Scariest time at a ground. (13 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Does anyone remember Liverpool away in the League Cup about 1977,night game. We took about 8,000 fans and drew 2-2 . The scouse twats outside afterwards were trying to rob our jackets and coats. Loads of scuffles outside, and it took ages to get back to Cov afterwards, really thick fog. Didn't get home till about 3 in the morning and my Mum let me have the next day off school
That was around the time I started watching us regularly. I didn’t go as my mum wouldn’t let me as it was a school night. My mate’s dad and uncle went and recounted exactly the same as you.


Well-Known Member
So many to mention. But away at Stoke City was always kicking off. A few of us got ambushed on the way back to the station in the 1970's, they hid in the churchyard, and lobbed bricks and bottles at us, we were too busy running to lob them back. We managed to get on the train,but they then threw bricks at the train windows. We gave it the big un with the hand gestures, but really relieved when it pulled away ! The 70's was like that most games, you were like meerkats when you got off the train or coach, eyes everywhere.

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
I remember just one incident on a very eventful night at Derby's baseball ground. Can't remember the year, perhaps someone will tell me? It was a Tuesday or Wendesday night in pouring rain, a mud bath pitch and great atmosphere. Think we won 4-3 and Wilf Smith (a new signing at right back?) broke his leg.
On the coach with my dad as a young lad, and the coach got attacked. Bricks came hurling through windows. It was tribal and scary stuff. But the game was such a seesaw ride with us as eventual winners, nothing would spoil it on the way home!


Well-Known Member
I remember just one incident on a very eventful night at Derby's baseball ground. Can't remember the year, perhaps someone will tell me? It was a Tuesday or Wendesday night in pouring rain, a mud bath pitch and great atmosphere. Think we won 4-3 and Wilf Smith (a new signing at right back?) broke his leg.
On the coach with my dad as a young lad, and the coach got attacked. Bricks came hurling through windows. It was tribal and scary stuff. But the game was such a seesaw ride with us as eventual winners, nothing would spoil it on the way home!
We came back from Leeds once with the back windows smashed in,the driver drove all the way back without stopping. Mid winter as well.
Those were the days !


Well-Known Member
we stopped off at a little town on the way to Bristol Rovers a couple of years ago which is apparently popular with visiting fans. Was chatting to the landlady of a pub and she said next time Leeds visit she's going to close for the day, said they were animals.
I heard exactly the same from a Landlord of a pub in Peterborough (cant remember pub name) it was packed with City and ‘very lively but all good natured’ he’d been in the pub for 12 years so he’d obviously seen it all.
Told us Leeds we’re the worst by a mile, he could take £5000 in 3 hrs but wouldn’t put himself and staff through it ‘so had stayed shut for their previous visit, he was very complimentary about our lot though.
Cov seemed to take thousands there that day, think it was under Mowbray and Jon Stead scored the only goal.

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
Derby County v Coventry City, 02 September 1970
Score4-3 to Coventry City
CompetitionLeague Division One
View Derby County v Coventry City head to head
Wilf Smith made his debut after moving from Sheffield Wednesday in August.
3Derby County
4Coventry City

Alan Hinton
John McGovern
Kevin Hector
Willie Carr
David Clements
Neil Martin
Neil Martin
Starting lineup:
GoalkeeperLes Green
Right back/Wing halfRon Webster
DefenderRoy McFarland
Defender/MidfielderDave Mackay
Full backJohn Robson
MidfielderWillie Carlin
MidfielderJohn McGovern
Outside LeftAlan Hinton
Centre forwardFrank Wignall
ForwardKevin Hector
ForwardJohn O'Hare
Starting lineup:
GoalkeeperBill Glazier
Right backMick Coop
Central defenderJeff Blockley
Full backWilf Smith
Left backChris Cattlin
MidfielderWillie Carr
MidfielderDavid Clements
MidfielderErnie Machin
Centre forwardNeil Martin
ForwardBrian Joicey
Inside forwardGeoff Strong

Ernie Hunt for Wilf Smith
On the bench:
On the bench:

ForwardErnie Hunt

Oh for an Ian Gibson.

