Ricoh Arena Has New Tennants!! (4 Viewers)

will am i

Active Member
Lets be honest for a "premier" league stadium this is a joke. The frantic justifications are comedy gold.

Tim Fisher "the club has now moved on and is making its plans to play in its wholly-owned stadium" So why do you care who is playing at the Ricoh. Do you not believe Tim and think maybe he was posturing after all?


Well-Known Member

Fuck sake Wingy I never knew..

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I love The Goonies.


Well-Known Member
That's what greets you coming into Cornwall..

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And that is what pasties are really for. They weren't really devised for eating down the tin and coal mines, they were invented for throwing at the locals.

From that pic I would deduce the pasties had rocks in them.


Well-Known Member
Well for some fans claiming not to give a damn what now happens at the Ricoh, they sure have a funny way of showing it. One thing it seem pretty clear they clearly don't have much faith in SISU's new stadium promise.
We are being continually told that ACL are nearly on the point of collapse, surely if you want ACL to fold,and you believe that this deal is costing ACL money , then this news is a godsend to your hopes. Surely this news will hasten the demise of ACL, or is it the dawning realisation that ACL maybe are actually solvent and profitable that really rankles.
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No it just proves the council and ACL are greedy scum. They said that the club when we syed there had to pay fixed overheads as ACL could not pay themselves. This proves that statement to be false - it proves what I have said all along - the council and its quango have only ever wanted the club when it was a cash cow that they could leach off.
Do you know what a Quango is and as you do not know, you should not have used it as ACL are not a Quango. In fact the word Quango is a word very liked by the torys. Could be the reason you are a labour council hater.
Your joking right? I can imagine fisher, seppella and waggot reading this and saying "this is moving on right" and laughing. It's further evidence the place is a white elephant - ultimately it could become a huge burden to the Coventry taxpayer if this is allowed to carry on. I worry for the citizens of the city, I really do.
ACL seem to be doing more than Fisher,Seppella and Waggot, when are they nameing the new site and is it Nuneatons ground(6miles from the boundary of coventry)
Oh dear. Time to start digging out the old posts where I was told the world class venue would host rugby matches, show jumping, all year round concerts. Anything goes. There are some seriously hilarious posts out there and they will be returning soon.

Just listen to yourself. This is hilarious. So now its not a rugby semi final or the rugby World Cup its er....a few kids in front of no fans. I've said all along without the club there the bowl is worthless and this proves it. Missed out in the World Cup, diminishing number of concerts, no rugby semi finals, no Olympics - since the club left nothing. Why?
You seem to forget they have a lot of other things attached to the bowl and if you ever go up there you will see taxis waiting there. Where taxis wait there is people and work for them. There is a lot going on at the ricoh all the time.


Well-Known Member
I give people the benefit of the doubt when it come to the validity of their story telling.

To my knowledge PWKH hasn't been caught lying at any point in this sage. If im wrong then please correct me.

Fisher has on numerous occasions stated things on record that have turned out to be a complete lie. Therefore his word isn't to be trusted.

Nobody will be accusing Sisu of "Distressing ACL" then?

In fact, when the next few years accounts for ACL come out I'd imagine there will be hundreds of threads on here praising SISU for allowing a Community asset to strengthen itself and make more money for the locak taxpayers and poor likkle kiddies helped by a charity.

Well done Sisu say I, Community Champion!


Well-Known Member
Nobody will be accusing Sisu of "Distressing ACL" then?

In fact, when the next few years accounts for ACL come out I'd imagine there will be hundreds of threads on here praising SISU for allowing a Community asset to strengthen itself and make more money for the locak taxpayers and poor likkle kiddies helped by a charity.

Well done Sisu say I, Community Champion!

Did your usual trick I see of answering a different post to the one you've quoted.


Well-Known Member
Did your usual trick I see of answering a different post to the one you've quoted.

Are ACL being distressed or are they doing really well?

I know that it's a factor of many on here to hold two equal and opposite opinions on the same matter, so what is your opinion?

Distressed by Sisu?


Unfettered by Sisu to make more money(even mananged to bring in the word of the week there).


