Deleted member 5849
I do wonder if the news had been damning about the council, how many would have raised the "it started in May" issue at all....
You know, I still haven't read the story. Judging from the headline and the commentary here, as far as I can see people are entitled to complain to the council about behaviour if they want to, it's hardly unexpected an internal review clears people... but it's all just noise, and not 'newsworthy' in my view... but I do understand why the Telegraph print it!
It's a local paper after all, space to fill. And having, this afternoon, trudged through old papers with particularly thrilling stories (Boy breeds Rabbits being one of the more exciting!) then it *is* positively newsworthy! I'm always vaguely reassured when a local paper has non stories, as it suggests the place is a decent place to live if it's not full of murder rape and warmongering!
I can have my own issues about the Telegraph (will never understand why they got on board with Wasps so soon - well, I can surmise
'Woman complains, complaint is dealt with'.