Well-Known Member
Derby County v Coventry City, 02 September 1970
Score4-3 to Coventry City
CompetitionLeague Division One
View Derby County v Coventry City head to head
Wilf Smith made his debut after moving from Sheffield Wednesday in August.
3Derby County
4Coventry City

Alan Hinton
John McGovern
Kevin Hector
Willie Carr
David Clements
Neil Martin
Neil Martin
Starting lineup:
GoalkeeperLes Green
Right back/Wing halfRon Webster
DefenderRoy McFarland
Defender/MidfielderDave Mackay
Full backJohn Robson
MidfielderWillie Carlin
MidfielderJohn McGovern
Outside LeftAlan Hinton
Centre forwardFrank Wignall
ForwardKevin Hector
ForwardJohn O'Hare
Starting lineup:
GoalkeeperBill Glazier
Right backMick Coop
Central defenderJeff Blockley
Full backWilf Smith
Left backChris Cattlin
MidfielderWillie Carr
MidfielderDavid Clements
MidfielderErnie Machin
Centre forwardNeil Martin
ForwardBrian Joicey
Inside forwardGeoff Strong

Ernie Hunt for Wilf Smith
On the bench:
On the bench:

ForwardErnie Hunt
Anyone of a certain vintage will remember Frank Wignall, what is he?


Well-Known Member
I had a couple of experiences at Highfield Road. I was about 16 during both.

For the first I was stood on the corner next to the Theatre One cinema waiting for mates and I was attacked by three Arsenal supporters. They'd have been in their mid-20s. I ran for it and they didn't follow - I guess they had an attack of conscience attacking a young kid 3 to 1.

The second time I got caught up in a group of Chelsea supporters being marshalled back to the station after a game - on my own, had got separated from my mates. Nothing happened but I remember trying to hide my scarf inside by jacket and being scared.

The only other time I recall trouble that was worrying was at Forest when some Forest fans had got above the away end and were pissing into the crowd.


Well-Known Member
Went home and away in the later 80s/early 90s and never had problems with home or away fans.

Except the 1992 Cambridge Utd FA Cup replay (Lee Hurst scored an OG from a saved penalty). About 1500 Cov fans, mixed young and old but in the last 4-5 mins of the game, the Cambridge Massive decided to leave the ground and charge the gates/fencing leading into our paddock behind the goal. Zero police presence visible so it was very disconcerting.

Otherwise, the only other time I've actually been scared was at Villa. Used to go home and away with my elderly grandmother and never had a problem with opposition fans. However, queuing at Witton Park station after a game, WM Police Mounted division decided that Cov fans waiting for a train shouldn't block the road. Or the pavement it seems. A few times, one horse knocked my Gran into stumbling. And no amount of complaint from me or other fans around her to the officer got any reaction. I was genuinely concerned for her safety and I think that was the last time she ever went to away games.

Deleted member 2477

Not intimidated but the least safe I ever felt was behind the goal for the FA Cup 5th round at Stoke in '87. Crushed against the barriers for 2 hours and feet barely touched the floor. Worth if for the result of course. Ironically I felt a lot safer at the Leppings Lane end for the quarter final...
I remember exactly the same. Me and my mate both 16 at the time went to every round and it was our first real season of away games. I was doubled over a barrier for about 30 min and was so relieved when the half time whistle went as I couldnt have taken much more.

i remember two years later watching the tragedy at Hillsborough thinking that could have so easily been me at Stoke

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
I heard exactly the same from a Landlord of a pub in Peterborough (cant remember pub name) it was packed with City and ‘very lively but all good natured’ he’d been in the pub for 12 years so he’d obviously seen it all.
Told us Leeds we’re the worst by a mile, he could take £5000 in 3 hrs but wouldn’t put himself and staff through it ‘so had stayed shut for their previous visit, he was very complimentary about our lot though.
Cov seemed to take thousands there that day, think it was under Mowbray and Jon Stead scored the only goal.
Must have been Coleman that, I remember the game as we were on the cusp of going into the play-offs.


