julian gray
despite missing 87, i am grateful i saw the later 90's, but it is difficult being the inbetween :/Can't decide. It's out of Nuddy, Keane, Nilsson or Hucks
Could make up a squad of favoured players over the years, kinda hard to pick one or two.
Go thru every position, over the years we have had good or very good players that turned themselves into favourites for different reasons. Blythe Oggy Coop, Shaw, Hunt Bennet Hutchinson Philips Mgrath Peake Killer Ferguson, Hately, Thompson, Regis, Dublin Nuddy Keane Hucks Wallace Froggatt Whelan Gibbo Gynn Chippo Hadji I could go on and on.
Sorry not one favourite, liked too many players over the years.
Kevin Gallagher as a kid.
Not really had a favourite player as much as a favourite style of player since. I'm a sucker for a lazy, technically gifted player, bonus points if foreign. Whelan, Suffo, Bouzelen, Isias, Eastwood all spring to mind. I always forgive everything with a nice bit of control or insightful pass.