Maybe it was left over from when the Evening Telegraph was around, not this abject apology for a newspaper we have now. There is a story there but where is their "**star**reporter**" Les Reid? Bending over for Mutton? Bending over for Sisu? As BrightonSB and OSB have shown none of these so called journalists really follow the story, none of them actually print what is happening. Maybe Reid has been swallowed up by Clarke OBEse/Mr Creosote, smothered in PR jam and eaten: you can almost hear Clarke "Bleeaarch, I thought it was a pie".
We all know that there is a story there. Silence doesn't mean that nothing is going on.
Seppala is still brewing something, she still needs to get back her £30m. What is happening behind the silence of the fearless investigative reporter Les?