Well-Known Member
I had a couple of experiences at Highfield Road. I was about 16 during both.

For the first I was stood on the corner next to the Theatre One cinema waiting for mates and I was attacked by three Arsenal supporters. They'd have been in their mid-20s. I ran for it and they didn't follow - I guess they had an attack of conscience attacking a young kid 3 to 1.

The second time I got caught up in a group of Chelsea supporters being marshalled back to the station after a game - on my own, had got separated from my mates. Nothing happened but I remember trying to hide my scarf inside by jacket and being scared.

The only other time I recall trouble that was worrying was at Forest when some Forest fans had got above the away end and were pissing into the crowd.
Birmingham away and it was around November 5th. Never seen so many fireworks being thrown at us, bangers the lot. Shouldn't laugh but one lad watched the match with singed hair, he saw it as a badge of honour !


Well-Known Member
Does anyone remember Liverpool away in the League Cup about 1977,night game. We took about 8,000 fans and drew 2-2 . The scouse twats outside afterwards were trying to rob our jackets and coats. Loads of scuffles outside, and it took ages to get back to Cov afterwards, really thick fog. Didn't get home till about 3 in the morning and my Mum let me have the next day off school
This is referenced in a book I read,
The Boys From The Mersey ; ‘the story of the Annie road end’ by Nicholas Ault.
He lists it as the biggest away following they’d ever seen at Anfield 9000, and basically goes on to describe the night in a very similar fashion to yourself.


Well-Known Member
The worst ever situation I found myself in was around 1977 and nothing to do with football. Me and my mates were 15 year old punks and we used to go to Church discos at weekends. We weren't into fighting at all. There was one at Mary Mags near Hearsall Common quite often but this one was in Whitley. One of my mates got into an argument with a skinhead, who was evicted. 20 minutes later the Church Hall was surrounded by about 50 skinheads. They had to lock us in and call the Police.

When I was a bit older we'd go into town or to Roots Hall at Warwick Uni to gigs. Saw most of the local bands around that time, including paying 30p to see the Specials about a month before John Peel played Gangsters on his show and it all took off for them. Also saw The Cure; The Associates; Comsat Angels and Gong (under the name Here and Now) at Warwick Uni in those couple of years whilst I was doing A levels before I left Cov for good in 1981.

Deleted member 5849

Been lucky / observant in the main, and avoided most things. Molineux is indeed a horrible place to come out of.

On a specific sense, when living in Cardiff, came back from the Bristol City cup game after a night out, and happened to walk into the carriage with all the Spurs hooligans arranging their ruck with the soul crew! Lots of cockney chatting about the Old Bill in that pub etc etc. I pretended to be asleep... obviously impossible, but they clearly accepted I didn't want to be involved, and let me be. Problem was when we got into Cardiff, as a single man of the right age I was automatically assumed to be one of the Spurs hooligans, and was escorted to the ground whether I liked it or not! Managed to dive away at an opportune point, and then had to avoid the trailing Soul Crew on my way home. it was a ve-ry long walk...

Another time at Cardiff, a cup game, they got enraged by equalising in the last minute(!) had to plead with the police not to stick me on a coach back to Cov, as I lived in Cardiff. Another ve-ry long walk...

Oh yeah, friendly v Cardiff years ago, we accidentally went for a pint or two after the game in the Soul Crew's local. That was a mistake! Somehow we got out alive...

All in all, don't go to Cardiff is the motto.


Well-Known Member
Only thing I can think of is raining coins at Molineux. Don’t care where it is, rivalry or no, housing opposition fans above/below one another is beyond careless.
the Steve Bull Lower...........................piss and coins raining down on everyone. A bit like Sunderland last year according to them, "hoying" bottles and bags of shite onto their fans below, seems all fans are the same.


