Why wouldn't somebody like this get sent to jail?
Why wouldn't somebody like this get sent to jail?
Why wouldn't somebody like this get sent to jail?
Answered within the article: 'Because of the minor nature of the offence...' and 'He had "never done anything like this before."'
Answered within the article: 'Because of the minor nature of the offence...' and 'He had "never been caught doing anything like this before."'
Christ, if a strange man like that tried to kiss my daughter and stroked her hair and didn't get sent down he would be wishing he was within a day or so.
Yep, means he is free to go and try it on with other people's kids. Wrong.
There are still kids in other places though!
Doesn't need to be at work though does it'But Judge Richard Griffith-Jones also made him subject to a sexual offences prevention order and banned him from working or seeking work bringing him into contact with children under 16.'
Doesn't need to be at work though does it