SCG Meeting (3 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
They would have posted it , you drama queen.

Do bore off, the point I was making was that we have a ticket office manned by one person which has been closing at 2pm because she has to do the school run, hardly the workings of a "professional" football club.

Anyone that says otherwise must have given Fisher their login details.


Well-Known Member
He's nothing more than a SISU mouthpiece.

His position is that everything SISU are doing is fantastic and fully embraced by the majority of fans and anyone who disagrees should be banned from any engagement with the club.

The SCG minutes are testament to this.

If true, he needs voting off pronto !

Deleted member 5849

If true, he needs voting off pronto !

tbf he'd be more than entitled to his position ref: status of the club, whatever his position was... if he wasn't so keen to use his role as chair to air greavances rather than keep a meeting to its remit and agenda.

Jack Griffin

If true, he needs voting off pronto !

What vote, the membership is appointed. I get the distinct impression SBT (or any critical voice) would not have representation if the club could get away with it.


Well-Known Member
I get the distinct impression SBT (or any critical voice) would not have representation if the club could get away with it.

Totally agree.

The SCG are sponsored by the Chief Executive of CCFC, but they still claim to be independent!


Well-Known Member
Jan, can you ask them about opening the real ale bar? Football fans like decent beer as well. Cheers.

(ask them to ask Wasps)

Was open for most of the last few games of last year. Very nice it was too. Served by teenage fuckwits of course.

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Well-Known Member
I am going to meeting on Thursday and will try and bring up any questions people have and report answers back here. Personally I believe the SCG would have more relevance if supporters felt that it actually represented them rather than being viewed as a cosy old boys talking shop. Many groups are represented by various members but some members (myself included) represent no one. I think it members should be elected by their peers rather than simply because they turned up or were invited. It would be an idea to look at what happens at other clubs - take the best model and try and implement it here. It has never been more important for supporters to feel closer to the club, we have had a fraught and divisive few years and we need to put the past behind us and start building bridges if the club is to move forward and prosper. The SCG should be an important vehicle for fans but currently is viewed by many as irrelevant or ineffective.
Anyway either post questions here or PM me

The reason the SCG is all we have is mostly due to the abject failure of the Trust (founder A Jan) which has all but disappeared up its own hole DESPITE having an amazing 2500 members!
This includes;
Flip flopping between Sisu out and not out and NOPM
Failing to collect a measly one pound in membership fees for 2 years therefore having no funds to do anything.
Can't seem to organise any meetings.
Fooled by Haskell and therefore both looking like patsys AND pissing the club off once and for all.
Having no influence on return to the Ricoh.
Sucking up to Wasps like grinning idiots.

This, despite having a politburo of about 10 people. Quite an achievement . Makes the SCG (who influenced the new Ricoh seating arrangements) seem quite proactive.

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Well-Known Member
The reason the SCG is all we have is mostly due to the abject failure of the Trust (founder A Jan) which has all but disappeared up its own hole DESPITE having an amazing 2500 members!
This includes;
Flip flopping between Sisu out and not out and NOPM
Failing to collect a measly one pound in membership fees for 2 years therefore having no funds to do anything.
Can't seem to organise any meetings.
Fooled by Haskell and therefore both looking like patsys AND pissing the club off once and for all.
Having no influence on return to the Ricoh.
Sucking up to Wasps like grinning idiots.

This, despite having a politburo of about 10 people. Quite an achievement . Makes the SCG (who influenced the new Ricoh seating arrangements) seem quite proactive.

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That maybe so, but it doesn't make the SCG any better.


Well-Known Member
The reason the SCG is all we have is mostly due to the abject failure of the Trust (founder A Jan) which has all but disappeared up its own hole DESPITE having an amazing 2500 members!
This includes;
Flip flopping between Sisu out and not out and NOPM
Failing to collect a measly one pound in membership fees for 2 years therefore having no funds to do anything.
Can't seem to organise any meetings.
Fooled by Haskell and therefore both looking like patsys AND pissing the club off once and for all.
Having no influence on return to the Ricoh.
Sucking up to Wasps like grinning idiots.

This, despite having a politburo of about 10 people. Quite an achievement . Makes the SCG (who influenced the new Ricoh seating arrangements) seem quite proactive.

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Rubbish, as always you talk garbage and do not know true facts. At least Jan is not a coward and hides behind a keyboard, he has put his head on the block with good intentions.
He is not on the Trust Board.