Well-Known Member
Leicester away Christmas 1984. Just passed my test and driving to an away game for the first time so parked close to Filbert Street. Went 1-0 up early on; massive Cov following going mad behind the goal. Lost 5-1 and the Leicester fans still kicked off and smashed milk bottles all the way along the main road to the ground in front of the City cars; helpfully the shopkeepers had left their crates of empty bottles outside the shops. Still happy to be inside the car rather than outside as I had 2 young kids with me who were terrified


Well-Known Member
Wasn't a football match as such. But as a student about 8 years or so ago. one Saturday afternoon. Was sat in the local student pub. When a bunch of Leicester fans came in for a drink. Despite the pub only being 10-15 mins away from King power. It dint realy get many football fans.

Suddenly the front door was smashed in and load of away fans(think it was Leeds) burst in the door and stormed the place. Only time I have ever seen bar stools go flying and people smashing others over the head with pool queues. Was like something out of a film.

The small group I was in just stayed seated and not one pint of ours was spilt impressive as we sat in the middle of the pub. with everything going on around us.

The fight was broken up by the smallest bar lady. Who had the biggest balls out of everyone in the pub. She dint give a shite.

Cov wise. I used to hate the walk back to carpark C at the Ricoh on a dark evening game. That underpass had trouble written all over it.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Wasn't a football match as such. But as a student about 8 years or so ago. one Saturday afternoon. Was sat in the local student pub. When a bunch of Leicester fans came in for a drink. Despite the pub only being 10-15 mins away from King power. It dint realy get many football fans.

Suddenly the front door was smashed in and load of away fans(think it was Leeds) burst in the door and stormed the place. Only time I have ever seen bar stools go flying and people smashing others over the head with pool queues. Was like something out of a film.

The small group I was in just stayed seated and not one pint of ours was spilt impressive as we sat in the middle of the pub. with everything going on around us.

The fight was broken up by the smallest bar lady. Who had the biggest balls out of everyone in the pub. She dint give a shite.

Cov wise. I used to hate the walk back to carpark C at the Ricoh on a dark evening game. That underpass had trouble written all over it.
What pub was it? The quay?

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
the Steve Bull Lower...........................piss and coins raining down on everyone. A bit like Sunderland last year according to them, "hoying" bottles and bags of shite onto their fans below, seems all fans are the same.

remember when we played them in the league cup and that kid in a motorised wheel chair came round the pitch with the Wolves mascot at half time.
Load of our support started giving the kid shit so the mascot gave them shit back so it kicked off with the mascot.
Meanwhile the poor kid was trying to bang his motorised chair in to top gear and get out of there as fast as possible, (which in this case was about 3mph).
Bang out of order but I'm not going to lie, I was pissing myself.


Well-Known Member
The last game of the season against Leeds when it kicked off in '98 all started when my brother and two of our mates ran on the pitch seconds before the final whistle. As they got to pretty much the end of the area from the West Terrace the were getting roundly booed by ground so started circling back when the ref blew the final whistle and everyone poured on.

I can remember running onto the pitch and being up in the other half congratulating Oggy when the roar went up and Leeds came on the pitch. We all ran over and there was some right lumps on the Leeds side. Always we remember this big bear of a Leeds fan with a big beard throwing haymakers left, right and centre before a city fan stuck him on his arse and the lad next to me, who was also a unit, volleyed him straight in the head. Not big or clever but was good to see at the time. Leeds then came on in more numbers and charged again and the majority of Cov backed off (myself included :ROFLMAO: ) before the Old Bill got control.

In the Telegraph the next week they released pictures of people they wanted to "speak to" and one of our mates who was the first to go on the picture and has the nickname "Nag" due to a couple of protruding features had no option but to hand himself in as there was absolutely no doubt who the picture was of!!! My brother also handed himself him and the Old Bill originally wanted to charge them with inciting a riot before this was dropped down to invading the field of play or something like that.


Well-Known Member
I heard exactly the same from a Landlord of a pub in Peterborough (cant remember pub name) it was packed with City and ‘very lively but all good natured’ he’d been in the pub for 12 years so he’d obviously seen it all.
Told us Leeds we’re the worst by a mile, he could take £5000 in 3 hrs but wouldn’t put himself and staff through it ‘so had stayed shut for their previous visit, he was very complimentary about our lot though.
Cov seemed to take thousands there that day, think it was under Mowbray and Jon Stead scored the only goal.

