Rumour: Hoffman and Elliot takeover negotiations (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Do you think les reid and gilbert got their info from italia? Sisu are speaking to reid and hoffman to cet

Had this thread never existed all this stuff still sould have come out i bet

And even if true we all want inside info regardless? Thats why we listen to rumours all the time?

Hoffman said he wanted to keep this secret.

He is either a liar or Italia found his info from elsewhere? Tim Fisher perhaps?


Well-Known Member
Sisu, take the money
Wasps, fuck off home
Council, do your job
Fisher, go fishing
Hoffman, put a decent offer in
Ghost of dublins dog, leave it out
Kieth houchen, nice header
Dot cotton, lay off the acid
Michael Doyle, every midified needs one
Pint, yes please
Joy Seppala, secret fantasy
Goldfish, weird breeding habits
Sky blue kid, don't hurt me
George Thomas, nice goal
Milli vanilli, why are you here
Jimmy hill, I love you
All good - but I don't think you need another pint.


Well-Known Member
Hoffman said he wanted to keep this secret.

He is either a liar or Italia found his info from elsewhere? Tim Fisher perhaps?

Italia has alwaya struck me as anti sisu so that wud shoxk me. But then maybe that was to throw us off scent

The plot thickens

I still want info though. If any bid can be derailed by a forum its a non starter after all


Well-Known Member
Sisu, take the money
Wasps, fuck off home
Council, do your job
Fisher, go fishing
Hoffman, put a decent offer in
Ghost of dublins dog, leave it out
Kieth houchen, nice header
Dot cotton, lay off the acid
Michael Doyle, every midified needs one
Pint, yes please
Joy Seppala, secret fantasy
Goldfish, weird breeding habits
Sky blue kid, don't hurt me
George Thomas, nice goal
Milli vanilli, why are you here
Jimmy hill, I love you



Well-Known Member
It's the business that won't to business with Wasps that's the issue isn't it Italia?
Just need Sisu to allow the first domino to fall and everything else falls into place.
Delay buying your tickets to further pressurise Sisu.
Keep badgering Sisu by email and phone and lets use tomorrow to verbally let our thoughts be known.
Keep off the pitch though as Wasps have a big couple of games coming up ;)


Well-Known Member
Yes. If its via Wasps it will confirm they have some involvement. If its via Hoffman or his associates then it shows that from day 1 they are feeding the fans BS.

So the most important thing for you despite what's come out in the last couple of days and how that came out through a certain paper is did someone from Wasps tell Italia something? Funnily enough if they did it's more than the half truths Les has been fed from the club. Italia's not said as much detail but he's indicated a bigger picture. So who's trying to pull the wool over your eyes?"Wasps and Italia, if you really want to believe that is true. Or SISU and LR? The latter I would say and thus far you're showing every sign of falling for it.

Irish Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Exactly. They seem to totally ignore that SISU are not interested in a deal that will force them to realise a huge loss in exchange for a few pounds and promisses of more if the future is bright and positive.

To me it underlines that Hoffman is the wrong man for the job. He need to understand SISU, how they work and - most importantly - how they make their money - before he can table a bid they would listen to.
It doesn't matter one bit if the club is worth more or less the offer - it's all about what SISU will potentially gain or lose overall.

It would be different if SISU were acitvely seeking a way out and put the club up for sale. Then it would be about assets and debt write off - like when SISU came in.
But they haven't put the club up for sale, and they won't have to, even if the club is losing its home at the Ricoh, must close down the acadamy, faces less revenues in league 2 and sees a huge drop in ST sales. SISU will cut costs as they have since 2010 and maybe be forced to make additional, but small loans to the club. It won't force them to sell.
But the club will suffer even more and make it even less likely for serious investors to work up an appetite.

He is repeating past mistakes of believing SISU can be forced out by urging fans to deprive the club of money or create loud sisu-out-campaigns. It didn't work in 2013 and it won't work in 2017.