Well-Known Member
I am going to meeting on Thursday and will try and bring up any questions people have and report answers back here. Personally I believe the SCG would have more relevance if supporters felt that it actually represented them rather than being viewed as a cosy old boys talking shop. Many groups are represented by various members but some members (myself included) represent no one. I think it members should be elected by their peers rather than simply because they turned up or were invited. It would be an idea to look at what happens at other clubs - take the best model and try and implement it here. It has never been more important for supporters to feel closer to the club, we have had a fraught and divisive few years and we need to put the past behind us and start building bridges if the club is to move forward and prosper. The SCG should be an important vehicle for fans but currently is viewed by many as irrelevant or ineffective.
Anyway either post questions here or PM me


1) Can you please update us as to the progress of the new stadium ?
2) What is the new time line for the new stadium to be built ?
3) With TM budget, will CCFC be self sufficient this season andnot have to rely on an injection from the owners ?
4) historically, fans are used to a forum before the start of the new season. Is there any reason why this hasn't been scheduled so far ?

that's a start
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Well-Known Member
1. Is it in the clubs hands to take the further +2 years at the Ricoh? i.e is this non negotiable with wasps. Is this deal on the same terms as now?
2. Have the club ever tried to negotiate a buy into acl with wasps?
3. When can fans see a layman's business model for new ground and plans for ground itself?
4. Do club plan to submit plan to rugby council by September?

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
.....having read all of this interesting stuff I have a confession ; I don't know what SCG stands for :pointlaugh:

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Consultative or Consultancy eh ?:thinking about:


Well-Known Member
What is the point of this old bollox every month or so......

...just a massive waste of time.....

Everyone involved in these meetings should just spend the equivalent time doing voluntary work instead.......far more valuable & productive

.....or just stare at the wall.....still far more valuable & productive.

In summary.....ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Well-Known Member
What is the point of this old bollox every month or so......

...just a massive waste of time.....

Everyone involved in these meetings should just spend the equivalent time doing voluntary work instead.......far more valuable & productive

.....or just stare at the wall.....still far more valuable & productive.

In summary.....ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Why not just resign your membership if that's how you feel?


Well-Known Member

Rubbish, as always you talk garbage and do not know true facts. At least Jan is not a coward and hides behind a keyboard, he has put his head on the block with good intentions.
He is not on the Trust Board.

What are the "true facts" then? Would love to know. I gave my opinion based on what I saw - not sure what is cowardly about that. Its a message board you oaf.


Well-Known Member
Jan certainly isn't a coward, he was quite open saying he didn't mind Wasps coming here and stating he couldn't give a "fuck" about their fans.


Well-Known Member
What are the "true facts" then? Would love to know. I gave my opinion based on what I saw - not sure what is cowardly about that. Its a message board you oaf.

Do not want to get off thread and I may well be an "Oaf" but do not hide that fact or of who I am.
Its people like you that stop a lot of fringe posters coming on this site as all you do is knock others, hide behind a silly name name and wander off into your own private world.

Firstly the Trust is over 12 years old and was not founded by Jan, he has only been a Trust member for a few years. He is not even on the Board of the Trust (although personally I wish he was). Jan was a major part of the two marches through the City and has always thrived to help anything that might help out the Football team and its supporters.

Our decisions on where we stand is decided by our members not us alone, I may not agree with every stance but I stand by the majority.

The £1 membership was in place before most of us were involved in the Trust, no reason to change it although we are looking at a system to possibly re new memberships. Why do we need excessive money anyway, we have a fighting fund for that and you will see from out accounts we do have money in the bank.

Haskell approached us, what would you say? "No thanks Mr Haskell we are not interested in talking to anyone" . Its in all our interest to talk to all and any party that shows an interest that might help our club.

As for the Wasps, so what if anyone wants to go to games, I go to Cov Rugby ( I have a Coventry RFC Shirt), been to the Ice Hockey, Cricket, Horse Racing even to a Super Bowl is that a crime. Also if Wasps want to talk to the Trust or anyone else we have to at least consider as to why not?


Well-Known Member
Do not want to get off thread and I may well be an "Oaf" but do not hide that fact or of who I am.
Its people like you that stop a lot of fringe posters coming on this site as all you do is knock others, hide behind a silly name name and wander off into your own private world.

Firstly the Trust is over 12 years old and was not founded by Jan, he has only been a Trust member for a few years. He is not even on the Board of the Trust (although personally I wish he was). Jan was a major part of the two marches through the City and has always thrived to help anything that might help out the Football team and its supporters.

Our decisions on where we stand is decided by our members not us alone, I may not agree with every stance but I stand by the majority.

The £1 membership was in place before most of us were involved in the Trust, no reason to change it although we are looking at a system to possibly re new memberships. Why do we need excessive money anyway, we have a fighting fund for that and you will see from out accounts we do have money in the bank.

Haskell approached us, what would you say? "No thanks Mr Haskell we are not interested in talking to anyone" . Its in all our interest to talk to all and any party that shows an interest that might help our club.

As for the Wasps, so what if anyone wants to go to games, I go to Cov Rugby ( I have a Coventry RFC Shirt), been to the Ice Hockey, Cricket, Horse Racing even to a Super Bowl is that a crime. Also if Wasps want to talk to the Trust or anyone else we have to at least consider as to why not?

all that sounds reasonable to me.