Jon Stead? Under Mowbray? You’ve blatantly got your seasons mixed up

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
The last game of the season against Leeds when it kicked off in '98 all started when my brother and two of our mates ran on the pitch seconds before the final whistle. As they got to pretty much the end of the area from the West Terrace the were getting roundly booed by ground so started circling back when the ref blew the final whistle and everyone poured on.

I can remember running onto the pitch and being up in the other half congratulating Oggy when the roar went up and Leeds came on the pitch. We all ran over and there was some right lumps on the Leeds side. Always we remember this big bear of a Leeds fan with a big beard throwing haymakers left, right and centre before a city fan stuck him on his arse and the lad next to me, who was also a unit, volleyed him straight in the head. Not big or clever but was good to see at the time. Leeds then came on in more numbers and charged again and the majority of Cov backed off (myself included :ROFLMAO: ) before the Old Bill got control.

In the Telegraph the next week they released pictures of people they wanted to "speak to" and one of our mates who was the first to go on the picture and has the nickname "Nag" due to a couple of protruding features had no option but to hand himself in as there was absolutely no doubt who the picture was of!!! My brother also handed himself him and the Old Bill originally wanted to charge them with inciting a riot before this was dropped down to invading the field of play or something like that.

A mate of mine who is sadly no longer with us was stewarding in the away end that day.
He had one lad giving him loads of shit and saying we're going on the pitch and there's fuck all you can do about it. My mate said you're going nowhere mate.
When the whistle blew and they all started to invade the pitch my mate laid this lad out and just stood by and let the rest of them get on with it.
Spoke on another thread about game/gig combos on the same day. Went to see Longpigs down the poly that night.


Well-Known Member
Yes they had bought a "mob" of 4 or 5 hundred.
There's a picture of them all stood outside of the Colin Campbell and there was hundreds of them!! Pretty sure they stopped off in Derby on the way home and smashed the place up there as well.

What I always remember this game for though was that some of their mob were sat in the bottom tier close to the West Terrace and all the shouts were going back and forth and there was this one particularly gobby twat with an SI jumper and Aquascutum hat on giving it loads. Your typical div and we had Dean Gordon playing left back at the time and he started giving it monkey noises. What he didn't realise was that there were a couple of black United lads close to him who you would suggest were their "proper mob" who got straight up and told him in no certain terms what they thought. I have never seen someone shit themselves so quickly in my life. The other two lads were seething. He sat straight down and he was probably with about 10 lads. I'd say no-more than about 5 minutes later the rest of the lads had melted and there was only 2 or 3 of them who continued to get glared out for the rest of the game from the other lads. :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
2 scary games for me. 1980 Watford away in LC QF. Out coach like many others delayed in traffic, got there 30 mins before KO the same time as a football special train. Must have been over a thousand fans crushed in a narrow passage way trying to access half a dozen turnstiles. As a 15 yo I was seriously scared as more and more fans kept arriving. Eventually the exit gates were broken down to relieve the crush although the police still tried to stop everyone getting in.

Then same season same competition at Upton Park. That was a really nasty night, fighting in our end all game and outside after. Coaches let go about 20 at a time unescorted. Needless to say they were all attacked. Brick hit window where my mate and I were but thankfully window didn’t smash, but plenty of others weren’t so lucky. Have hated their fans especially the celebrity ones ever since.

I was at the Watford game, got pinned against the terrace railings and broke two ribs couldn't breathe properly for weeks. So scary, then Hillsborough happened.


Well-Known Member
I think the worst I've seen at football was either Villa away multiple times in the 90's, or one of the games at home to Manchester United around the same time. I was not involved in that stuff but one of the pubs we used to drink in was the Brewer And Baker so obviously we saw and heard a lot. That particular day was quite eventful.

Although the maddest thing I was ever involved in was away from football and was during a night out in Lutterworth, when about a dozen of us from Bedworth ended up scrapping against most of their town.

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