Save Our City Changes (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Jan did not elect himself for popularity or status it was to attempt to help towards saving Coventry City. Whether it has worked / will work / or even failed. Noone can deny that the intentions were purely CCFC.
Following last nights meeting where it was decided to change the groups direction from a fans representative body to simply a SISU-out body two of us have resigned as this is not what we wanted from the group. By way of explanation I post our two resignation letters.

Morning Gents

After sleeping on it I am tendering my resignation from the committee. I feel that the direction the group wishes to go in is not one I can support 100%. Much as I want rid of these current owners I want an alternative to back not promises. I wanted to create a representative body for the fans, irrespective of who the clubs owners were and could hold those owners to account. I was shocked to be told that Hoffman and Elliott would refuse to deal with any fans body that has dared to talk to the current owners but from the sound of it they actually have no interest in fan representation anyway – doesn’t bode well for the future, but that’s just my opinion. I hope your faith is repaid and that something positive happens but I wanted something bigger than just SISU-out, obviously I was mistaken but I guess you live and learn. I hope that Hoffman comes through with his promises and gets SISU out sooner rather than later but I am not prepared to blindly follow anyone on the strength of promises and rhetoric. I admire your faith but I am afraid I am to old and sceptical to believe every word I am told.

I have no intention of starting any splinter group etc and cause any mixed messages to the fans who according to the meeting to just want SISU-out or SISU-in message, so please feel free to carry on using the groups name etc and if you want the access codes to the web site I can let whoever wants them have them. I will cut off all communication with Fisher etc so that I don’t get accused of being any sort of traitor in the future, even if all I was trying to do was for the best of all Cov fans not just Gary Hoffman and leave the field open to you all.

I wish you all the best for the future and hope that your faith is repaid in the long term and as well as the short.

Second Resignation

Morning Gents,

I would like to politely tender my resignation from the committee. I do not intend to cover old ground or cause debate but the direction of the group goes against my personal and professional principles and integrity. I did not tender this at the meeting last night as I wanted time to sleep on it and also did not want to detract from the group discussions any further.

I have absolutely no intention of forming a splinter group or being any form of anti SOC but at the same time I cannot be part of something I personally feel to be short-sighted and naive. I am not willing to pin my hopes on any single takeover whoever it may be and I feel it somewhat irresponsible to do so without any clear plan or structure to hold any owner whether current or future accountable from day one, instead crossing my fingers and hoping for the best which is how I now perceive the direction to be.

I hope you all the very best in what you do and still intend to be present at general SOC meeting as I do truly believe that different opinions are healthy, I just feel that my personal and professional principles differ so greatly to that of the group direction that I would not be best served as a committee member.

It genuinely has been great meeting and speaking with you all, after all we all share the one true passion 'CCFC'

Good for you. A movement for change to a viable alternative is to be applauded. A movement simply for change without a viable alternative is irresponsible.
I have no pride in failure Mexico - I wanted more than a SISU-out chanting mob but others had their own ideas so I leave it to them. I hope their blind faith in Hoffman is rewarded and this time next year we are thinking about promotion from Div One and all will be rosy with our benevolent new leader.

It will amount to no more than a few 100 chanting that now, shame.

The Reverend Skyblue

Well-Known Member
what has actually been made public is that in the first bid there was a pot of £30m that was to be split £10m for paying some debts £10m to acquire players £10m to purchase an interest in ACL. Those sums being put into the club as loans and only if SISU discounted their loans so the situation not made worse in terms of liabilities. There are no details at all of the current discussions.

All very neat round numbers except (and these are only a few of the questions)

- it is safe to assume that SISU knew what the debts were GH certainly didnt he was no longer involved - the vast majority was owed to SISU. Is £10m enough or is it too much? - no real facts there then
- Is it £10m to buy the players or is it to buy and pay the players? Is the pot size affected by the amount of debts paid off ? Expensive players have expensive wages and dont guarantee success so will that push the losses up and at what point does GH consortium themselves stop funding the club and start selling the squad to balance the books. So a nice round number no actual facts
- £10m to buy the ground - no it doesnt it is £10m to offer to take up the option to buy the shares from the Higgs Charity. It doesnt get the club any income at all nor does it get any control over the stadium. Oh and the offer can be turned down by the Charity or vetoed by the council.
- We are not told who is involved in this consortium - we have no idea who is (that sound familiar) There are of course the usual leaks of info with the caveat of "I will tell you but dont tell anyone else" said to the chosen few - why? to what end ?
- We have been given as yet no idea as to why GH's consortium will succeed where SISU failed many just assume they will.
- we, well a lot, take it for granted things will be better under GH's consortium - they will have the same problems to deal with it is still going to be a rocky road if results dont kick in on the pitch
- we somehow choose to believe that because he is a ccfc fan things will be better - had plenty of ccfc fans running the club before and look where we got.

