messaged AJ lol

I'd wait until he was fasting and a bit weaker and then judas him to be honest. Then Ruben would back me up if he got a bit lairy.

Bloke had a picture of him praying, responses include "get out of my country" :emoji_hushed:


Well-Known Member
Tell me how it goes without religion l? Oh yeah pretty similar if not worse. Stalin, polpot, Burundi, Rwanda. Not that that's good enough as I expect brtter from a belief system that follows Jesus the prince of peace.
You keep avoiding the answer as you don't accept it and that's fine / your choice . Adam and Eve is not literal truth it is a myth it's written as a myth it's accepted as such. You research further by reading by listening by asking etc etc . Rabbi means teacher. Jewish rabbis would sit and talk and debate and come to conclusions based on combined wisdom. Man corrupts as does power. And ultimate power corrupts ultimately. Remove religion fuckwits will use money, race, class etc etc etc. It's a meaningless argument to say religion is rubbish because it causes all wars. It's as stupid as me saying if we were all truly Christian there would be world peace

Actually I said before that religion has no monopoly on doing disgusting things. It is, however, obviously not the solution to world peace. To argue that other people are bad or worse doesn't give you a "get out of jail free" card. Replacing Stalin with ISIS would not be much better, if at all. I have no where said that religion is responsible for all wars. It isn't, but it has had a damn good go at it.


Well-Known Member
I'd wait until he was fasting and a bit weaker and then judas him to be honest. Then Ruben would back me up if he got a bit lairy.

Bloke had a picture of him praying, responses include "get out of my country" :emoji_hushed:


aj comes across as a really nice guy. he rarely chats much *&^% about his opponents and humble when wins.

no surprise he says he is spiritual and beleives...


Well-Known Member

aj comes across as a really nice guy. he rarely chats much *&^% about his opponents and humble when wins.

no surprise he says he is spiritual and beleives. beats being angry 247 and attacking others that dont think like you.
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Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Actually I said before that religion has no monopoly on doing disgusting things. It is, however, obviously not the solution to world peace. To argue that other people are bad or worse doesn't give you a "get out of jail free" card. Replacing Stalin with ISIS would not be much better, if at all. I have no where said that religion is responsible for all wars. It isn't, but it has had a damn good go at it.
Absolutely agreed


Well-Known Member
How many other animals, apart from humans, under the need/concept of meaning?

Early morning boxing, the gym or making breakfast for my girlfriend.

some religions say that human form is the highest and only in this form can we find salvation

thats tied in with reincarnation where you go through lives animals etc until born as a human


Well-Known Member
I was brought up as a catholic and attended mass until I was 18 (not all one service before I get a sly quip). I started to question the belief in a God that I was preached to about and have never had a logical, evidenced answer to God's existence. I cannot simply take a leap of faith that God exists in some way - unless I am presented with evidence. I don't think this is an unreasonable position to take.

I attended a non denomination comprehensive and was taught a reasonable amount about other faiths which maybe led to me questioning the existence of God (any God for that matter). - I found the RE lessons interesting and these helped broadened my mind I think from the Catholic doctrine. I still don't see why I should believe in something because from an early age "we told you so" and "it is the word of the Lord" - there is no logic in this (sounding like Mr Spock now!).

I have a strong personal view on life that I take people as I find them, and I expect others to respect me as an equal. I really do not like to be preached at by those who happen to have a strong belief and are able to take that leap of faith. I also don't like people who have a strong faith deliberately painting themselves as being victimised by others who simply ask for evidence. The bible is full of parables of the like - and the Catholic church is famous for dining out on these. I personally don't think that makes me intolerant of religion at all, in fact rather respectful of those that do believe (I am referring to family members).

When I die, and say that there is a God, then I expect to be treated fairly as I don't consider myself to be a bad person. A little evidence in life of God's existence would be good though - we could even end this thread then!

I fully expect to receive criticism for this post, for merely expressing my personal take on things (let's say I have taken a leap of faith in posting it)


Well-Known Member
last line makes out like you playing the victim mate

fact is martcov has been by the rudest poster in this thread. nothing to do with "simply asking for evidence"

why is everyone posting with an agenda ffs.


Well-Known Member
last line makes out like you playing the victim mate

fact is martcov has been by the rudest poster in this thread. nothing to do with "simply asking for evidence"

why is everyone posting with an agenda ffs.
The last line was a tongue in cheek comment; Your response to my post (you chose to ignore the rest), suggests that you feel victimised - unless of course y are are also being tongue in cheek as it were.

Edit: I don't have an agenda - merely a point of view based on personal experience, which I thought I had made fairly clear. . What is so difficult about that! You are playing the victim card here mate. You make it seem as if all other posters who don't share a similar view to you are all sitting in a room together plotting against you. I have no idea who Martcov is, and I don't think I have expressed my views on religion in the same as him at all.

Anyway, I have some environmental science work to do.
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Well-Known Member
last line makes out like you playing the victim mate

fact is martcov has been by the rudest poster in this thread. nothing to do with "simply asking for evidence"

why is everyone posting with an agenda ffs.

How have I been rude?

Religion looks to me to be bullshit and causes suffering in many parts of the world. It lends itself to being constantly reinterpreted by unscrupulous leaders.

Unfortunately people still seem prepared to defend ridiculous stories and claims.

If someone on here shows us conclusively that a god exists, then great. Has never happened since religion was invented though. I won't hold my breath.

Equating tales from the Bible with fairy tales may appear rude, but the only thing that is different is that people have killed for the ones in the Bible. If you think I am wrong, then prove the Bible tales are true.

That is not being rude.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
How many other animals, apart from humans, under the need/concept of meaning?

Early morning boxing, the gym or making breakfast for my girlfriend.
Ok I find that most successful people books refer to the need for an overall target/vision etc to ensure you are able to know which way to move and have a framework for making decisions

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