Super Moderator
Where did you prefer to watch the sky blues? i know that a lot of you will say HR as you grew up watching the SB play there, but which ground is better.
Never went to Highfield Road, but judging by comments on the facebook group, everyone preferred it, I think the Ricoh's pretty amazing when its full though! Can't vote for HR never went!
you went to the Chelsea game then Dan?
Had a season ticket in the East Stand at HR in the late prem days when I was a young kid and then in my teens I used to love standing at the front of the West Terrace and this was in the Championship days. Always a good atmosphere there no matter who we were playing. Sometimes at the Ricoh when we are playing someone like Scunthorpe and the atmosphere is dead I wish we were back at HR. However HR was starting to look dated and the Ricoh is a much nicer ground and it would be a much better atmosphere if the away fans moved more over towards block 15. We just need the team to acheive something (ha!) and with the JH statue hopefully the Ricoh can start feeling more like home. On a personal note I'm one of the few people who find the Ricoh easier to get to as it's in walking distance from where I live
PS I'm not voting for either