If you ask me are taking a lot of things on faith - personally I dont know GH or his backers, so until I am given good reason to I will keep my faith to myself (blind or otherwise). I will keep an open mind, I will give any new owners a fair chance but hell I wont just believe something just because they say so - actions not words or even faith please!

Finally well done to Jan for actually getting off his backside and doing something....... Whether you (collective) agree with it or not at least he tried to do something. He put himself out there and got shot at..... we all have our own styles and ways of getting things done - so live with it ....... some of the more personal comments aimed at him i find less than worthy of a sky blue fan. Personally I did nothing except write a few words on here - pretty much like most I would guess but unlike some who are fierce in their rhetoric but soft in action (their choice and i am comfortable with that) - I should imagine right now he wonders "why did I bother" So I whole heartedly applaud the guy for at least doing something !

Well said Oldskyblue, some of these awful comments aimed at Jan and others have been dispicable.

The Rev


New Member
Jan thank you for all you've done.
You did bring our plight to the attention of the media and have made a difference.
It must hurt to resign from something you helped create but well done for having the courage to stick by your beliefs regarding our club rather than just grabbing the perceived power and spotlight.
CCFC need owners that are looking at long term strategies for promotion and financial stability not a get rich quick scheme or a nice way to launder money. I have no idea if thats what GH is aiming for and even if it is wether the people with the actual money in his investment group share these same ideals. we have been financially screwed for so long that many of us will grab at any glimpse of hope something that will return the club to its former glory and give us back what we once took such pride in. Portsmouth should be our wake up call. Owner after owner and with nothing but despair and threats of administration as the end result.


New Member
It's a shame it had to end like this but huge amount of respect has to go to Jan. He proved that unlike a lot of the keyboard warriors on here, that he genuinely cares for our club and as another poster pit, put himself there to be shot at by the petty minority.
Jan, well done in all you have tried to do.


Well-Known Member
:facepalm: did you even read what I wrote? Then that is NOT blind faith.

Think about it, if it was one of the investors, that would be faith. Hoffman is not part of the group, and we have not heard from any of the moneymen, and Hoffman didn't exactly play a good hand last time, hence, it is Blind Faith.



Well said Oldskyblue, some of these awful comments aimed at Jan and others have been dispicable.

The Rev

They really are.

I'm desperate to get SISU out and simply can't think of anyone better than Hoffman to arrange a takeover. I have no idea how it'll turn out - but nobody ever does with these things.

All I know is that football finances at clubs like Leicester (for example) tend to be boom and bust and that it can be a lot of fun 'going for it'. The bust part is pretty much what we're going through now.

I just want some exciting times back for our fans.

I want something to look forward to on a Saturday and to able to tell people "I support Coventry City" without them pissing themselves laughing.

There's a wider debate to be had about how people want this club to be run in an ideal world - but what I want is good players on the pitch, winning games and drawing crowds of 25,000 because the product on the pitch excites people.

If I only get this for a few seasons, followed by more crap like we're going through now then fine - because i've had a season ticket 17 years now and I don't have the lovely memory of an FA Cup win because I was 4 years old.

That's my honest take on it. New owners = new hope; and since none of us are in a position to assess potential bidders I want this takeover sorted - so that I can look forward to Saturdays.


New Member
A huge thanks to Jan for all his hard work in getting the current issues to the medias attention.

Yes the majority would like SISU out but there has definately been worse with BR in charge,mcginnity etc.

But Hoffman and his laughable offer last time and the way he conducted business, well, the jury has to be still out.
I mean he had mr i am dodgey howard wilkinson linked to it all before... erm no thanks.
Its all ok thinking Hoffman is a city fan and will come in and save the day, but at the end of the day will he? Will the backers really put the sufficent funds forward to REALLY push forward? Will hoffmans group have open discussions in the media in the media or will it be a honeymoon and then go stale?
Even with Joe Elliott ( Sorry but Dodgey for years) it may not be all happy days and wonderful times.

Anyone who thinks Hoffman will take over and the group will pump in 4-5-6M in for players straight away once a transfer window is open is deluded.

Yes SISU OUT ASAP but the hoffman camp - You have a long way to prove yourselfs to a set of fans who have heard every bull shit story there is!


New Member
There is worse off than us look at plymouth,preston,pompey all in a worse case situation.
Yes we want a decent winning side, but you require the finances in place in order to gain this. Everytime we have looked at building a side capable of challanging we have sold. This is something that MUST CHANGE with Hoffmans group should they takeover.
Develop a player and KEEP the player. Keep the team together and keep building.