New Member
Are ACL being distressed or are they doing really well?

I know that it's a factor of many on here to hold two equal and opposite opinions on the same matter, so what is your opinion?

Distressed by Sisu?


Unfettered by Sisu to make more money(even mananged to bring in the word of the week there).

These are not equal and opposite opinions.

SISU attempted too and succeeded in distressing ACL, ccfc leaving has not allowed acl to make more money, if acls results are decent this year they would have been much better with the football club there paying a reasonable rent. All things like this do is mitigate the damage caused by the loss of the football club, however ACL so they say(I have no idea) have grown other areas of their business allowing them to still be doing well despite the damage caused by sisu.

James Smith

Well-Known Member
Nobody will be accusing Sisu of "Distressing ACL" then?

In fact, when the next few years accounts for ACL come out I'd imagine there will be hundreds of threads on here praising SISU for allowing a Community asset to strengthen itself and make more money for the locak taxpayers and poor likkle kiddies helped by a charity.

Well done Sisu say I, Community Champion!

Except the shareholders in ACL the Higgs and the council have never had a dividend so how can it make them more money? They might not make anything in the next few years if the agreement demands that all the profits are reinvested in the Arena.

We don't know all the facts and until the accounts are published we won't have a clue how ACL are actually doing.
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Well-Known Member
These are not equal and opposite opinions.

SISU attempted too and succeeded in distressing ACL, ccfc leaving has not allowed acl to make more money, if acls results are decent this year they would have been much better with the football club there paying a reasonable rent. All things like this do is mitigate the damage caused by the loss of the football club, however ACL so they say(I have no idea) have grown other areas of their business allowing them to still be doing well despite the damage caused by sisu.

So ACL is not distressed then?

Glad you've cleared that up.

Black is White isn't it?


New Member
It depends on your definition of distressed,

Were ACL damaged by sisu to the point of being in real trouble? yes
are acl are still in real trouble because of this damage? apparently not but I don't know for sure.
is acls business still significantly lower than it would have been without sisu causing this damage? yes
weather or not acl have grown other areas of their business doesn't change sisu attempted to and succeed in distressing acl.
Are ACL currently distressed? I don't think that is a good word to use to sum up the situation no.

I can't work out at the moment how many of these posts are people trying to get a reaction and how many are ignorant people who struggle with logic and reason and who have no desire to shed their ignorance. Either way it really is pointless replying to either so I should stop wasting my effort and do something more fun.


Well-Known Member
So ACL is not distressed then?

SISU attempted to distress ACL, that much is clear to most people apart from a few who just refuse to look at the facts. They illegally withheld rent, as proven in court and in the initial JR hearing Justice Males stated "The alternatives would appear to have been either the insolvency of ACL which (largely because the claimants had caused rent to be withheld as a means of exerting pressure in the commercial negotiations, which had led to an unsatisfied judgment of the High Court in ACL's favour) was not in a position to pay the loan, or acceptance of the claimants' proposals which the council did not consider to be in its commercial interests.".

Just because SISU attempted to distress ACL it does not automatically follow that they succeeded and this is a point some people are having trouble grasping. Of course none of us know how ACL are performing financially and, even though they submit their accounts on time, it is likely to be 12 - 30 months before we get a true picture of how they are performing without CCFC there.

You can certainly make an argument that not having a football club who require first call on all dates (so with TV that means the ground has to be available every Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday throughout the season) makes it easier to take other bookings. For the type of events that would be held at the Ricoh there are often long lead times and with the fixtures being released relatively late it would be hard, but not impossible, to work around. There is some evidence to suggest that ACL are now taking bookings that may not have been possible had CCFC still been a tenant. Of course that doesn't mean that anyone would prefer the club to not be there.

Of course if it does turn out that ACL are now doing better financially it doesn't follow that we should be happy that SISU have moved the club away as some people seem to suggest.


Well-Known Member
Noggin;641438 I can't work out at the moment how many of these posts are people trying to get a reaction and how many are ignorant people who struggle with logic and reason and who have no desire to shed their ignorance. Either way it really is pointless replying to either so I should stop wasting my effort and do something more fun.[/QUOTE said:
Or how about you write inconsistencies and it get questioned.