Well-Known Member
As promised some feedback to questions raised on here from last nights meeting (actually the most useful one for a long time as club/supporter matters were concentrated rather than outside attacks on third parties - be that the Trust or owners)

Overall picture is club is brassic - there have been massive cutbacks in non football related staff and the few that remain are doing dual roles, taken pay cuts etc. There is a budget but basically the club has been cut off from our owners to survive on its own, whether we like it or not or who we blame for us being in that situation I believe is no longer relevant nor really productive to keep regurgitating and keep finger pointing but sure some will carry on for decades to come. It was pointed out to Waggott by myself and Steve Brown that this is our club and we want it to survive and if the club needs help there is a pool of thousands of City fans some of whom would be willing to assist if they can - club needs to ask and a system established to communicate the clubs needs be it for a painter or someone to stuff envelopes or answer phones. Sure some will say its up to the owners to pay for it etc but the reality is they won't nor will they sell up and at present are not going anywhere so we can either sit back and watch the club sink further maybe beyond the point of no return or muck in together and try and keep it afloat as best we can until SISU decide to leave town.

Anyway specifics:

New Stadium: Being handled by Fisher and progress would be reported when there was something concrete to report. One site south of City and one site in Rugby area, although Waggott would not be drawn on question of was planning permission going to be asked for by September as had been alluded to by RBC. Basically club says it is still looking - believe what you choose to believe

Is club self sufficient? The current budget is based on self sufficiency - however this relies very heavily on ticket sales as this is the only real source of revenue the club has (along with corporate but that is another issue) When asked what would happen if there was a short fall the answer was not sell a player but that owners were duty bound to make it up at end of year as those were the terms of the club going forward as a going concern. So basically up a creek if tickets don't sell.

Club shop - for SCMP purposes our income has been cut because we can only count the royalties not the shirt sale anymore but Waggott hopeful an upturn in volume will make up some of the shortfall - initial sales results exceeded expectations of new partners. Also the programme has been outsourced so supplier now hires all sellers etc and club just receives a fixed amount for each programme sold.

Fans Forum - one is planned for August with Mowbray and Clapham - just trying to agree date venue etc with CWR

Ricoh 2+2 deal. The deal is on agreed outline terms but ACL do have right not to offer it to club. This is unlikely but possible but official negotiations have not yet begun - at present there is some problems with the corporate hospitality areas because ACL are treating CCFC as having rights to pitch, changing rooms and the eon lounge but little else so as club is not block booking suites etc (as dont want to take financial risk) ACL are selling these areas to other people (not for football but for other events). This is obviously hampering clubs ability to make necessary revenue but Waggott understands pressure ACL are under to maximise their revenue but it doesn't help CCFC. He is trying to get FL to be more flexible so we can rearrange fixtures that clash with other ACL events, such as the next Insomnia gaming weekend which clashes with the Southend match (I think) but at moment FL is not being too cooperative.

Real Ale: Waggott has asked ACL to ensure that more outlets are opened next season and will make specific request about real ale - will report back if I here anything concrete (or should that be liquid?)

Has club tried to buy percentage of ACL from Wasps? No

Why no easy terms pay scheme for season tickets? Club cannot get consumer credit licence - to be honest I missed the part of the meeting when this was discussed as I was stuck on M6 but that is the bottom line of why.

I also brought up the idea that we need to look at structure of SCG, looking at other clubs models, how members are appointed, etc and it will be an item for discussion although one club official did tell us we are lucky to have this level contact with the club and were privileged to have the SCG!

There were other matters discussed but these will be covered in the official minutes when they come out - hopefully this covers the specific questions people asked on here.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Jan. To be honest being cut off from the owners is the best news we could have and could be why positive things have started to happen this summer.


Well-Known Member
I get the impression again that they're getting the club ready for sale by stepping back and bringing in people who know what they're doing while making the club look as near as damn self sufficiant as they can. It's difficult to see what purpose TF & SW serve other than communicating between the ownwers and the people who know what they're doing. Surely that doesn't need both of them.
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Well-Known Member
Good stuff, sounds like a more constructive meeting than the last few!

Bit worrying that ACL can kick us out at the end of the season and seem to be, shall we say, not the most accommodating of landlords.

Not surprised to hear the FL aren't happy to keep moving fixtures. We know everything is at their discretion but it is a rule that FL clubs should have primacy.

Not confident the club are going to put an application in before the deadline RBC gave them. The little glimmer of hope that something might actually be happening would be gone then. South of the city would most likely be Ryton / airport way which will also be RBC so on the same deadline.

If they've budgeted on a certain level of attendance, 8K for example, what happens if 10K turn up every week. Will TM get more money to spend?


Well-Known Member
Can we stop making out that anyone making a point on the internet is automatically a coward hiding behind a keyboard? It's 2015, the entire world's online.

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