Sorry - also meant to say thanks so much Jan for trying to make a difference. You've brought our plight to national attention and shamed SISU into at least discussing selling up.

Don't feel down - you can hold your head higher than the rest of us as you put in a lot of effort for the club you love. (It's the effort i'm praising before anyone kicks off).

Well done. If this takeover happens then (in my opinion) you can feel you played a part.

I would say though that I don't think fan representation is likely as there's nothing in it for the owners - just interference. We've seen recently how much City fans care about being able to make a difference to the club; not very much.


New Member
Jan, Thank you for all your efforts in bringing the plight of our club to the attention of the national media. You did a great job and you should be proud of yourself. Its a shame that you have decided to step down, but if you feel that the SOC campagin is going in the wrong direction then you have made the right decision. Before you go though could you do the minutes? Sounds like it was quite an eventful evening!!

All the best mate. PUSB


Well-Known Member
I would say though that I don't think fan representation is likely as there's nothing in it for the owners - just interference. We've seen recently how much City fans care about being able to make a difference to the club; not very much.

Oh and what's your definition of who cares -- people who go to all the games to support the team or people who protest for change when there is no change. Before you start I have never criticised people who set the SOC thing up I was just indifferent to it. The true reality is the club was destined to have huge issues the minute Elliot and Ranson were forcing small shareholders to surrender shares to SISU. Anyone who wanted to remain a shareholder were slaughtered by supporters who then cared so much that they were practically begging SISU to take over. The word investment has a different definition in the Coventry English Dictionary, it means pump as much money as you can into the club, don't expect supporters to turn up and don't expect any return on your money just invest a bit more. Some people have to a have a look in the mirror and see that their personal lack of investment has led to this sad and sorry mess we have become.
I am sure that the cronies of Elliot, Ranson and co will eventually be in power Rich and you can rejoice...just like you did 4 years ago.


Oh and what's your definition of who cares -- people who go to all the games to support the team or people who protest for change when there is no change. Before you start I have never criticised people who set the SOC thing up I was just indifferent to it. The true reality is the club was destined to have huge issues the minute Elliot and Ranson were forcing small shareholders to surrender shares to SISU. Anyone who wanted to remain a shareholder were slaughtered by supporters who then cared so much that they were practically begging SISU to take over. The word investment has a different definition in the Coventry English Dictionary, it means pump as much money as you can into the club, don't expect supporters to turn up and don't expect any return on your money just invest a bit more. Some people have to a have a look in the mirror and see that their personal lack of investment has led to this sad and sorry mess we have become.
I am sure that the cronies of Elliot, Ranson and co will eventually be in power Rich and you can rejoice...just like you did 4 years ago.

I think my definition of those who care if I really think about it would simply be those who go to games.

I don't think it's right to say SOC "campaigned for change and there is no change" as the talks would suggest otherwise and we'll have to see how that pans out.

I'm an optimist Duffy so yes if they take over I will rejoice - and then if they lie and don't deliver on their promises i'll slate them.

There's nothing wrong with that because none of us have a crystal ball.
I wouldnt be loosing any sleep over "Save our City" no longer going ahead if it came to it. Also, everyone is cogratulating on how great things have went but what's actually been achieved? IMO the protest would be the only thing that SOC can take any credit for whatsoever and that was mainly made a slight "success" by fans who were nothing to do with the committe getting word around. Judjing by what I've read a few clearly think they're something they're not.. Found myself chuckling over how formal people have made this joke of an organisation, "I am tendering my resignation from the committee"... BEHAVE !:claping hands:

Jack Griffin

Pity SOC went this way, such a negative platform, Jan did a good job & I reckon the usrpers may soon split up in acrimony.


Active Member
Contrary to what some others might think Jan you most definitely haven't failed. You've been instrumental in highlighting our plight which has resulted in our club getting the most national media coverage we've had since relegation. Before you and others got involved the world of football had forgotten we existed. You should be proud of your efforts and I have far more respect for you than the 'shrug their shoulders' because 'there's nothing we can do about it' brigade.

I admit I have got an element of 'blind faith' in GH but for me that is preferable to having no faith at all which is how I feel about SISU. I respect yours and others whose opinions are probably more cautious than mine and it is such a shame that as the club goes through the darkest hour in over 4 decades there can never be a fans group representing the views of the fans as those views have never been so divided.
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New Member
Hoffman and co along with SISU will simply laugh behind closed doors at SOC and the Sky Blue trust etc etc.