He need to rethink his strategy.
He wasn't asking the fans to do anything. There was no rabble rousing from him at all.


Well-Known Member
I think the offer is reasonably generous given there are few assets being acquired. Because they are bidding for the assets and football creditors it will address a small part of the ARVO liabilities owed but not the 28m in sbs&l. Also the adds on are not certain so that won't appeal to Sisu either because they can't guarantee ARVO or investors anything. Simply there isn't enough in it that is certain for them

But Sisu should be used to the concept they had a 6m arrangement when they bought in ..... that of course was never paid

How the bid is structured makes me uneasy about future funding at first look. The club will need to be cash flow positive to pay the add ons. Giving Sisu 50% of player sales restricts squad cash flow makes it hard to get to the SCMP budget and potentially gives a tax bill. The way round it would seem to be bringing in debt.... I wouldn't want to end up back where we started and growing debt

. Another query would be what is the net amount of assets (players ryton trademark etc ) less football creditors....... if the net amount of that is say 4m you could see a reason why Sisu see the offer of 1.2m as not good enough. To acquire the assets Hoffman will need to pay current market value for the assets. How much was bid for Stevenson for example?

I would think there will be a third bid
Watch out, Italia will be on to you shortly

Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
Just need Sisu to allow the first domino to fall and everything else falls into place.
Delay buying your tickets to further pressurise Sisu.
Keep badgering Sisu by email and phone and lets use tomorrow to verbally let our thoughts be known.
Keep off the pitch though as Wasps have a big couple of games coming up ;)

Was the 500 grand announcement the announcement you predicted? My champagne is still in the fridge. Big let down. :-( or was it Joy's open letter telling us what she thinks we want to know? Not convincing. :-(


Well-Known Member
So the most important thing for you despite what's come out in the last couple of days and how that came out through a certain paper is did someone from Wasps tell Italia something?
Nice try but that's nothing like what I said. Information has been leaked out deliberately, knowing who by is another piece of the puzzle that might allow us to see the bigger picture.

If Wasps were involved I would consider that a very important detail as I would have serious concerns about their motives. Do you really want the club to be used as a pawn in enabling Wasps to get a lucrative naming rights contract that benefits them and not us?


Well-Known Member
Nice try but that's nothing like what I said. Information has been leaked out deliberately, knowing who by is another piece of the puzzle that might allow us to see the bigger picture.

If Wasps were involved I would consider that a very important detail as I would have serious concerns about their motives. Do you really want the club to be used as a pawn in enabling Wasps to get a lucrative naming rights contract that benefits them and not us?

If they gave us a cut? Or free or reduced rent?


Well-Known Member
Watch out, Italia will be on to you shortly

Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk

No he talks sense. Now you ....... ?
Anybody else get the feeling they want to just enjoy the ride with new owners building a future?
Where do I buy my shares ?


Well-Known Member
Nice try but that's nothing like what I said. Information has been leaked out deliberately, knowing who by is another piece of the puzzle that might allow us to see the bigger picture.

If Wasps were involved I would consider that a very important detail as I would have serious concerns about their motives. Do you really want the club to be used as a pawn in enabling Wasps to get a lucrative naming rights contract that benefits them and not us?

GH was on the radio earlier giving the bigger picture after the club hadn't even given a half picture to LR with a quote that it was derisory. The only information leaked had been leaked by the club via LR. Italia didn't have information he had a rumor with no details, hardly information. Most dismissed it and derided Italia as an attention seeker all of a sudden he's got the lead roll in bridge of spies.

I've said all along that any naming rights contract at the Ricoh should benefit the club following the West Ham model. Not changed my mind on that so no I wouldn't want to see it.

Irish Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Shame he didn't speak to his contacts when accepting a place on the board then, eh.

Due diligence somewhat lacking...
Like I said most of us thought Sisu were going to be great. I certainly did. Listening to him on the radio tonight I was impressed. Agreed with everything he said. Seemed very reluctant to be on there and also angry with the way Sisu do things.

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