Rule changes you’d like to see next season (1 Viewer)

Colin Steins Smile

Well-Known Member
Enforce the time wasting law, especially for goalkeepers. First time yellow card... second time red. They’ll only have to do it in one game and that would stop it.
it’s about time a gk got sent off for time wasting


Well-Known Member
Statistically more successful than regular corners. I've never understood the groan that goes up when any team take a short corner.
Really? That suprises me. I don’t remember the last short corner I have seen that resulted in a goal. I could on the other hand name a few direct corner goals.


Well-Known Member
A player shouldnt be given offside if they receive the ball in their own half no matter where they were when the ball was played.

Playing the advantage, the advantage should compose of more than one pass or move and genuinely seen as an advantage gained and if none gained bring play back. As it is now play moves on ten yards ball is lost or goes where there is no advantage and the game moves on, it should be taken back to the original offence more in line with rugby than its currently useless form in football.

Timekeepers to kill timewasting which is getting ridiculous and ensure the ball is in play for a minimum amount of minutes not the crazy low amount of time it currently is. IDK, make there be a minimum amount of time the ball must be in play, say 85% and the match continues until this is reached, currently BIP is around 60 mins this should be a mandatory minimum of 75 -80.


Well-Known Member
Quite interesting to see how pundits say that all these stoppages etc. would make the game worse, yet from this tiny sample it seems that amongst the fanbase there's a decent number of people who would quite happily put up with that in exchange for it leading to a fairer, properly officiated, game.

Even those things they've brought in like VAR to try and reduce errors in the game have been implemented so poorly that they create uproar themselves. Almost like those in charge just want to ensure controversial situations and talking points rather than having a fair sport.


Well-Known Member
Introduce a time keeper.
Give referees a microphone to explain their decisions.
Assistant referees to mark where ball goes into touch. Foul throw to be given if player takes throw from the wrong place.
Introduce a sin bin so players given yellow card are penalised in the game being played.


Well-Known Member
Todays ManC-RM match highlighted very much why the gme needs a stopped clock when ball is not in play rather than time added on.


Well-Known Member

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
The idiots on soccer Saturday laughing at Pickford wasting time and Richarlson lying on the floor maybe if these fuckers had to pay for a ticket they might get a bit more pissed off.


Well-Known Member
Bonus point for getting a win / draw from a losing position
That would be quite farcical with teams scoring first minute own goals and plotting a


Well-Known Member
I'd have a penalty kick only if the foul was with a scoring chance. I think it's ridiculous that fouls that in no way prevent a goal result in an almost certain goal. That would probably reduce the amount of diving in the box and let the ref call more fouls for things like shirt pulling on corners.

I'd make offsides like it is in's much easier to call.


Well-Known Member
Something has to be done about time-wasting in the sport in general. Refs need to be stricter on it and not be afraid to issue yellows/reds. Also ensuring the correct amount of additional time is played, even if it means 10 minutes in most games. Time wasting is ruining football.


Well-Known Member
This would be cool.


England U21's just made 8 substitutions all at the same time.

Would like to see that rolled out into the senior level of the game. Be good fun. 🤪


Well-Known Member
This would be cool.

View attachment 26354

England U21's just made 8 substitutions all at the same time.

Would like to see that rolled out into the senior level of the game. Be good fun. 🤪
We seem reluctant to make 1 substitution let alone 8. We could turn this in to a money making scheme though. As our squad is so small, we could do a raffle for people to be the 6th, 7th and 8th sub every week.


Well-Known Member
We seem reluctant to make 1 substitution let alone 8. We could turn this in to a money making scheme though. As our squad is so small, we could do a raffle for people to be the 6th, 7th and 8th sub every week.
Leonard, text a sub ain't happening. Get over it.

Sky Blue Harry H

Well-Known Member
Booking for players, putting their fingers to their lips, shushing opposition fans when they have scored. Lacks class, and has always pissed me off. Just celebrate your goal. Also book players for wearing gloves when the temperature is in the teens or above, and the sun is shining


Well-Known Member
Booking for players, putting their fingers to their lips, shushing opposition fans when they have scored. Lacks class, and has always pissed me off. Just celebrate your goal. Also book players for wearing gloves when the temperature is in the teens or above, and the sun is shining
And book anyone wearing an Alice band.

And that includes the men's game too.


Well-Known Member
When a free kick is given and an opposing player stands in front of the kicker the ball should be moved 10 yards forward.Most of already mentioned things are in the rules but not carried out.One that annoys me is a player being substituted who walks to the bench touching hands with ever player in the team on the way when they should leave by the nearest touchline.Book him and if he has already been booked that becomes a red card


Well-Known Member
If it hasn’t been suggested already, I’d like to see the abolishment of that rule where we absolutely have to give the other team an easy head start in games.


Well-Known Member
(A) Get rid of 3 punishments for one offence
Red card

1. introducing blue card - miss next 2 games.
This way the current match is not spoiled.
2. Blue card equals penalty wherever the offence occurs

(B) Penalise refs who give x number of free kicks to defending team but no penalties immediately following a corner. Collect the stats. It cannot be that only the attacking team is fouling.


Well-Known Member
Get rid of points to determine league position. Base it solely on Goal Difference.

Would make every minute of every game vital.

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
If we're going for mad ones can I suggest instead of penalties extra time becomes multi-ball.

Every 5 minutes another ball is introduced and you play until you're two goals ahead.


Well-Known Member
I would very much utilize 'Paul Doyle's Law' for anyone who listens to Guardian Football Weekly. For those that don't, basically a penalty is for a goal scoring opportunity wherever it is on the pitch. So, if someone is cynically hacked down 10 yards or 1 foot outside the penalty box when through on goal, it's still a penalty. Fouls in the penalty box that aren't goal scoring opportunities are treated as fouls elsewhere on the pitch with a freekick. I am pretty bored of people getting a 0.72 chance (for the xG geeks) of a goal for a very minor infringement that would never result in a goal. Imagine it will be a contentious one, but for me improves the overall game.


Well-Known Member
When the game is 0-0 at the 80th minute, multiball is applied.
When the game is 0-0 at the 85th minute, with multiball applied, sides go up andside can be used like 5aS games.

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