I applaud what there trying to do but there wasting there time. Money talks and if SISU get an offer they fancy they will foook off. Thetre money men and orrid little fuckers with no morals at SISU unless they get a good % on there so called investment. Just saying how it actually is.

'Advising' them that SOC will assist or want to know what there intentions are will behind closed doors be greated with a simple 'fuck off' and a message to the secretary that we'll meet up for a chat to discuss there concerns in a bar in Zambia in July 2056.
if they lie and don't deliver on their promises i'll slate them.

This being the key part. A football club doesn't need to have a big budget to be run successfully - as the likes of Blackpool and Norwich have proven. It's about having the right people in place and everyone working together successfully.

As with any football club, there are the money men and the football men. Ideally the two don't mix, but work hand in hand. In our case, the two haven't been able work hand in hand.

Jan, every City fan owes you a grat of debtitude should a takeover be successfully concluded. Some will deny that the fans voices aren't heard in London but ask The Tanned One if that's true because, as Rich correctly stated in another thread, he stated way back in the summer - long before SOC - that it was a stumbling block in his begging to the dark lords.

Well done, if only for allowing some of us a release! :claping hands:


Well-Known Member
Yes well done for getting Uncle Joe and Ray back as I am sure that will happen. No shares, no consultancy, no difference. I won't sleep tonight I am so excited.


why say in two words "I quit" what you can say in 300! better still I will then post such letters on an independent forum to show how against the policy I am. Toys and prams spring to mind.


New Member
why say in two words "I quit" what you can say in 300! better still I will then post such letters on an independent forum to show how against the policy I am. Toys and prams spring to mind.

...or. How about explaining your reasons for leaving something you started and once believed in strongly to others who are interested in knowing about developments.


Well-Known Member
Appreciate everything you have tried to do, Jan and tip my hat to you.

However,the ' I was shocked to be told that Hoffman and Elliott would refuse to deal with any fans body 'comment, is something I just can't agree with.

Surely Hoffman's eyes are completely on the ball (if this is a genuine takeover of course) and I think it right and proper that his team wouldn't want any interference at all. Why would he want anyone dealing and negotiating with a fans body? If his true objective is to get the club he will simply want the removal of Sisu from the club. It's a pure business deal unfortunately, and unless it was actually a fans consortium making the bid I don't see why fans should be anything other than outside observers.


Well-Known Member
I would say you know you ve become too involved in something albeit with the best intentions when illusions of grandeur kick in


Well-Known Member
Otis - it was the pettiness and smallmindedness that shocked me. The meeting was told by an individual who associates with Elliott that Joe has stated that once they are in control of the club they would want nothing to do with any group that has dared to talk to the people currently running the club. Nor do they want any sort of fans representation as they are fans themselves. For balance I asked Hoffman directly the next day and he denied this stance. And we were accused of mixed messages!


Well-Known Member
Tbf jan I gave up on clubs genuinely caring about fans opinions years ok. There will always be enough people who blindly follow no matter what and so the clubs know they can do whatever


New Member
Otis - it was the pettiness and smallmindedness that shocked me. The meeting was told by an individual who associates with Elliott that Joe has stated that once they are in control of the club they would want nothing to do with any group that has dared to talk to the people currently running the club. Nor do they want any sort of fans representation as they are fans themselves. For balance I asked Hoffman directly the next day and he denied this stance. And we were accused of mixed messages!

So with Hoffman denying this,you chose to stand down based on what someone told you? It may not have been true! Ive said already that i applaud you for all that you have done. However on reflection could you not of steered the group in the direction you wanted it to follow? After all the hard work you've put in, it seems you have given it up far to easily?
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Well-Known Member
Jan is a very decent guy and a loyal supporter of the City, he wants what almost every Coventry fan wants and for Sisu to sell up and go, however he has his own views on how this should be done. He (as do others) is also concerned about what happens after Sisu leave which is a valid point.
In my own personal view Jan has done an excellent job and more has happend in the last month than in the previous year with him heading up the SOC group. When things do change (and they will) I hope that Jan is involved in some way but for now we must all have one common aim and thats to get a Board who care about Coventry City and who will invest in our club, community and future.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Jan, walk tall and hold your head up high, you hard work and commitment cannot be questioned ! PUSP


Well-Known Member
Dan - that's the drawback of democracy - meeting voted on a change of direction(whether that decision was based on true information is now debatable) ,but its not one I agree with and as I don't honestly see myself standing by JH statue match after match after match chanting SISU-out I could hardly carry on as "Chairman". I will still go to meetings and try and keep putting my point of view but as things stand it would have been hypocritical to carry on.

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