The only ignorance on here is yours in thinking you are better informed than everyone else, when in fact you come across as a bit of an arrogant tw*t.


New Member
Or how about you write inconsistencies and it get questioned.

The only ignorance on here is yours in thinking you are better informed than everyone else, when in fact you come across as a bit of an arrogant tw*t.

I didn't write anything inconsistent at all, go back and reread, but yes this forum is making me feel like an arrogant twat, so many people are posting completely illogical things, over and over and over and not learning, this thread is ridiculous, I think most of them especially from grendel are just attempts to wind people up or failed attempts to be clever by summing complex situations into inaccurate simple statements and then criticising them like lord summerisle just did.

Sky Blue Dal

Well-Known Member
ACL are not going to get new tenants any time before summer, if that is what there plans is.

You may have noticed that the countries winter sports is still in mid season and can't see any new tenants moving to a new stadium as it would disrupt there season.

Not exactly rocket science!!!


Well-Known Member
I didn't write anything inconsistent at all, go back and reread, but yes this forum is making me feel like an arrogant twat, so many people are posting completely illogical things, over and over and over and not learning, this thread is ridiculous, I think most of them especially from grendel are just attempts to wind people up or failed attempts to be clever by summing complex situations into inaccurate simple statements and then criticising them like lord summerisle just did.

I can understand your frustration if that is the way you feel, but just because you think you are right doesn't mean that you always are, and that other people agree that you are, and I would have thought you would have grasped that on this forum by now.

Also to post that poeple say 'illogical things, over and over and not learning' is like asking people directly to wind you up a bit more, and that you are fair game as such an aloof attitude like that, that the peasants are not worthy, will just attract the sort of wind ups and arguments that you so clearly cant seem to either accept or respect.


Well-Known Member
I can understand your frustration if that is the way you feel, but just because you think you are right doesn't mean that you always are, and that other people agree that you are, and I would have thought you would have grasped that on this forum by now.

Also to post that poeple say 'illogical things, over and over and not learning' is like asking people directly to wind you up a bit more, and that you are fair game as such an aloof attitude like that, that the peasants are not worthy, will just attract the sort of wind ups and arguments that you so clearly cant seem to either accept or respect.

I thought he was coming clean, possibly after some therapy, about himself, with the "people say illogical things, over and over and not learning" bit to be honest.


New Member
I can understand your frustration if that is the way you feel, but just because you think you are right doesn't mean that you always are, and that other people agree that you are, and I would have thought you would have grasped that on this forum by now.

Also to post that poeple say 'illogical things, over and over and not learning' is like asking people directly to wind you up a bit more, and that you are fair game as such an aloof attitude like that, that the peasants are not worthy, will just attract the sort of wind ups and arguments that you so clearly cant seem to either accept or respect.

I don't think im always right, there are thousands of topics I have opinions on that I'm completely happy to accept might not be correct, there are some things though I do know im right on and lately some of these discussions are like debating with the anti vaccine crowd, or the homeopathy proponents. is it a flaw that I feel I have to correct people posting illogical things on the internet, absolutely it is. But like I said I struggle to determine which people are trying to be clever and wind people up and which people are ignorant and yes I mean it in a mean way.

I don't look down on people who know less about something than me and I know there are millions of people who know more about me on almost every topic, I would never criticise or ridicule someone for not knowing or not understanding something, but I absolutely do look down on people who continue to post the same illogical thing when the facts have been put before them and even more so when they are clearly deliberately misrepresenting something, this is even more the case when they are asked to justify their views, disappear instead of doing so and then emerge somewhere else spouting the same views they can't justify.

Also to post that poeple say 'illogical things, over and over and not learning' is like asking people directly to wind you up a bit more, and that you are fair game as such an aloof attitude like that, that the peasants are not worthy, will just attract the sort of wind ups and arguments that you so clearly cant seem to either accept or respect.

I'm not wound up though, I'm perfectly happy and calm, I was merely stating I can't determine weather most of the silly posts are trying to be funny/wind people up, or if they really believe what they say. So I don't know weather it's worth the effort of responding.
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